
prince aura

@flowereunwoo / flowereunwoo.tumblr.com

Your go to Eunwoo fanboy, Dae!


노란꽃이폈어~~!!😶 가을이 왔니 벌써 ㅎㅎ #아스트로 #달작 #아로하 #감기조심하라고 #백번말할꺼에요!! #후쿠오카


Yellow flowers has bloomed~~!!😶 Fall is already hereㅎㅎ #Astro #MoonPhotographer #Aroha #BewareOfCold #I'mGonnaWarnYou100times!! #Fukuoka

trans via astrodaily






Wow. This is something I never expected to achieve. I have no words for how happy I am that so many people rely on this trash blog for information and pictures and other general quality posts. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: this blog wasn’t intended to be a big fan blog. I made this blog back in December, the day I learned about Astro, and I was going to use it just to spam post so I wouldn’t flood my personal blog with photos. But then this blog started gaining followers out of seemingly nowhere (though I guess those wallpapers I made were what drew people in) and I started to take it more seriously and I can’t believe where the blog is now. We do giveaways and we organized a project and I’m so glad that I can introduce people to Astro and help already-fans communicate with Astro and keep up with them. If you go to our archive and travel all the way back to February, you’d see that we were just doing a giveaway for 1K followers at the time of debut. This blog has gained 3,000 amazing fans since around debut and I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.

Thank you to all the people that I’ve met since discovering Astro. I’ve made some amazing friends and I’ve gotten to know the names and faces of people behind blogs for a change and I’ve had the amazing opportunity of working together to bring an idea to life for Astro.

Thank you to all of you, followers (who may or not be reading this because I’m writing quite a bit), for sticking around through theme changes and the mess this blog is occasionally. Thank you for not unfollowing during the spam of posts that sometimes occurs. (I’m sorry for that, really, but I can’t help myself when new pictures come out!) Thank you for supporting this blog and myself and the other admin here.

Here’s where it gets mushy.

To Admin S, the Shans, Shannon (@tak-uya, guys, go follow her), thank you. I honestly don’t know how I would’ve gotten this blog to where it is now without your help. You were added to the blog to help with ships initially, I think, maybe, but it’s been amazing having you around. I’ve loved becoming your friend and the help you’ve given me on this blog is insane. I mean, who would’ve taught me how to work themes and html? I sure as heck wouldn’t have taught myself how to do it. You’ve contributed so much to this blog and sometimes I’m just in awe. (I’m also sometimes in awe of how much you love MJ, wow.) Anyway, thank you. I can’t say thank you enough. I hope we stick together on this blog for a long, long time, and I know we’ll always be friends.

To Admin A, Ani (are you okay, are you okay Ani~??), Andrea (@moon-hyuks, go follow her too, please, she’s great), thank you. You, I know, started out on the blog to help with ships but it’s been amazing. I’m not sure when you’ll get to read this since you’re in China (hurry and get back so we can yell ideas at each other), but it’s been amazing having you on the team. You have had some amazing ideas for projects (that we WILL do in the future) and your input on even the smallest of things is always great to have around. Thank you for sticking around and dealing with me all this time! I hope my Bin spams and headcanons won’t make you quit being an admin~

Thank you to our two amazing affiliated blogs, @astrodaily and @astromembersnet ! It’s been a blast and I’m so thankful for having people around who love Astro just as much as I do, and will support anything and everything that is good for these boys and their fans. Let’s keep this going, yeah?

Shoutout to the following blogs for being amazing people, and for always being an open place for myself and Arohas. Seriously, you made the fandom what it is and I can’t thank you enough. I know I don’t talk to you guys on a personal level but I love seeing your posts about Astro on my dash. These posts have been there since pre debut and I really, really hope they continue for a long time. Stay awesome! @ashtro-naut || @asterocky || @astrongloveforeunwoo || @candyjinwoo || @cinnamonbin || @dancingbin || @dorkstro || @flowereunwoo || @jinjinisasinsin || @maninthemoonbin || @moonbin-osaur || @myungjun || @nvm-astro || @puppyjinjin || @rockybin || @sanhasmol || @shootingastro || @trastro

And, finally, to Astro. Which is lame because I know they won’t ever read this, but I have to say it anyway. Without you, Astro, none of this would’ve happened. I am so happy to have been brought together with so many incredible people through our love for you. Where would I be without Astro? Probably lonely, probably bored most of the time, probably nowhere near as proud of anybody or anything as much as I am of Astro.

Thank you everybody for the love and support you’ve given this blog. I can’t say thank you enough.

-From Admin M



So since ASTRO’s debut, there has only been one admin solely working on With-ASTRO. Because of this, translations, SNS updates, pictures, and posts in general have been delayed.

So, the head admin here, Madi, has decided to reopen hiring submissions. We really urge you to apply for a position. I will read every submission. If you are picked please keep an eye out on Tumblr/your SNS/Kakao. A deadline will be announced gauging the amount of submissions I receive. (Please note: 2 moderators is a minimum. The same goes for translators.)

We’re also hiring translators, but you can read about that on the post. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

I would really appreciate some help on this blog since it’s been just me since day one (I got abandoned to say the very least).

If I do not recieve submissions, With-ASTRO will be forced to close down.

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