
@lialaufeysonshine / lialaufeysonshine.tumblr.com

Loki made me drop my croissant .

even with those four numbers there are countless possible combinations good luck with figuring out which one is the right one you punk


*straightens calculator*

It’s pretty likely that it’s a four digit number, and as there are four digits chosen there, that means that there cannot be any repetition. This mean that there are:

n!/(n-4)! possible orders. As ‘n’ is 4 (number of digits available). 4!/0! which becomes 4x3x2x1/1 which simplifies to 24. That means that there are 24 possible combinations of codes. This would take you about two or three minutes to input all possible codes.

Unless an alarm goes off if you don’t get it right in 3 tries

*straightens calculator again*

Kick the fucking door in

well ‘technically’ the code is most likley 1970. statistically, a majority of people, when told to choose a 4 digit code will choose their birth year. and this key pad is obviously a few years old to put it nicely, thats most likley it. 

some sherlock holmes shit just went down over here

No, no, no. Don’t base your deductions of psychology. Let’s talk chemistry. When you first press a button, there’s more of the natural oils on your skin, and therefore it wears down the numbers on the keys faster. Obviously 0 is the first one, then. Try 0791 first.

Sherlock out.


it got better

and this is why the sherlock fandom could either rule the world or end it….

Close, but not quite, I think. People will almost always choose a number they can remember. What’s memorable about 0791? Try 0719 - a birthday, 19th of July. That is more likely.

Those deductions are great and all, but unnecessary.

The light is green.

The door is already open.

And that’s why we have a John Watson.

This is “top 10 favorite posts” level.

Omg, it’s actually on my dash! This post is like a fossil!


Loki peacing out with the tesseract to cause mayhem in some other timeline was my fave part

Mine too, I hate being in suitcases


Do they flip roles each generation?



YES!!! I wrote a post about this a year ago and I’m so happy someone finally made a gifset about it! This is perfection! Well done!


You can be anything you dream, little Thor.

I know the timeline is off but I like to picture them that way :D

Actually!!! In Ragnarok, when Hela cuts Thor’s eye she said, “Now you remind me of dad” - Odin lost his eye during the battle on Jotunheim, just before taking Loki. So, Hela was banished ***after*** Thor and Loki came into the family! But early on enough that they have no memory of her. Perhaps Hela even plotted to kill the princes off as children, seeing them as threats to her inheritance and that’s when Odin decided to drawn the line and banish her.


could u imagine if ppl talked about catholicism the same way they talked about like… indigenous ppl’s religions….

girl in horror movie holding a bible open: “according to legend, a mob tortured a half-man, half-god, and nailed him to a wooden cross, leaving him to starve to death. But days later, on this very night, they found he had clawed his way out of the grave. Now those who believe lie in wait for him to rise again, To honour him, they have weekly gatherings where they chant and sing, and at the end of it they eat his flesh and blood.”

girl’s friend: “wow.. thats so creepy…”

horror movie jock: “it’s only a myth, don’t worry”


This hoe just described parenthood thinking she came up with a spicy take.

Except, you know, if a man impregnates a woman and bails there’s nothing legally obligating him to see the pregnancy through like there now is for women in many states. 


I hate when a woman says she hates something about her body and a man says “I’d still fuck” like that’s suppose to magically clear up my skin and elevate my self esteem.

Plus men will fuck anything. There are men in a mountain somewhere fucking goats cause they gussy is tight. Bye



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