
My Random Tumblr

@cust-e / cust-e.tumblr.com

I do some creative things that I'll post occasionally. Feel free to send me asks. They/them ace/aro

absolutely deeply unserious posts coming out lately

like it's probably bait too

even if it's in good faith(unlikely), it's like there is sooo much well documented history on trans people that it's unreal when people say shit like this. so many cultures around the world have a trans identity (two spirit, kathoey, hajira, public universal friend, etc, etc) that is unreal and ignorant to say it's a modern thing. the post also reeks of like essentialism and trans medical vibes

Anonymous asked:

Re: not tagging queer as a slur, queer being reclaimed. “Queer” is still used as a form of violence, often alongside physical violence, in many parts of the world. For many people, queer being ‘reclaimed’ doesn’t negate the trauma they’ve experienced involving the word. Not everyone personally wishes to identify with something that’s hurt them or something they feel doesn’t adequately describe them. Insisting that everyone use the word queer and identify that way IS ignoring both our history and present. There is no universal, one-size-fits-all timeline for the community, least of all one that revolves solely around the USA, and it’s pretty hurtful to ignore the nuance of people’s lived experiences. The power of queer, like anything that’s been reclaimed, is that it IS a slur, and its historical context is being used to empower its target. People have to be free to make that choice, and people who proudly use queer have to accept that this isn’t somehow more progressive than choosing to divest from it.

thank you for saying something. i’m not sure what to think about this quite yet so im gonna think on it.


k my gut reaction was, this doesn’t sit well with me, but i had to take a second to think about why.

1) every slur is used for violence and queer is still used as a slur in america. and so is dyke, faggot, and tranny. and everyone who uses these slurs to self identify has been the target of these slurs as violence at some point.

2) there is a difference between slurs being used in violence and slurs being used to self-identify. i will call myself a tranny but if someone yells it at me walking down the street, that is violence and it can be hurtful. it HAS been hurtful. but that is something that was hurtful to me and i cannot stop anyone else from using tranny to identify themselves just because of my trauma.

3) the post was MY post about being queer and the queer community. people are reblogging my post and tagging “q slur” is the equivalent of me going up to a stranger who identifies as a tranny and has done the work to reclaim it for themselves and saying “don’t say tranny around me because it hurts me to hear it”. i don’t have a relationship with that stranger. i have absolutely no right to tell them how to identify themselves. and me going up to them and saying “i need a trigger for this slur” isn’t setting a boundary, it’s just projection of my trauma.

4) this is MY label and i am speaking to MY community. even if you agree, it costs you nothing to just move on instead of labeling my usage of queer to identify myself.

this isn’t about ethnocentrism, this isn’t about failing to be progressive, this is about someone taking my identity and the words i use to describe my identity and labeling it as offensive to someone who might see it. and i hate that.

i don’t need everyone in the world to use the word queer but i do need everyone who interacts with me to know that i won’t let them project their trauma on me. i’m dealing with my own shit and they need to deal with theirs.

in my house, queer is not a slur. it’s who i am. if you don’t like it, gtfo.


Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.

It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.

no white gay boy will ever reblog this, watch:

no white gay will reblog this

no white lgb person will reblog this

Without Stonewall, without the efforts of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the LGBTQ Community wouldn’t be where it is today. Don’t forget the roots, don’t forget the catalyst.

and then TERFs wanna be like, “hmm well the LGBT community existed before Stonewall!”

but like…Becky, of course LGBTQ+ people existed before Stonewall. We’ve all existed since the beginning of time. But the movement got a shock to its senses, a jump-start, a rocket-into-space when that glass shattered via Marsha P. Johnson, and when Sylvia Rivera was up on-stage protesting guess who was on the sidelines heckling her?

The same fuckers who won’t ever reblog or acknowledge this


My apologies to the original poster as I photo captured this post to add to the thread-I reposted this last year for pride and expect to repost it every year I have left-it’s our history people.


Marsha P. Johnson allegedly died of suicide in 1992, and her death was never investigated. Even I, a mere prole, could catch the “she was murdered” vibes from the circumstances surrounding the discovery of her body.

Without a trans black woman, LGBT+ rights would not exist. Never forget. Never “pay it no mind”.



I recommend listening to this if you can. You can hear Marsha herself talk about her life and the movement. This podcast also has episodes with Sylvia Rivera. This history is not lost and white queer people need to make the effort to learn it too


The Panthers used to ride around and follow the police.

So the cops would pull over some sorry black person, and get ready to rough him up, but then there were the Panthers right behind them. Watching, armed to the teeth, and citing legal statutes. It’s inspirational.

Bring it back.

Bring this back.


For real.

That’s why the FBI broke them up, isn’t it ?


That among other community initiatives. They had weapons training, self defense, their free breakfast program and ran a newspaper. They raised money to pay for bail and legal funding for people. And they used to notify the community of their rights and encourage people to know the laws and protest the one which were unjust. That type of shit irked the local police and damned sure struck a nerve with the FBI. They were taking back the streets and providing the protection the police were never interested in bringing to their neighborhoods from the very start. So it’s always fuck the FBI for me.

To be more specific they were communists distributing and teaching communist theory to their communities. Their organization also functioned and was organized by Marxism. And within that context it was Very Bad for the Black Panthers to be doing a better job of taking care of their communities than capitalists were.

For example, aside from aiming to monitor and end police brutality they also cared Deeply about their communities. So much that they also provided healthcare which included ambulances and vaccines. Black neighborhoods often had to wait Way longer for ambulances when necessary so the Black Panthers stepped up. They even had free clinics-funded by donations and ran by professionals- that provided some basic services that Black people were being underserved in.

Each local chapter was responsible for raising funds for its clinic from local businesses, churches, and healthcare professionals. Trusted volunteer professionals staffed the free clinics. These professionals included physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab technicians, and medical students who also trained community members to staff the clinics as lab technicians, patient advocates, and community health workers.
[…]PFMCs primarily provided first aid and basic services such as childhood vaccinations and screenings for high blood pressure, lead poisoning, tuberculosis, and diabetes. In 1971 PFMCs began community education and screening of sickle cell anemia, a genetic disease mainly affecting people of African ancestry.

Free breakfast in school?

Also the Black Panthers. They saw hungry kids who were getting bad grades and falling asleep and decided to feed them to see if it helped. It did. So much so that schools and governments started implementing it.

Free Breakfast For School Children was one of the most effective. It began in January 1969 at an Episcopal church in Oakland, and within weeks it went from feeding a handful of kids to hundreds. The program was simple: party members and volunteers went to local grocery stores to solicit donations, consulted with nutritionists on healthful breakfast options for children, and prepared and served the food free of charge.
School officials immediately reported results in kids who had free breakfast before school. “The school principal came down and told us how different the children were,” Ruth Beckford, a parishioner who helped with the program, said later. “They weren’t falling asleep in class, they weren’t crying with stomach cramps.

Between healthcare, Marxism, providing food, monitoring police, and showing everyone that aid could be provided through voluntary donations and free of cost to those receiving it….

The Black Panthers were dangerous to capitalism.

(Wikipedia: Free Breakfast for Children, accessed 12 May 2024)


I'm just gonna slide this on in here for anyone that is interested in preserving old games. They take it very seriously too, they want an archive of every single game. Like, they have lists of every game ever released for a system, and once that system gets old enough, they add it to their archive and start collecting. Their latest addition was the Xbox 360, they opened that vault up in September 2022, and proudly announced they'd finished their collection of games for it back in April.

Also, while their game archives are almost entirely complete, they've got another project of archiving the manuals that came with those games, and that is... considerably less well filled out. Their collection of Xbox 360 manuals is especially rough, they've only gotten manuals for three games. So if you've got some Xbox 360 games kicking around, and the manual's still with them, please consider scanning them and submitting them to the site!

Game preservation is important, but people rarely consider preserving the manuals as well; I really respect Vimm's Lair for being so thorough in their archival work.


also very very important is the Video Game History Foundation. Set up by Frank Cifaldi, they attempt to gather as much material as possible from games when archiving them (source code, manuals, box art, promo materials, publications, etc). Due to the work of the foundation, they have more material and games archived than the Library of Congress. Let that sink in.

Unlike the film industry, which has a large portion of films and prints at the LoC, the games industry still hasn't seen the value or importance of archiving; which gets more difficult in a mostly digital era. (Check out the documentary 'Not for Resale: a game store documentary' for a more in-depth look about this) Lots of games being online only or playable only in a certain context provides difficulty for archivists. Like how do you go about preserving the game and experience of Pokemon Go? It doesn't come in a box and the context of the game is defined by the social interactions you make while playing.

Source: twitter.com
Wojcicki and her deputies know this. In recent years, scores of people inside YouTube and Google, its owner, raised concerns about the mass of false, incendiary and toxic content that the world’s largest video site surfaced and spread. One employee wanted to flag troubling videos, which fell just short of the hate speech rules, and stop recommending them to viewers. Another wanted to track these videos in a spreadsheet to chart their popularity. A third, fretful of the spread of “alt-right” video bloggers, created an internal vertical that showed just how popular they were. Each time they got the same basic response: Don’t rock the boat.
The company spent years chasing one business goal above others: “Engagement,” a measure of the views, time spent and interactions with online videos. Conversations with over twenty people who work at, or recently left, YouTube reveal a corporate leadership unable or unwilling to act on these internal alarms for fear of throttling engagement.
Wojcicki would “never put her fingers on the scale,” said one person who worked for her. “Her view was, ‘My job is to run the company, not deal with this.’” This person, like others who spoke to Bloomberg News, asked not to be identified because of a worry of retaliation.

More journalism on youtube

An example of how profit-centered culture grows fascists like mold on bread


idk what this post is or isn't, but ig i will just say that revisiting media years later which you once thought was good or enjoyed is such a coin flip at times. like sure you can find the good parts you remembered and loved and even see things you missed as a baby, but the bad parts really really suck

additional context/example:

i was bored and decided i would start rewatching mst3k and this time to watch it all. i only ever saw a handful of episodes of the years and of the ones i saw, they were mostly fine when i occasionally watched them again.

a new appreciation for the show and it's craft opened up as i started watching. lots of references are dated, more so now. what really stands out most and deflates me, is jokes that punch down and the terribly bigoted ones.

like there is some pretty ignorant and also objectively racist, fatphobic, and transphobic jokes in the series. i was watching an episode the other day and like, there is this transphobic joke out of nowhere that really snuck up and shocked me. (a similar experience happened last week as my partner and i were going through Simpsons and heard another transphobic joke)

it's really sad when you see these things in media you appreciate or respect. like is most media flawed in some regard? sure. can you enjoy media while still holding it accountable to it's flaws? yes. do you keep watching a media that feels like it has betrayed you? i don't know. i think it depends on the person and their reason for viewing the media.

i'm certainly reconsidering my watch of the whole mst3k series now, but for now i'll still have my episodes that are okay and familiar

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