
Rimmy Timblr


I also reblog game grumps, critical role, and ocs, main blog is foster-in-the-city, small drawing by the-eevee-experiment, blacklist is rh

I know rooster teeth had a whole fucking host of problems and haven't watched their stuff in years but I still shed a tear for another day another internet group getting bought out by big media companies because "they're successful" and then being shut down because they don't make enough profit for wall street. let things stay small. not everything needs to be contract deals and billboards the beauty of the internet should be that there's thousands of little things for people to find the niche they like, not that anything that becomes popular is obviously the next big franchise and we need to throw millions of dollars at it. We live in an era where big companies are taking everything small from us. Heardle getting bought out by Spotify and then shut down bc they realized it cost more than it made. capitalism and the Internet are not built for each other.


literally so obsessed with young neil it's not even funny HERE HAVE SOME HEADCANONS :DD

  • this dumbass's only hobbies are sleeping, playing video games, and ordering door dash
  • he's the kind of guy to shmoke weed and become intelligent
  • like yknow how he's very "no thoughts, head empty"?? he gets one hit and "have you ever thought about how we don't actually know anything for sure becomes humans made it up?"
  • does kinda progressive things without realizing they're progressive if that makes sense
  • "wait what do you mean painting my nails is breaking gender norms?? i just like this color........"
  • doesn't know the quadratic formula or how to use it, but he can show you all the secrets in legend of zelda: ocarina of time
  • he's the guy who always order chicken tenders and fries at any restaurant (his go-to sauce is ranch because he's correct)
  • he's insanely good at drawing dragons
  • he fucking loves dragons
  • definitely autistic
  • he's kissed more dudes than he has chicks
  • his first kiss actually was a dude
  • he has like, the world's most incredible luck and he doesn't even realize it
  • him n todd kick it sometimes
  • being on the movie set together made them become homies
  • also todd's a talker and neil is a great listener :3
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