
no longer active

@rainydaysghost / rainydaysghost.tumblr.com

the artist formerly known as beckett. can now be located at @beckettsthoughts

the end

this is the end of the queue. there aren’t going to be any more posts on this blog. for those who haven’t already asked or otherwise stumbled upon me elsewhere, my new blog is @beckettsthoughts

it will be run almost exactly as this blog is run, focusing on the same topics with interludes from my actual life. 

i’m sorry it had to come to this. i admit, i wasn’t planning on switching accounts until personal stuff went down and i felt unsafe on this account. i did my best to block and otherwise circumvent the issues i was facing and it wasn’t working, so i moved account. that’s also why i didn’t publicise the new url in the first place. i hope you’ll follow me at the new blog- it was never my intention to cut anyone off or lose all the followers who I care about so much. i’m sorry to anyone who was too anxious to message or send an ask and were therefore kept in the dark until now. 

so i guess it’s goodbye from me at this address. i won’t be deleting this blog and it will remain online as long as i can keep it so, the content on here is as important to me as it always has been. i hope you’re behind me on this, i’m trying to see it as kind of a new beginning.


adhd is great because i open all these fucking tabs “for later” but then later im like “what the fuck are all these tabs open for”


dear ADHD students: having a high GPA and getting As is not the only kind of academic success. if you struggled with something and succeeded, whether it be passing a course, going to class, turning in an assignment, or completing work before the deadline, that’s an academic success and it’s no less valid than any other kind. allow yourself to be proud when you accomplish something. your work is meaningful.


pls message me

over at @utter-gibberish if you want my new account details, or send me an ask off-anon and I’ll answer you privately. i’m happy for anyone who follows me now to follow me on this new account, and i’d love to hear from you if you’re interested :)


life update

i am no longer going to be using this blog. the queue will run its course over the next couple of months and i will not be deleting the account, but i am no longer going to be using it actively.

if you want to know where to find me on other social media, please send an ask off-anon or message me on @utter-gibberish so i can give you the details

my mental health has honestly just hit a rock bottom these last couple of weeks and being on here is started to become more negative than positive. i am increasingly anxious and paranoid and activity on this blog has begun to give me panic attacks as well. this is the first time in my life i’ve felt unsafe here and, because of where i live, unsafe pretty much everywhere offline as well, including my own home. 

please know that i am alright physically and hope to remain that way, so there’s no worry concerning my physical health or overall existence. as much as i would love to get rid of it entirely, it looks like i’m here to stay.


I’m just so tired of autistic children’s right to privacy being completely disregarded. I know this has been said many times before, but when are people going to start taking notice? To show kids on film having meltdowns, self-injuring, having adults reveal their personal information and talk about how hard they are to deal with as if they aren’t even there…how the fuck can anyone defend that?!

(I was going to make this a fancy proper post of its own, but I’m tired and not wording things properly. Hope you don’t mind if I tack on a list here instead.)

Things you should not share online if you respect your autistic child’s privacy:

  • Their full name. Use a pseudonym, or their middle initial, or something else relatively anonymous. Do not link your child’s full name to their diagnosis.
  • Posting a parent’s full name + posting the autistic child’s first name = posting the autistic child’s full name.
  • Do not link your child’s picture to their diagnosis either.
  • Pictures or videos of them having a hard time. (Why are you videotaping this at all? Unless you need the video to show to a therapist or someone else who can use that information to help, put down the camera or phone and help your kid.)
  • “Oh, but I want other parents to be able to see what an autistic meltdown looks like!” No. There are already videos of that online posted by autistic people who have consented to it. You don’t need to add one of a person who hasn’t consented, or is too young to understand what they’re agreeing to.
  • Details on your child’s meltdowns, self-injurious behavior, or negative coping skills that are linked to their full name and/or picture. I’m pretty understanding of this stuff being posted anonymously, though, because a lot of times parents are looking to get information on how to help their child.
  • Anything about their puberty, toileting, menstruation, masturbation, or other personal details. If you need help, resources, or to vent, there is a way to do it privately.
  • Information on any kind of abuse or serious mistreatment your child may have gone through. Period. Do not share an abuse survivor’s story without their explicit and informed consent.
  • Things you would not want shared about you, or things you would not share about a neurotypical child.

It does not matter how old your child is, whether they use the internet, or whether they know you have posted these things.

Their disability does not mean they are less deserving of privacy than other people are.


Does anyone else get fast-burn special interest? Like Nitrous, it burns away super fast and before you know it its gone but while its active it is ALL that your mind can think about?

some nt: im so autistic lol
everyone: *laughs*
me, an Actual Autistic: im so autistic lol
everyone: umm can u not say that it is romanticizing a mental illness and really harmful for ppl who actually suffer from this and u are being so disrespectful omg

Gaining weight does not make you a worse person, and losing weight doesn’t make you a better one. Your weight is not a reflection of your worth.


please remember that if you think your friends are astoundingly beautiful and that you are ugly: studies show that friends choose each other based on similar levels of attractiveness. in other words: you’re just as beautiful as your best friend!! not only that! but your best friend chose you because they find you supportive and possessing of traits that make you an excellent human (such as kindness). please remember that you are not a burden! they’re there for you because they know you’ll be there for them too! friendships are based on a perception of this emotional support equality! :) 

you are surrounded by lovely people because you, too, are lovely! and that’s not just me saying it! it’s science saying it, too.


start giving a fuck about genderqueer autistic people 2k17

stop thinking that all genderqueer people are allistic 2k17

stop thinking that are autistic people are cis or binary 2k17


The number one thing people say when I mention my diagnosis :’)

Autism isn’t visible! It’s a complicated disorder that’s inside our brains, and everyone with autism is different! There’s very little understood by professionals and even less by most people, it’s important to learn there’s more than just the stereotype! Fellow people on the spectrum, be you! 💕

autistic person: *can type*
allistics: see?? they're High-Functioning, they can clearly speak in any and all situations, they dont need a caretaker, and they know all the social rules!! also they excel in math and can solve a rubik's cube in 2.68 seconds !

shoutout to people with adhd shoutout to people with adhd who are lgbtq+ shoutout to people with adhd who having hyperfixations shoutout to people with adhd who are super impulsive shoutout to people with adhd who stim shoutout to people with adhd who also have autism shoutout to people with adhd who struggle with anger management shoutout to people with adhd who didn’t get diagnosed until they were older because they did ok in school im proud of u

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