Sebaciel texts

@sebaciel-texts /

This is simply one hell of a blog where my young master and I post our conversations on Whatsapp for your viewing pleasure. You can ask us anything to either Lord Phantomhive or his devilishly handsome butler, and we will respond promptly.

How to own all of the mangas of everything in existence even tho ur poor because there isn't a library within an hour from home that has any mangas of any kind?


Sebastian: Dear, I'm having the same issue with cats, I cannot find a way to own every cat and it pains me. Let us wallow in grief together.

Ciel: Or they could simply make a deal with a demon and order them to fetch all the mangas in existence, you idiot.

Sebastian: Oh! That hadn't crossed my mind. However, why would you want any other mangas apart from the Kuroshitsuji ones? I appear only in that manga, after all.


Sebastian's name

Grell: Bassy!
Sebastian: You know, Grell, I quite abhor when people call me by names that aren't my own. Call me Sebastian.
Grell: But Ciel doesn't call you by your own name either and you let him!
Sebastian: What do you mean he doesn't call me by my name? He always does.
Grell: No, I was passing across the Phantomhive manor the other day and your name is certainly not 'Daddy'.

Yana’s parodies in Kuroshitsuji (update 16/02/22)

I’m not gonna list the obvious ones (e.g. Titanic/Campania, murder arc/Sherlock Holmes, Eton/Weston school etc), but only those which might be a bit difficult for some people to recognize as ‘parodies’ =D

Parody 1: The fictional TV series “The Wild Earl” (暴れん坊伯爵) which Finny and Ciel always watch together is a parody of the real Japanese TV series “The Wild Shogun” (暴れん坊将軍).

↑This is a parody of this↓

(In the Japanese version the parody is even more blatant because Yana used exactly the same font as the original title.)

Parody 2: The P4 (Prefect 4) in the Weston arc is a parody of F4 (Flower 4) from ‘Hana Yori Dango’ (engl. ‘Boys Over Flowers’) which is one of the most popular and best selling shoujo manga of all time in Japan. F4 is the name of a group of four good-looking and super-rich boys, who are the rulers of a high-society elite school where the story takes place.

↑This is a parody of this↓

Parody 3: The cute scene in which Redmond ties Ciel’s necktie is a parody of ‘Maria sama ga miteru’ (engl. ‘Maria Watches Over Us’), which is also a popular shoujo manga and takes place in a prestigious girls’ highschool. This parody is quite blatant because both the situation (a newly-enrolled student is suddenly approached by a gorgeous upperclass-student who straightens their uniform neckerchief/necktie) and the line “Your tie is crooked” are completely identical:

↑This is a parody of this↓

Parody 4: This scene at the beginning of the Weston arc is a parody of the so-called “A girl running around the corner with a bread in mouth“ or ”Late for school”, which is a well-known anime/manga trope. 

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Parody 5: Undertaker’s pose in ch. 84 is a prody of the OP of a very popular anime called ‘Sazae-san’.

↑This is a parody of this↓


Parody 6: In side story “That butler, request” (scans by smirking-raven) there’s a scene where Arthur is surprised to death by mermaid-Grell. You might have noticed that he’s not drawn in Yana’s usual art style. It’s a parody of a famous Japanese horror manga artist by the name of ‘Umezu Kazuo’.

↑This is a parody of this↓

Even the way Arthur is screaming (“GYAAAA”) is a parody.

Parody 7: The art style in this scene from the special chapter “Demon 6″ is a parody of “The Rose of the Versaille” which was a very famous and popular shoujo manga in the 70s.


↑This is a parody of this↓


Update 16/02/22:

Parody 8: The cover illustration of chapter 113 with the S4 holding/eating oranges is a parody of a popular weekly tv magazine in Japan called “The Television” (hence “Sparklevision”, it’s just another lame pun^^; ) which is famous for its covers with celebrities holding a lemon in their hands =D

↑This is a parody of this↓

Bonus info: Sebastian and Ciel once appeared on the cover, too~ =D

I recognized the Versailles/Druitt one! When I was 13 I was in love with Oscar <3


Ciel's gender

Alois: Ciel, are you a boy or a girl?
Ciel: I'm a boy, Trancy, you stupid idiot!
Alois: So you identify as a boy. But what kind of genitalia do you have?
Ciel: What do you mean?
Alois: In other words: what's in your pants?
Sebastian: Me, mostly.

has this been done yet

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