Reset. Replay. Rewind.

@rkwxnb /

It's time to discover the unknown. Something untold and never been seen before. A new world, a new life. Heartz Miss September

—- reasons to celebrate

TW: mention of death
The world is spinning in front of Taeyang’s eyes now because he wonders how exactly he is supposed to even begin revealing what he believes to be serious matters, issues that Eunbi deserved to know of from the very start of their relationship. He doesn’t dare meet her eyes when he finally speaks up, it’s embarrassing and almost something that he is ashamed of. “Uh, well… I guess I can start with how she isn’t, like… she isn’t actually my mum. I mean, she is, but she—biologically, she isn’t.”
A small crack in the background startles him a little and then, Taeyang flinches slightly in his seat. “Mh, she took me in when my mother, her sister, passed… along with my father.” It’s obvious that Taeyang is uneasy about all of this right now, the subject being one that he has hardly ever talked about before. “Hit and run, when I was two years old.” It’s strange how emotional this makes him, considering how he never really met his parents—still, he misses them. He wishes that they were here.

Everyday she knew that she was learning so much about Taeyang, that there is always a new layer to peel back and find herself falling for everything that he is. Today is suppose to be about celebrating for him yet in the revelation of his past illustrates there is more room for just one cause  and emotion in this milestone in his life. This is something Taeyang would forever carry with him.

Eunbi wants to apology but ultimately refrains from doing it, she marvels at his strength and “Thank you,” she starts off in breathless voice. She gaze lovingly at him, in full appreciation that he is sharing this with her and loving him all the more for trusting her enough with this. Eunbi desperately wants to ask where his father is right now but yet again she chooses to go for another route, one she hopes he will not take offence in. “Would you like to visit them?” His real parents to pay respect and to include them in his special day. 




「 Dinner Time! 」

yuzu nods in understanding. in a way she can understand where eunbi is coming from. she wonders if she’ll share her sentiment should sphere ever decide to debut her. for now she enjoys to be recognized here and there but otherwise remain a nobody in korea and asia. should this project not work out for her, potentially she’d see if she’d go back to canada to live there. at times she did miss nova scotia and its crazy people. 
oh hotpot all you can eat? sounds lit, I’m totes down for that, the streamer confirms with a thumbs up, not minding the younger’s choice one bit. it also meant she didn’t have to feel bad about ordering or eating too much. 
the blessings of a nice all you can eat buffet. 
shall we go all out and drink some fine alcohol as well? the question is a bit teasing, considering how she ended up helping eunbi nurse a headache when they first met but the dancer couldn’t quite stop herself from delivering that friendly jab.

She practically beams when Yuzu approves of her dinner recommendation. It’s been a while since Eunbi has allowed herself to indulge in some good meals- well, not to say she hasn’t had any healthy meals but good does not always mean healthy- and thought that celebrating her debut and her friend joining the line was a perfect excuse to do so. 

"Oh my god” she groans into her hands when she remembers exactly what happened the last time they got wasted. “I’m so sorry for that-” sheepishly looking through her fingers before moaning again at Yuzu’s obvious teasing. “Tell you what do, as much as I want to say let’s not drink, I reckon we could so long as we don’t get plastered. Deal?” Better now than later, when the public is more aware of her. 



she decides to focus on the others instead of her own predicament.  that means, getting to spend some time with eunbi after so long  -  after all, they haven’t had a chance to talk much at all since the prep for her debut began but now that sua is part of the dorm and they have a chance to spend more time together since they’ll be in the same room, she expects that to change.
today is the day of eunbi’s reveal, and she’s certain that the girl is nervous about it.  considering what it took her to get here, between the bullying and leaving everyone she cared for in kt  -  the girl is young, and she’s been through a lot.  “ eunbi.” she calls quietly, patting the side of her bed as a way to beckon the younger.  “ come sit with me.  have you looked at your teasers yet?”
˟ ▀  &.@rkwxnb

She was a nervous wreck to say the least. Absolutely petrified at this point, however, her curiosity of the unknown is the only thing keeping her afloat. The manager has sent her a copy of several photos from the photoshoot a while back, now it could be any one of them that would be used for her reveal. Then some time during the day she was sent the actual thing through her email, one she refused to look at or acknowledge because then it would only solidify what is actually happening. 

Keeping silent from most of the afternoon and remaining to herself, Eunbi enters their shared room just in time for when Sua beckoned her over. “Hey Sua-unnie,” smiling brightly at the older girl, despite her own mixed emotions she was ecstatic for Sua to be joining the front line of heartz with the rest of the girls residing in the dorm with them. Bashfully shaking her head, she takes up the seat next to Sua, chewing on her lower lip as she stares at her own bed from across the room. “No I haven’t yet actually... I’m- I don’t- should I?” Looking lost as she seeks Sua’s gaze as though the older woman held all the answer to everything out there. 



「 Hit N Miss」

Anything that provides an opportunity to meet new people is reason good enough to bring Dongmin out and about. Summer is undoubtedly the best season to simply head outside and thus, it has always been his absolute favourite season. It’s now nearing the end and the city will soon enough experience the transition into fall, making him somewhat desperate to make the most out of the last week of what are considered the traditional summer months—desperate, as in simply having fun.
Truth be told, picnics has never been something that Dongmin has suggested himself, today being of no exception. He is present at the event, though, but not necessarily by his own initiative. Though his original intention was to meet someone, she cancelled him last minute and well, since he is here, he figured he can at least buy something to snack on. As he checks out the menu of a random food truck, Dongmin feels a gentle tap to his shoulder that easily claims his otherwise spotty attention.
Well, dang. Smirking at the sight, he shrugs when gazing back at the truck’s menu. “Nope, seems they have moved. Want me to help look for it?”

“Oh...” Naturally she pouts at the strangers answer, looking behind him to inspect for herself if he was telling the truth. The action was more of a confirmation rather than doubt upon the tall stranger. Eunbi really did think that she was in the right spot but then again there were plenty of trucks around perhaps she just missed it. 

With a wistful sigh, she turns back to the stranger smiling up at him with her usual happy demeanour. “Oh that would be nice, but I wouldn’t want to take you away from... whatever this line is.” Gesturing towards the queue she caught him in, the last thing she wanted was to be a burden to the nice stranger who was probably enjoying his time at the picnic. 


——⋆ it’s not yet september、

If the circumstances had been different then maybe Taeyang would have prepared an actual bag fit for this picnic, one filled with healthy snacks and refreshing drinks to satisfy them in the summer heat—he prefers the warm season over any other, but he must admit that sometimes it can be a little too much. The situation that he finds himself in isn’t that relaxed, though.
Taking his girlfriend out for a date isn’t that easy and even if they could openly show their love for one another, there is no way he would have time to prepare such a luxurious evening meal for the two of them. As he waits in a secluded area of the Yeouido Hangang Park, the evening sun still warm, Taeyang wonders if he will ever be able to bring Eunbi out for a proper date.
Not anytime soon, he supposes, but he intends to, one beautiful day when the sky is blue and clear as today.  She could wear one of those pretty floral chiffon dresses and a pretty straw hat to protect her from the damaging sunrays, and Taeyang could wear something matching as he shows her the ocean and the beach that he fondly visited many times when he was a little child.
He would have brought food for days, both known for their incredibly large appetite, all the snacks homemade because homemade is always the best, in his opinion. He would have brought iced tea lemonades because by now, Taeyang has come to understand that Eunbi loves her tea. Lost in dreamy thoughts, eyes having shut close again, he fails to notice that he is approached.
a STARTER for @rkwxnb

She nervously plays with her fingers as she made her way to the secluded area of the park. Truth be told Eunbi was feeling all sorts of mixed emotions right at the moment. Thankfully, most of them were on the positive side. Feeling relief that she gets to have this small break before the crazy month up ahead. The mischievous delight that she hasn’t felt in a long time for sneaking out. Finally, the bubbling giddiness that produces a blooming smile on her face at the thought of finally seeing her love. 

She hasn’t seen him for a while aside from their video calls back in the dorm. It honestly felt like they were going through some long distance relationship after finally getting each other back. Funny things is that somehow she actually felt that this made them stronger as a couple. After everything they have been through, to be where they are now just seems unbelievable and Eunbi feels as though they can get through anything at this point. 

She spots his familiar tall frame strategically hidden away from the crowd, one would not have noticed he was there unless they were deliberately trying to look for him much as she was. Eunbi soaks in his features with every step she took, Taeyang has always been strikingly handsome for her that she often wonders what she sees in him, despite him constantly reminding her that she’s beautiful. 

Carefully sneaking up on him, Eunbi looks around them quickly before standing on her tip toes and placing a chaste kiss on her corner of his lips. “Hello.” Taking a small step back, so they weren’t touching despite remaining intimately close. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long, oppa.” Her cheeks ache from all the smiling she is doing but who can blame her when she’s finally in the presence of the man she loves. 


「 Cat Nap 」

if juyeon could say one thing about the heartz girls, or at least the project group, it was that they were consistent with their practices. they worked hard. practicing well into the night and in their own time as well, as one should. and their hardwork is evident at the end of the month when they perform their group evaluation number. juyeon felt pretty confident at the end of the month, not just in herself but in the other girls. everyone managed their time well!
practice is finishing up for tonight though, at least for juyeon. the girls all seem to depart at their own pace with some leaving earlier than others, and some staying late into the night and into the morning. it really depends for juyeon but tonight she could do with some time at home working on her own evaluation solo. some of the other girls had left earlier so juyeon didn’t feel too bad about going home. she was a little sleepy anyways and she didn’t want to be tired for tomorrow’s practice. she wanders to the edge of the studio, running a hand through her freshly trimmed hair ( it was getting long ) only to spot someone’s head perched on top of her backpack.
juyeon squints, squatting down and hovering over the seemingly sleeping figure. brushing the long strands of hair back from her own face, she smiles. it was only eunbi. she starts to come to after obviously sensing juyeon’s presence. juyeon steps back a foot or two before sitting down on the floor beside the younger female. “good nap? good pillow? wait, how did you even manage to fall asleep in here? all the squeaking shoes and stomping would’ve done my head in.” 

Pulling herself up into a sitting position from where she had laid, Eunbi stifles another yawn as she stretches her arms above her head. She has been awake in more hours than she could count and though consciously she knows that resting plays a massive role in keeping healthy. Eunbi thought there was too much to be done in such little time, that sleeping has actually become a luxury that she simply cannot afford.  

“Don’t think even stumping cows could wake me.” Jesting as drops her arms beside her, turning towards Juyeon. “hmmm, great pillow and a bit of a restful nap actually, thank you unnie.” Patting Juyeon’s bag as an emphasis on what exactly she is grateful for. “... honestly, I was just sitting here putting my shoes on and... that’s the last thing I remember before knocking out. Guess practice is done.” Looking from her untied laces and sheepishly smiling up at her fellow trainee. “Are you heading off now or staying for awhile?”




「 Dinner Time! 」

yuzu nods in understanding to eunbi’s doubts. it really was a weird thing to suddenly realize you were special, that you suddenly belonged to the people you’d always watch or look up to. I hope yer gonna enjoy it lots,she says honestly, knowing that it wasn’t always easy to have eyes watching you.
when asked how she was feeling about joining the line up though, yuzu could only shrug a shoulder. I mean… it ain’t nothin’ changed much ‘xcept for the faces n’ the buildin’. n’ I ain’t IN yet so right now ‘s just trainin’ like I usually do, the entertainer admits, allowing eunbi to loop their arms together as the made their way towards the restaurant. so what place yer takin’ me too, huh? a grin on her lips she decides to ask the probably most important question right now. after all she needed to know in how far she could bomb the younger’s budget.

If there is one thing she is definitely thankful for about her move to Sphere, it is that she finds herself getting along with everyone in the experimental group. Ironic really considering she was competing with them, however, similar to the girls that are already in the debuting path, Eunbi is embraced with support and encouragement. Now if that doesn’t say anything about how amazing the group is, then she doesn’t know what does. 

“It’s weird really. I mean, the feeling going public as an idol, it's completely different from being an actress. Somehow I’m more nervous about debuting this time around, well- given that I debuted as a baby actress and I’m going into this one as a whole grown adult. But still... know what I mean?” Tilting her head to the side as she glances down at her friend, watching for Yuzu’s reaction. “Oh I found this really nice all-you-can-eat hotpot place. Thought we’d give it a try and besides, they’ll be a set menu for limited choices so we can go at it.” 



―✈️ ༄

hearing the voice of the female, saying she’s home, made sooyoung feel somewhat warm and fuzzy on the inside, “welcome home,” she responds instinctively. she hadn’t lived with anyone since she was in university and even then it hadn’t been for long since she couldn’t stand how messy they were… now however, things were different, she’d be living with soon to be twelve girls and she found that in itself to be amazing and she wanted the place to be as cozy as it could as they were preparing to debut but also to welcome girls into the new apartment.
sooyoung hurried over to her to helpo carry the suitcases over the doorstep and into the hallway, “did you find your way alright? i almost got lost when i first tried to find my way,” she chuckles at her own foolishness for a moment as she waited for eunbi.
“thank you,” she responded when the younger congratulated her, the way she seemed in a rush to get all her words out were cute and she looked at eunbi in a loving way, “yes, i am preparing to leave actually, i’m packing some things i won’t be gone for long but i should still pack some things i think,” she nods slowly, not sure how many details the female knows and how much she’s allowed to say, “i’ll be going to iceland.” it was all very exciting to her who had never been overseas before, “then i’ll go to london before travelling back to seoul.”

Miss August’s voice lights up a warm feeling in her very core. Suddenly, feeling overwhelmed Eunbi suppresses the urge to cry. Although logically she knew that this would be her home now, having someone actually welcome her in it was something else altogether. Also even though she has had a roommate prior to moving here and stayed at Taeyang’s long enough to be comfortable with living with someone else, twelve girls would be a whole other ball game. 

Hugging Sooyoung tight before letting her hug, Eunbi hopes she has not weirded out the older girl from her rather clingy behaviour. Sheepishly smiling at her while they move further into the dorm. “Oh I did get lost on the first time, I had to ring up Chungha-unnie to help me out- we got it eventually though. It was better this time around since I’ve already been here.”

“You’re going to Iceland and London!? That’s so crazy!” screeching in excitement due to the news, somewhere along the line Eunbi thought she should know about this schedule yet with everything happening so fast, it’s a bit excusable when she shocked her to hear it. “Wow, are you meeting up with the others- does that mean I’ll be alone here?” she asked aloud more to herself than the other before blinking her trance away, “oh I’m going to miss you!” It’s safe to say Eunbi has grown attached to the girls with all her time with them. 


Debut Elation

Luda smiled softly, she knew that feeling, and chuckled, “I do know, but don’t worry, a bit more time and it’ll feel like your normal everyday routine, I’m sure,” she tried assuring the other. Moving had been weird, not living with her mum for the first time, though she was glad she wasn’t actually living alone. Sharing a space with 11 other girls would probably difficult in its own way, but still, she preferred it to being alone any day.
Her eyes lit up, much more excited about London, than she’d been about Japan. Japan was great too, but she’s been there before and since she was much busier, she couldn’t really enjoy her time there. This time, she had a bit more of an idea on how things worked and while she hadn’t gotten used to it, felt much calmer.
“It’s great! It’s so different from home, though it’s busy as well. It’s funny to hear English everywhere, but we’re mainly speaking to the staff and each other, so there isn’t too much of a language problem,” she explained. While she was relatively fluent in English, she wasn’t that good at speaking it, simply lacking in practise, so while she understood it well, she was too shy to speak herself.
“It feels a bit unreal, though, maybe because we’re busy with photos and filming and all, which reminds me, do you know anything more about your concept yet?” she asked, switching the topic back to the other. It was exciting to talk about London, but as she wasn’t home, she was also curious to hear about Eunbi. She knew how nervous she was at first, so she wanted to make sure that the younger was fine. 

After months of preparing and spending time together, it wasn’t until she became a debuting trainee did she actually miss the girls that were already on their final stages of the debut. To be fair she is living alone at the moment in what should be a dorm for twelve girls. Loneliness is to be expected, despite being in the initial stages of her own debut, Eunbi would kill to be with the rest of the girls now. 

“Oh wow! That sounds amazing! Have been allowed to explore London? Did you see big ben yet? Oh oh that big Ferris wheel too! Wait wait you went somewhere else before London right? Was it Japan? How was that?!” She is fully aware that she sounded like an excited child but nonetheless, she expect Luda would calm her down if the other girl would be overwhelmed with all the questions. 

If training schedules were kept up during their time of travel, she wonders if the girls are given some time off to do their own thing or if they were in strict provisions.  “You got this unnie! I’m cheering you on from here! I’ll make sure to make you guys some bibimbap when you back from your trip.” Smiling brightly at Luda, humming along as she contemplates how to answer the other’s question. “I don’t know much really but I think we’re all going to Taipei, or so I heard from one of the staff in Sphere- remember the one unnie that really likes to tell stories when she does our hair for evals? Yeah, she said something about the managers buying a ticket for it and that she’s figuring out her what she wants to take with her.” Eunbi shrugs, it was merely a hint and perhaps nothing would come out of it but if it were true she’s be super psyched about going to another country too.  


「 Cat Nap 」

starter for @juyeonrk

As a trainee, her stamina and endurance is always pushed to its limits. So far it has paid off quite well, although there were times that the build up is not enough. Especially, if one adds into the mix of her preparing for debuts. Which is what led Eunbi to accidentally nap by the corner of the practice room, where the rest of the group has placed their belongs- she was using Juyeon’s bag as a pillow- for practice that evening. 

To be fair she chose to take rest beside during their break and thought to rest her eyes a bit. In hindsight she should have figured out that she would end up falling sleep, but Eunbi was way too exhausted to prevent herself from falling into that temptation. The only she blinked her eyes open a few moments later was when she felt someone hover over her. “Oh hi Ju-” an unstoppable yawn slips off her lips, “-Yeon unnie. Everything okay?” Smiling up at the older girl as she blinked sleep away from her tired eyes. 


「 Routine 」

starter for @rkheunji

These things happen all the time when one is a part of an exclusive group. Eunbi personally thought it is rather sweet and heartwarming. What started out as an observation for one solo performance, became a regular on the monthly. She remembers joining Eunji in the very practice room she is currently sneaking into, so she can watch the other trainee and provide her with constructive criticism for the evaluation that month. The favour has supportively been returned, of course, and now that she’s debuting, Eunbi wanted Eunji to share a part of this moment with her. 

“Eunji-unnie!” Shuffling further into the room, calling out to the older girl as she tries not to startle her with her sudden appearance. Pulling back the hood that fully covered her head, Eunbi giddily points at her newly dyed hair. “Look! It’s now brown! For this September!”


❊ —- their ruin

It feels like he is punched in the gut when Eunbi claims that he was the one keeping her sane, all along. How on Earth could he have been so blind? Taeyang was so incredibly set on the idea that he was holding her back that there wasn’t even a possibility that he was posing as her crutches, not that he would ever think so highly of himself, though, ever. He swallows hard, head and gaze lowered as though a child being scolded.
Before all of this, he wonders if he has ever heard Eunbi raise her voice—whether it was to him, or to someone else. Perhaps during a movie date, if ever. She is right, though, she is right to yell at him, but he assumes the reason why she stops herself from getting too loud. Eunbi has a roommate, after all, unlike himself. “I know…” but what he doesn’t say, is that if he stopped her back then, then he would have begged her to stay.
Right now, that doesn’t sound bad, but back then, it would have been counterproductive. How selfish wouldn’t it have been to break up with someone, and then ask them to stay? In all honesty, as much as he would have wished that he could, it didn’t make sense to him in the given moment. “I don’t know…” He isn’t very informative; he realises that much and sighs as he attempts to muster the courage to tell her exactly what went on.
“I just… I remember seeing how tired you were after all the travelling, after all the training. When I was able to see you, that is, because at the end, all we did was sleep. We weren’t even able to say good morning, good night or have a good day. We weren’t able to ask how the day was… I thought that by coming to visit me, to see me… I was ultimately keeping you from reaching your dreams, and, I truly only wanted the best for you.”

This is beyond frustrating and hurtful at this point. Throw in the mixture of her sympathy and love towards him, Eunbi wanted to shake him for putting them through something she considers rather traumatic. Most of all she hated seeing him in pain, though their voices were in completely different tones, his whispered words were simply mournful to watch from someone so confident.

Now that she knew he did this due to what he thought was for what is best for her, Eunbi couldn’t help but fall for him all the more. This is obviously a massive mistake, “I hope you learn from this.” she hisses spitefully because she might actually kill him the next time he pulls a stunt like this. Since from the very moment she allowed him to follow her home, the chances of having him again was a real possibility, now more so than ever. 

Deciding that she has had enough of this, Eunbi walks to him until she was standing right in front of Taeyang. “Now, tell me, what do you want?” From her. From their relationship, if that is still a possibility for him as much as it is for her. Most importantly, she askes to make a point, that rather than assuming that he wanted her back, this would be a discussion they would actually have. 

Taking a deep breath and holding her head high, she stares down at him with stubborn determination and so much love that he’d have to be blind not to see them in her eyes. “If it isn’t obvious enough, I love you Yoo Taeyang. I have then and I do now, despite these past few months, though I don't entirely forgive you yet. I do want to be with you.” But Eunbi would be damned if she was the one to take the final step, so she pushes him further into the spot. “What do you want?”


「 Hit N Miss」

starter for @rkyuno

This would probably be the last time she can go out in public without being recognised- well, aside from those who knew her from her acting days- for in the following month she would be debuting as a part of Sphere’s elaborate girl group project. Modestly speaking, Eunbi knows that popularity might not be instantly, however, it is more on the matter of her becoming yet again in front of the public’s eyes. As an active public figure, independently without the influence of her parents and all on her own choosing. 

With all that said, she is going to enjoy every bit of freedom she can get. That includes, one of her favourite past time- eating. Swiftly dodging the crowded areas, Eunbi spots her food truck she wants to hit up first, smiling giddily to herself she slowly makes her way towards the line. Tapping on his shoulders, to capture the attention of the stranger in front of her, “excuse me, hi- urm is still the line for the taco truck?”


—- reasons to celebrate

For the past couple of minutes, Taeyang has tried to muster the courage he needs to bring up a subject that quite honestly is terrifying to him. It’s uncomfortable to say the least, but he knows that he has to tell her eventually—so, why not now? He smiles softly once Eunbi returns to the table with their order, the curve growing when he recognises the order. It’s adorable, really, absolutely adorable of her.
“It’s perfect,” he reassures her. As she asks what is on his mind, Taeyang admittedly freaks out a little internally. It doesn’t matter how much he prepares himself for this talk, it will always be scary. “It’s… nothing important, really. I’m just thinking about some ‘what ifs.” It doesn’t feel good lying like this and ultimately, he isn’t able to maintain the lie. “Actually, I have to tell you something.” And, here goes.
“I’m sure you noticed that aside you, the only person who came today, was my mum?” It stings, it stings badly to bring this up right now.

Though her smile remains supportive and her gaze fond, she couldn’t stop her worry from increasing. The slight hesitation on top of his silence from earlier is quite nerve-wracking in tiny doses. If they weren’t in public, she would have pulled him into her arms and just held him for a while. Run her hands soothingly on his broad back and kisses all his burdens way. 

Unfortunately, they are in an otherwise adorable cafe and about to have a memorable meal. “What ifs?” Tilting her head to the side as she curiously inquires, desperately wanting to reach over the table to hold his hand in her dainty ones and reassure him that everything will be alright. Instead, Eunbi manages to wrap her hand around her drink and pull it closer to her, peering over the rim to look at Taeyang before whispering encouragingly, “go ahead, you can tell me anything.” 


。˚∘ secondary expedition ;

chungha wondered how big the dorm actually was. would it have enough room for all twelve of the girls? or would it just be several apartments in the same building to hold everyone? would she ever be a part of it to know herself? how big was the building itself?
the short answer was that she didn’t know. all of the current heartz girls were too busy to disclose any information and it was probably hard to even find time to spend with each other at the dorm much less with the potential future members. so beyond general curiosity, the dorm remained off of chungha’s radar. that is until eunbi fully moved in.
the phone call was a surprise but very welcome. she was happy for eunbi to get the opportunity to debut. she was excited to see what song she would get. she bet it would definitely suit the younger. but patience is a virtue and chungha had to wait for the end product.
“hey! how’re you?” chungha says happily. she was still at the company for some last minute practise but she didn’t mind breaking for the younger. especially when she was making such a big change with her life. “did you fully move into the dorm yet?”

In retrospect moving into the dorms should encourage independence and self-growth. Except it has not really hit her yet, sure she’s hurling around her luggage with her halfway across the city to move into the dorms, but the symbolism of the move hasn’t actually set in. So no one can blame her for calling Chungha when Eunbi finds herself on another floor and nowhere closer to the dorms. 

“Hey, unnie!!” The camera goes a bit unfocused as she steadies her suitcase, “I’m doing great!” Smiling brightly when she finally stands up straight and actually has a look at her friend over the device. “I’m trying to, Chungha-unnie. I really am but the thing is...” Blushing profusely as she sheepishly looks around her. 

“I think I’m lost.” There she finally said it. Eunbi is lost in the middle of a rather simple, secured apartment complex where heartz dorm lay. This is exactly why she called Chungha because if there is anyone who can help her find a place it would be one of her best unnies. “I’ve been in the lobby for a while then I moved into what floor I thought it was, but I still can’t find the dorm. So now I’ve just sat by the stairway... strategizing.”

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