
I Have An Unhealthy Obsession


I'm Back From A Long Hiatus. I May Begin Posting My Work Here. (Lynn/17/She/Her) ~Header Image Photographed By Yours Truly~

This is an important subject that affects many of us. If you could do us a favor and share it on your social media, that’d mean a lot!

When your anxiety is so crippling that you can’t even tell it’s crippling. That’s a sign of high functioning anxiety right there. T_T

This has scarily described EVERYTHING I am doing/going through! Wow!


Yall think the gods take classics classes for fun

Professor: whys your drawing look like that lol artemis would be paler

Apollo, twin sister to Artemis, has seen her at least once a week for 4,000 years:

professor: ares is the god of war and is evil.


Professor: Hades is the god of the underworld and is therefore evil and cold and heartless

Persephone, who has seen her husband cry secret tears of Manly Anguish every time she has to go live with her mother for six months:


Therapists are just…. Common sense filters

Me: yeah so I just don’t have the energy to get up and make myself a sandwich or wait for something to cook so I just. Don’t

Her: why don’t you just eat the sandwich components without putting them together


Her: you can just eat a handful of cheese and some sandwich meat. You don’t have to make a sandwich.


Me: what

Therapists finding loopholes for mental illness things is one of my favorite things about dealing with mental illness because it really helps me understand that just because a reaction is Common doesn’t mean it’s Right. Does doing dishes stress you out a lot? Buy paper plates. Do your obsessive thoughts make you worry about leaving your curling iron on so you drive home from work to check? Just put the curling iron in your purse and bring it to work with you while we work on tackling where this worry comes from. Symptom management doesn’t have to look like drudgery.

i used to go days without showering because seeing my body was so upsetting that i would end up spiraling and then i realized i could simply turn the lights out. it took some getting used to but i’ve been showering with the lights off for years and it’s now one of my favorite parts of my day.

do whatever you want nothing is real and there’s no need to inflict unnecessary suffering on yourself just to try to seem “normal”


I love this post



These kinds of loopholes make life so. Much. Better.

One of my favorite stories is this lady had extremely bad OCD. Every day she’d be late to work because she was convinced that her hair dryer was going to burn down the house so would always have to turn around and check it. Multiple times a day even. A bunch of doctors tied to “fix” her of that fear, until one day she got a doctor that suggested she bring the hair dryer with her. Other doctors were annoyed, saying that wasn’t a the correct way to help, but she gave it a go. When she had that fear, she’d look over and see the hair dryer unplugged in the seat next to her and was able to carry on. I think it’s such a perfect example of actually helping someone instead of forcing them into a neurotypical standard.

That story helped me stop repeatedly checking if my front door was locked. Instead of checking that the door was locked over and over I would check my security system app. If it’s on it will alert me if the front door opens.

“…actually helping someone instead of forcing them into a neurotypical standard” should be added to the Hippocratic Oath.

Started reading about the door and I thought they were gonna say they took the door with them


There’s no reason for anyone over the age of 21 to be having a conversation with anyone under the age of 18

“For the last time son, I wont talk to you.”

“im sorry students, but this is the last time im gonna say this. Stop trying to talk to me”

“I’m afraid I can’t hire you, I cannot speak to you.”

“I would tell that kid to get off my lawn, but society isn’t ready yet”

“my new born baby just said it’s first word but I’m not trying to hear that” 

“hello 911?!? help my parents are in a burnin build-”

“i dunnoo kid….you sound just a little young and….idk…. im not really feelin too comfortable with this” *hangs up*

Anonymous asked:

So, what's your headcanon on how the mercs discovered fusion?

I have five ideas. 

1) Re-spwan malfunction. Some sort of glitch in the system? Two mercs accidentally fuse when they die together and they came out one person? Haven’t thought much about that. Maybe won’t work because if they die while fuse they may write over the original merc’s code in the re-spawn machine and stay as a fusion. 

2) Something with Merasmus either making a curse or mistaken a spell to get his revenge on Soldier and the team. Or soldier took something from Merasmus that gave the team the power to fuse. The team didn’t realize they can fuse until two mercs fuse by accident. It would have to be when the two are in sync. Maybe dancing or battling well together. Pyro will be the one to figure that out.

3) The mercs move into a new base that Miss Pauling found and it had something (like gems in caves) that infected the team over time? Not sure how.  Scout and Sniper may have discovered the cave with mysterious pretty rocks/gems and brought them back to the base.

4) A medic/engie experiment? By creating a formula and giving shots to everyone so they can fuse?

5) Or just a plain out simple Fusion AU where the TF2 world is the same except people can fuse naturally. Or have gems on their bodies. Which ever makes sense. 

Thats all I got.  :/

Anonymous asked:

You know what I always thought would be interesting? Non-instant fusion. Like, instead of a flash of light, you have to continue dancing together as your skin and bones slowly merge together, and if your fusion is healthy then the act will be pleasant. But if you're not in a good relationship, the feeling of your flesh mixing together will be awkward and aching. Some fusions can even hurt if your relationship is bad enough. Just a thought.


Okay but in all seriousness, wouldn’t a fusion between Scout and Spy be one of the most terrifying things ever?

On one hand you’ve got a runner that’s acrobatic af with a ridiculous throwing arm and insane accuracy on the move, when hitting shit with his bat.

On the other hand, you’ve got one sneaky motherfucker who can sit invisible in a corner for as long as he damn well pleases, feigns his own death and shoves knives into the backs of unsuspecting victims.

Their fusion?

A goddamn ninja, jumping around like a rabbit, facestabbing, shooting people in the face with a scattergun point blank, getting blood everywhere and sulking about the dry cleaning bill. He’d dance circles around everyone, turn on his heel and shove a knife between his victim’s ribs, probably get shitty at the enemy Sniper and whip out a couple throwing knifes and flick those fuckers out at him.

Hell, if he really wanted too he could probably bat a knife at someone and lodge the damn thing in their throat with a pleased laugh.

It’d be a terrifyingly efficient close-medium range fusion.

That’s not even mentioning the invis watches.

Anonymous asked:

Every time I see your Sniper/Medic fusion, I can't help but notice their four arms sticking out of the same armholes in their coat. So what if one day they cannot fuse but really want to anyway ((either because one's too sick and disoriented to dance/fuse or something like that)) so they end up in the same coat and try to walk around pretending to be fused even though they're obviously just two people stuck together in a lab coat.


Those dorks. Imagine them talking to someone, like Spy, and Medic/Sniper is being all serious but Spy is all like “Wtf?”   Ha! XD


scoper! More cautious and focused than Scout, but more hyperactive and cocky than Sniper. AKA tryhard douchebag supreme


Team Fortress 2 fusions! I’m super happy with how the first two came out, but my hand was cramping by the last one.

Im really, REALLY happy with how the PyroScout came out. Like, really really happy.



When Seb was at Wizardworld he told some fans that he feels like no one really cares about Bucky or him. The girl behind the camera immediately said that that wasn’t true and many others agreed with her. But the main issue with this is that he thinks no one’s cares, because there are so many people who actually prefer Bucky over any other superhero.

The character itself has a very complicated and difficult storyline, starting with Bucky being a soldier and ending up with Hydra. His character took such a dramatic twist and people started assuming he’s the villain of the story, without really taking the time to think about it. I know that in the end it’s „just another fictional character“. But an actor/actress who puts so much effort and thought into their characters shouldn’t feel the need to think like their character isn’t appreciated.

Even Chris himself said that Bucky is a victim and not a villain, but Seb still thinks people don’t really like his character. That’s really sad because Bucky’s story is one of the most interesting ones. It shows the many sides of him and how he never really wanted to harm anybody.

An example for that is the sentence „ I remember all of them.“. We don’t really have a confirmation for what this means, but when you think about it, it could mean that he remembers all the bad things he did to people, even after the many times Hydra messed with his memory. The memories still haunt him and stayed with him throughout the years.

I don’t really know where I’m going with this, I just wanted to tell my own opinion to this. Seb is an amazing and totally underrated actor. He was part of so many incredible movies, yet he doesn’t get the attention he deserves. On the other side there’s another amazing thing about him and that is us, his fans. Everyone who’s in this fandom knows how thankful he is and most of us accept and support him for what he does. Another important thing to realize is, that most of his character are fictional, but he certainly isn’t. He is real, he has feelings, he’s just like every other human being. I really hope we get him to believe that there are so many people who care about him and ALL the characters he played, because that’s what he deserves.

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