


Fanfics, Quotes, Opinions.My ask box is open for fanfic requests, questions and love.
1. take pictures of your friends. take pictures with your friends. take as many pictures as you possibly can. even if they start to get annoyed with you, even if either of you feel “ugly” that day, even if you just took one the other day. because a day is going to come where all you’ll have is pictures and wishing you had more than what you’re left with hurts just as badly as losing them. 2. do the thing that scares you. do the thing that you’ve always wanted to do but have always been too scared to try. don’t force yourself if it doesn’t feel right but don’t be scared to try new things. as cheesy and cliche as it sounds, stepping out of your comfort zone, even for a moment, is worth it. regret is not. 3. it’s okay to hurt. if it hurts, that means it mattered. 4. sometimes, when something breaks, it cannot be fixed. there was nothing you could have done to make them change their mind, nothing you could have said to make them stay. the two of you broke apart, but that doesn’t mean you are broken. 5. heal, mourn, grieve. let yourself feel. don’t try to force the healing, it’ll come naturally, when it’s time. 6. there are going to be days when all you do is lay in bed, drink coffee, and refresh various social media apps. that’s okay. you’re allowed to rest, you’re allowed to do nothing. you don’t have to validate doing nothing. 7. you’re going to face a fear you didn’t even know you had. but you won’t have to face it alone. 8. don’t keep it all in your head. let the bad thoughts out to make room for the good ones. 9. whatever you think you did, whether it be in this life or a past life, to deserve suffering and pain does not exist. you don’t deserve to hurt. you don’t deserve to make yourself hurt. you don’t deserve to suffer. you don’t deserve to make yourself suffer. 10. you’re going to do things, you’re going to make decisions, you’re going to make yourself see things or read things that are going to hurt you. self harm isn’t limited to bruises or bleeding; you’re hurting yourself by caring about someone who doesn’t care about you anymore. that’s not to say that you should stop caring about them, but you should definitely stop checking their twitter account in the middle of the night. 11. you don’t need to look like anyone else to be a certain kind of person. you’re you and you are enough just the way you are. 12. get outside and lose yourself beneath the rays of the sun, escape to a place where it doesn’t hurt as badly as it does inside your house. 13. you’re gonna screw up, but that doesn’t make you a screw up. 14. it’s okay to set boundaries, it’s okay to distance yourself from others. it doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t make you mean. it’s okay to put your own needs and wants above others. it doesn’t mean you don’t care, but you need to care about yourself first. 15. there was a person you thought you could never live without. and you will be without them. and you will still be alive. 16. you know what will make you feel worse, and you know what might make you feel slightly better – even if it doesn’t work 100%, it’s still better than doing the wrong thing. these choices are yours, so make the right one all of the time. 17. family isn’t always blood. sometimes, family can be the people who choose you and who keep on choosing you, not because they have to but because they want to. this isn’t a family you’re born into, but rather a family you find and create for yourself. 18. home isn’t four walls and a roof over your head, but rather someone that makes you feel safer than any building can. 19. happiness won’t always be so far and few. 20. never underestimate just how healing a car ride with your best friend can be. 21. you matter. you really do. 22. hope isn’t silly and though sometimes slippery, never stop clinging to it. 23. try taking your own advice from time to time. allow yourself to grieve, to be wounded, to cry, to hurt. allow yourself to heal. try to remember that one day, having all of this hope won’t have been for nothing and start promising yourself the things you promise others; that it’s going to be okay, genuinely and sincerely. because it’s the truth. you survived this year, you’ll survive the next.

23 things i learned at 23 // happy birthday to me (cc, 2017)

Anonymous asked:

Where do you go to uni?:)

University of Sussex 😝


Do it.

I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.

Dear person I hate,

Dear person I like,

Dear ex boyfriend,

Dear ex girlfriend,

Dear ex bestfriend,

Dear bestfriend,

Dear *anyone*,

Dear Santa,

Dear mom,

Dear dad,

Dear future me,

Dear past me,

Dear person I’m jealous of,

Dear person I had a crush on,

Dear girlfriend,

Dear boyfriend,

I’ll be down. Come at me?

Anonymous asked:

Are you still doing fanfic requests?

Yes I am, just in the process of writing some up rn 😝


No words for the terrible news about John Michie's daughter. Thoughts with the family at this very tough time xx 😔


Zollie wedding for anon ♥️

I didn’t include Guy's speech! I’m sorry!! I didn’t know what to say 😂 hope it’s alright honey xx

Zosia’s POV

“Can we have a round of applause for the happy couple.” Dom smiled as he hit his glass. The ceremony was in full swing and the after party was beginning to settle for the meal. He sat amongst us, holding my hand under the main table. Ollie kissed me on the cheek, smiling as people raised their glasses to us.

It was time for Dom’s speech.

“Today the most crazy girl in my life finally got taken from me.” He started, “And no I’m not talking about you mum.” He giggled, winking down at me with proud eyes. “I’ve known her since the beginning of my time at holby, and without her constant madness, delusional ideas and just about the biggest party animal nature on the planet, well I wouldn’t have survived the rest of you boring lot!” He chuckled, resting his hand on my shoulder.

“I’m so glad you’re all here today to witness Ollie taking on the biggest challenge of his life. I’ve kept her safe for this long, so I hope you’ll do the same.” He smiled at Ollie, raising his eyebrows. “She’s utterly bonkers, but all the best people are, and I can tell you this, my best friend Zosia is one of the good ones.“

“All I can say is that you’d be a fool to let her go, so I wish you such a happy future and a life full of craziness Oliver. You don’t know how lucky you are to have my Zosh brightening your day.” He looked teary eyed, his lip wobbling as he spoke. I was crying.

“Finally, I would like to talk about someone who isn’t here today, someone who is just as proud of you Zosh. I’m sure Arthur would have been making this speech today, not as well as me of course, but I’m sure you would have loved to hear what he would say.

I nodded, looking at the floor as Ollie grabbed my hand in support.

“I know that Arthur loved you more than anything, he loved us both. I remember his smile when he used to see you and Ollie so happy, I remember the way he used to tease about when you would get married, and how he had the perfect Napoleon quote picked out.” Dom took a breath, pulling me up with his hands. I stood there in my long and flowing dress, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I know that Arthur would have wanted you to have this on your wedding day, as his best friend. He gave it to me, to keep safe because we all know you Zosh, a scatter brain.” He paused chuckling slightly with the crowd.

“This is for you Zosh, on your wedding day.” He handed me a letter, retrieved from his jacket pocket. He wiped his tears before placing it in my hands. It read my name is swirly gold handwriting, and I instantly wanted to cry.

“C-Can y-you r-read it to m-me?” I stuttered no longer holding in my emotions. “P-please d-Dom.”

He nodded tearfully and took my hand “of course.” He whispered.

“Dearest Zosia,

If Dom has done this right, you’ll be reading this on your wedding day.

Whoever you’re marrying is so lucky, so lucky to have your heart, your passion. You’re utterly bonkers Zosh, but you’re my mad best friend, the completion to a trio I’m not sure I could cope without.

I’m so sorry I’m not here today, I’m so sorry I’m not cracking a bad joke from the other table or, stopping Dom from getting too drunk with you. I’m sorry I’m not supporting you in body, but I’ll tell you this.

I’m here in spirit, I always will be. I’m here, next to Morven, watching you spend the happiest day of your life.

I’m so proud of you Zosia, so proud.

So I’ll leave you with this, a quote I like to use to frequently.

‘Victory belongs to the most persevering’ - Napoleon

And you kind Zosia are the most persevering of all. Who ever has you is one lucky guy. Keep trying and be determined with all your love and passion, because love will come to you and it will stay.

Love always

Arthur xx”

Dom was sobbing, I was sobbing, Ollie had tears in his eyes.

"God I miss him.” Dom sniffled, rubbing his eyes. I kissed his cheek, and looked up at the sky.

“He’s with us Dom, always.” I smiled, taking his hand as we sat back at the table.

Ollie caressed my cheek and suddenly held his glass up to the crowd, smiling down on me with such love, just the way my mother and indeed Arthur would have wanted. He had vowed to protect me, vowed to make my life everything that I never had.

"Can we raise our glasses to friends and family both in this room and absent today.” Ollie began, his blue eyes still fixated on mine. “You’re all so important to my wife, which makes you all important to me.”

“I’ve worked with many hearts in my time, but this woman here has a heart bigger and more full of love than I have ever seen. She’s my rock, the ice queen and the best friend any person can ask for.”

“Anya, Guy, Arthur, I promise you I will do you proud and make this girl the happiest on this earth, because she has made me the happiest man. So can you all raise a glass to Zosia Valentine, my beautiful wife.”

The glasses went up and the cheers roared. I was kissing him, and it was perfect.

Anonymous asked:

(I asked for the story) Thankyou!!! I love it!

No problem honey! Glad you liked it ♥️ requests are always open x

Anonymous asked:

can you write a story about the ending of the episode but like instead of the thing we got with ethan and connie can you actually make it so he does want to end his life or tries to but is saved?

I gave it my best attempt ♥️

He shuffled closer to the edge.

It was so quiet, so peaceful, so easy.

He let his legs dangle over the ledge, they felt light and numb, numb to the world around him. His tears were drying And he started take in what could be his final moments. He looked up at the sky, a shaky smile forming at the thought of seeing his brother.

But would Cal want to see him? Had he made him proud? Of course he hadn’t. He couldn’t even do living right.

This was it, a final exit a final release.

He’d tried, but life just wasn’t worth it anymore, not after Cal, Alicia, Scott. No one wanted him, no one cared.

Hell, he didn’t even care.

He was talking the last exit to freedom, the last chance to be free.

He slowly stood on the roof ledge, his body no longer shaking but deathly still. He was ready to jump, to end it all.

“ETHAN!” his foot wobbled, and he gulped nervously as he swung his head around. His tears still freely flowed, and he was suddenly staring at Connie’s strong form.

“Ethan, can you step down for me so we can talk.” She spoke calmly, her eyes stable looking, unlike Ethan’s position on the roof ledge.

You’re a monster Ethan. You deserve to die.

“N-No.” he stuttered, leaning closer to the edge. “I-I h-have to do this Mrs B-Beauchamp.”

“Call me Connie, Ethan.” She smiled, slowly talking a step closer. “If you’re so convinced you should end your life, will you at least tell me why?”

Ethan’s form wavered with the strong winds, and his eyes widened as he began to see a crowd form below him. Charlie, Alicia, Lily… they were all there, all there to watch him go.

“R-read t-the l-letter.” He whispered, tears now cascading, his head spinning as Scott’s voice returned. “I-I’m a murderer.”

Do It Doctor Hardy, make Cal proud…

“L-leave me a-lone.” Ethan winced, Scott’s voices physically pained him. He scrunched his eyes, he held his head. Anything to make it stop. “I’m g-going t-to I p-promise.”

Connie grew concerned, Ethan’s eyes were glazed, his teeth chattering as he closed his mouth. He looked possessed And not only by lack of sleep.

“Ethan who are you talking to?” She questioned, stepping forward in an attempt to catch his arm. Her eyes widened as he wobbled, and a large gasp came from the crowd below. This pulled Ethan back from the hallucination, his eyes closing in fear.

“Scott, h-he’s here.” He mumbled, his eyes fixated on the other end of the ledge. “He’s watching m-me.”

“Okay sweetheart, okay.” Connie realised this was worse than she thought, and she suddenly threw away her tough cookie tactics, taking a kinder approach. “Ethan, we can sort this out, we can make him go away you know that don’t you?”

Ethan shook his head.

“Please let us help you.” She spoke softly, her hand stretched out for him to take. She felt the presence of a few people behind her, waiting to grab Ethan in an attempt to force him down, but held her hand up to halt their force.

She had one more trick up her sleeve.

“What would Cal say if he knew you were up here?” She breathed, trying hard to hide her own nerves as the young boy wobbled once more. “What do you think that would do to him if he saw his little brother trying to end his life?”

“H-he’s n-not h-here, h-he’s dead.” Ethan whimpered, shaking his head. “H-he’s d-dead Connie and I-its a-all-”

“Scott is also dead Ethan, he’s not here either.”

“H-he’s n-not here.” Ethan seemed confused. In a state of pure panic he didn’t know what was real anymore. “I-I H-he was, I-I-” He shivered, he felt numb against the cold air. He was tired, so tired.

What was he doing?

“H-help.” He stuttered, a small cry leaving his lips. “I-I d-don’t know who I a-am a-anymore.”

“Okay Ethan, sweetheart, but first I need to get you off this ledge okay?” Connie walked forward, her breath returning as she managed to grasp the doctors cold and clammy fingers.

He was safe.

Taking no chances she called the response forward and Ethan was suddenly pulled away with force, landing in Connie’s arms in floods of tears. She hugged him close, and suddenly he was wailing.

“It’s okay, everything is going to be okay.” She cradled him, smiling through her own tears as Charlie and Alicia appeared at the roof.

“We’re going to need a stretcher and a bed on psych please, he’s not in a good way and I want him off this roof now.”

Alicia nodded and ran back down the stairs, leaving Connie and Charlie with Ethan’s fragile form. Charlie couldn’t help his tears as he stroked the boy’s hair back, wincing as his cries still filled the air. He shook hard in Connie’s embrace and suddenly 3 months of pain came flooding out.

“It’s okay now Ethan, I’m here, we’re all here for you.” Connie spoke softly, sighing as she saw the extent of his hurt. His eyes were emotionless, his face pale and clammy. He looked broken, frightened and alone.

No one had taken care of him, and it was killing Connie, and Charlie who stood by with the stretcher that had been brought up.

Ethan was wailing still, his form to fragile to walk down the stairs. It was all too much, he felt as if he would pass out. All he could focus on were the kind eyes around him, anything to bring him back to reality.

“I’m gonna help you Ethan.” Connie smiled, “Everything will be our little secret okay?” She took a firm grip of the doctors hand as his cries dampened and his shivering halted as a blanket was laid amongst him.

“You’re safe now.” She whispered.


“can connie stop a tormented ethan from taking his own life” - said a spoiler

okay first that was right at the end of the episode, second it barely even looked like he was going to and third to put that in a small spoiler paragraph made me think it was some big thing and it… wasn’t


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