
Lumy Sims


Welcome to my Simblr :) I love playing the sims 3 and taking screenshots of my sims. Female/22 university student

To all of my followers here : for reasons too long to explain i cant play sims 3 at least for the next year until i buy my own computer . For now i play sims 4 since it’s not too harsh on the computer i am using . If you play sims 4 too message me and i will follow you from my other account. Thank you


Extracting Sims3packs:

First you need to download Delphy’s Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter: here ya go~

Download yourself some sims3packs and put them all in their own folder. I organize my sims3packs by batches. Like, batch one is the first batch of them I downloaded, batch two is the second, etc.. But you can organize yours in whatever way makes the most sense to you!

Next, unzip the Delphy’s Multipack extractor to wherever you like (mine’s on my desktop) And double click the installer.

It’s really important that the only thing you have in the folder is sims3packs! Also, you need a place for your extracted files to go. I personally have a folder (also on my desktop) containing dupliacates and uncompiled copies of every piece of cc I keep in my game. That’s where I extract my files.


So now that you’ve got that squared away, let’s get back to the multipack uninstaller

For step one, click browse and navigate to where you have your sims3packs that you’ve downloaded and wish to extract.

For step two, click browse and navigate to where you wanted the extracted files to go. 

When that’s all done, click extract. It shouldn’t take very long, it usually only takes me 2 seconds.

Now navigate to the folder where you extracted everything.

Now everything is extracted and in package format. Now there might be a way to go through each of those files and figure out what’s what, but I can’t be bothered to do all that because all I care about is if it’ll crash my game or not. So what I  do is I run the extracted files through Delphy’s Dashboard (here ya go) to find any conflicts I might have. I usually don’t with extracted sims3packs, but you never know, and it’s easier to just delete it before it messes up your game.

And there ya go! You’ve got your extracted sims3packs! You’re free to compile or do as you wish with them!

A word of caution: Don’t use this method for houses or sims! I haven’t actually tried it, but everyone told me it’s not a good idea, so I’m gonna tell you the same thing.

Well, @lumysims I hope that helped! If you have anymore questions, don’t be afraid to ask!


thank you so much this is very helpful!And detailed for a dummy like me!


Does anyone tell their friends or family about their Simblr?

I am just curious. I personally don’t tell my friends I only told my family 😂


my family knows I have a simblr. Only a few close ones of my friends know I have xD 

When it comes to my family, Nooooo WAY! They know I love video games/pc games, and they know I play the Sims, but my Simblr is an escape from the nags of my everyday life. My friends are a different story, considering I’ve met them through Simblr :)


All mine know lol it’s no stress telling something that nobody cares about because they all forget anyway xD

My parents knows I have one and they don’t care since they’re my alarm clock to get off of the computer. Lol such nice parents.

Nope only my husband knows..he’s actually a simblr aswell :)


Some friends know but they dont care.They think sims is a stupid game and a waste of time.No point telling my family they probably dont even know what tumblr is.


since I unfortunately lost my old account I’ve only followed 12 people and idk who to follow next and I feel like there is tumbleweed flowing across my feed so yah !!!! I’ll follow everyone (SIMS 3 BLOGS ONLY) who reblogs this(:!!


Sims 3 only


@lumysims are we having a like spam war?

Because if we are, it is soo on!

Sorry for spamming!I really like your photos but you are not obligated to like back :))

Don’t worry about it, I was just teasing! C:

And I genuinely like your photos too! Now I just have the motivation to dig back in your timeline to look at everything~


I’m sorry im too shy to take compliments!I should be studing for my finals but instead all i do is to take photos of my sims and stalk other simblrs here lol . P.S my theme is very messy and hard to read but i will change it soon


@lumysims are we having a like spam war?

Because if we are, it is soo on!


Sorry for spamming!I really like your photos but you are not obligated to like back :))

Anonymous asked:

What is your obsession with pokemon?Is this a pokemon or a sims blog -_- ?

This is a simblog but my theme is with sylveon because i love them both and why not combine them? ^^


When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy. Then send this message to the last 10 people in your activity ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )♥


Clothing shopping!Makeup shopping!Playing Sims!Being with my loved ones!Traveling!:)

Anonymous asked:

Can i see a selfie?Just curious to see how you look like

Um idk how this is important to a simblog but ok?Here you go anon  this is a photo i posted on another social media recently

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