
The Fabulous Grudge


26, UK, female. Fan of all sorts. INFP -T personality. Quiet but crazy, things even out! Aegosexual 💜🖤🤍

why was this so sweet, what did he expect people to say, "no mr. brian may from the band queen, you do NOT have permission to play the sea shanty, put down the guitar and go back to the astrophysics" like,,,, what a silly goose


"no mr brian may from the band queen, we absolutely do not want you to play sea shanties for us on your guitar so that we can all pretend we're Freddie Mercury, please stop asking"

this is such a weird vibe. the glasses on a chain hanging around his neck. the extremely 80s hair, but grey and grandpa-esque. the angle. the couch. the soft fuzzy blanket. the simply drum beat in the background. the absolute PHENOMENAL guitar. what a vibe.


There is nothing about this that has not filled me with squee.

Excuse you, that is DOCTOR Brian May. The man did not return to Imperial College after a thirty year break for you to disrespect him like this.



(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby.  I got yo flower.”

i found it

the original post

i found it

this should have the opportunity to be on everyone’s blog. 

*tour guide voice*

and here on the left ladies and gentlemen, you see one of the posts before everyone went batshit crazy

World Heritage Post


Everyone here is dead.


Dolly Parton has come to do a show in my town. We couldn't afford tickets, so me and my mom sold my stepdad so we could go.

It turned out that we sold him to Dolly Parton, she made him sing with her and then she gave him back.


I threw my short, blonde hair into a messy bun before putting on my cowboy boots. I stared at my big blue orbs in the mirror and sighed. I'm nothing like the other step-dads in town. I'm different. I like to mow the grass.

"Stupid man!" I heard my stepdaughter yell, and I quickly hurried down the stairs to see my wife and stepdaughter standing there, arms crossed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We need money for concert tickets, so we're selling you." My wife roared.

I felt tears flow down my rosy red cheeks as I held my Horse Monthly magazine to my chest.

"Howdy honey!" Someone's voice drawled from behind me. I turned around

"Dolly Parton!?" I gasped.

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