
Fictional Fangirl

@sci-fibitch-blog / sci-fibitch-blog.tumblr.com

Shakira|16|Bisexual|Aussie|Hufflepuff|Most of the things I post are rebloged

rick riordan off the shits

rick riordan made his bones with pretty vanilla YA fantasy and then when he was too successful to stop hit em with the Muslim valkyries and the genderfluid homeless teenagers

Rick Riordan’s “vanilla YA fantasy” series was written for his son with ADHD and dyslexia because there weren’t any books about kids with learning disorders. He “made his bones” on representation, you just didn’t notice because disabled people don’t count.


The Death Cure Deleted Scene: Gally, Thomas and Newt run to escape a train.

(Thomas’s face when he thinks he lost Newt though)


“one good lung” 😂😂😂


If a girl is to do the same superman thing where he takes off his disguise, we just look pervy. Not the same effect

First of all: bullshit.

Secondly: If you are not doing the Linda Carter spin, then you’re doing it wrong.


how did you do that so smoothly? 

thats some broadway musical shit

But seriously, I think I love you.

heck no, i’m callin dibs

Sorry friend, thatseanguyblogs called dibs first. ;) 


By the way, folks… We’re super engaged. Just fyi. :P


Well, we never got around to making a wedding gif, but still super-married and loving it. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I mean … how can you not reblog? 

I couldn’t NOT Reblog !

This makes me happy! Good for them!



I’ve cried through that book in less than 24 hours and I’d just like to point a few things out…

Thomas admits Newt is “the one he liked most of all of them”

Newt tripped over Thomas and they fall to the floor “both laughing, legs and arms tangled”

Newt has been calling Thomas Tommy since they were nine

Newt brings only Thomas to group B when he wants to see his sister

Thomas always talks about his friends as in “Newt and the others”

Thomas is decided to safe his friends, especially Newt. “I’m coming for you, Newt”

Thomas keeps watching almost only the monitors and screens that show Newt in the Maze

Thomas’ Heart breaks when Newt tries to kill himself.

Thomas keeps worrying about Newt not being immune.

Newt is the person to first pop into Thomas’ head whenever he wonders about why he’s doing this.

Thomas’ thoughts keep wandering off to Newt in the Maze, even when he’s with teresa.

They’ve been best friends since they were young. And they go back to sharing that connection after wverything they’ve been through even though they can’t remember.

i don’t care if they’re just besties

Newtmas is real


i’ve been on this site for 7 years i know damn well it’s not gonna get deleted. i’m not even a little nervous. not even god could kill this site


The most beautiful thing you will look today

3 years it took this girl to turn this piece of truck garbage into her home and it was beautiful. 😍😮 Have a good trip!

Source: trasemc

if you inboxed me and I never responded…


i know this is for folks with social anxiety (etc) and i have my own anxiety but usually it doesn’t manifest in this way

but you know what


i AM ignoring your text/dm

because boundaries are important. and me not wanting to engage in a conversation now, or ever, is not a sign i care about you less.

it means i don’t want to engage in that conversation

the internet is wonderful and glorious and i can record a podcast with my best friend who lives 12 time zones away on the literal other side of the globe and we can chat when one of us wakes up and the other is about to go to sleep and i LOVE how accessible you can be with 8 chat apps at your fingertips.

but it’s not how we evolved, and it’s okay to not want to talk. that’s enough of a reason.


okay they’re all best friends don’t try to change my mind

btw Wade is totally dead now so RIP stupid man

insp (x)


full offense but we will rock you by queen is 10000% a gay rights anthem and straight people dont have any rights to the song sorry :/

“Buddy, you’re a young man, hard man Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got blood on your face, you big disgrace Waving your banner all over the place”

like how can u hear that verse and think its a song for hetties idk how much more obvious it can be :/ :/ :/

Y'all big mad in the notes

Actually every song by Queen is a lgbt anthem

Don’t Stop Me Now is the bisexual anthem to end all bisexual anthems and you will not change my mind

Heteros are really pressed in the notes keep reblogging this

Why are they booing this post, it’s right

Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy–gay men’s anthem

Don’t Stop Me Now/Bicycle Race–pan/bi anthems

You’re My Best Friend–lesbian anthem

Mother Love–aro/ace anthem

Killer Queen–trans ladies’ anthem

Princes of the Universe–trans lads’ anthem

I’m Going Slightly Mad–nonbinary/genderfluid anthem

I Want To Break Free–everyone’s coming out anthem

it got better

how can one think any second that Queen is not 100% LGBT+ when they literally dressed like this in the I Want To Break Free clip


Bohemian Rhapsody as well lads. For the gays

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