
I Thought This Was A Good Idea

@stungunmilly2 / stungunmilly2.tumblr.com

Mo, 34, they/them, disabled, fic reader and writer, I don't post very much.

there's not a lot you can count on in this world but one thing never changes

Classified information about Russia's Su-57 stealth aircraft has appeared on the War Thunder forums, the internet's clearing-house for secret military information powered entirely by that XKCD comic about people being wrong on the internet.

Yes, I am going to link to the aircraft and not the comic, because one you didn't know, and the other is in your head right now.

Have a glorious day.


I see your "Laios is trans" but that dude is THE most apathetically agender person on the planet. Laios does not have time for gender. Laios does not even HAVE a gender identity, he removed it to make room for more Monster Facts.


An addition to the saga of weird Elijah things during seders.

Transcript: a series of texts including a photo of a baby deer with spots peeking through a sliding glass door. A message follows saying “deer at the Seder”. The other person responds “Elijah?” In all caps.


morrowind is special because its lore and premise are in no way calculated, accessible, or marketable. it’s a game about stumbling around in the dark through a world that is utterly baffling and hostile. it is the work of unchecked occult nerds who spent half a decade working on a text-based game about dark elves aimed at nobody in particular. it’s ugly and misguided and boring in ways that wouldn’t be allowed to happen now. it’s irreplaceable

Anonymous asked:

i saw your art on twitter, it's very good but the fact you have minors following you while you draw literal witches ("creatures" practicing m*gic) is REALLY iffy

it's over. 17th century puritan philip wittebane has found my tumblr at last. sorry i failed you general

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