


atletico madrid | arsenal | borussia dortmund

playlists for every occasion

…unless u got ur life together & dont need to create the illusion of having real feelings through music (all on spotify)

i feel like glitter (upbeat playlist to dance around to in the kitchen or while getting ready for a party)

good times (music to host said party, the mood is smoking by the open window, spilled wine, spontaneously dying one of ur friends’ hair at 1am. mostly indie and some classic rock so ppl will know how cool u are and how very diverse ur music taste is)

dreammaker heartbreaker (based on frank ocean’s cover of moon river, a sleepy playlist, lots of tender feelings to lie on the floor and gently weep to after the party is over)

cry baby (angry girl music to listen to very loudly past 2am if u rlly love ur neighbours)

wind down (some real heartbreakers to then cry urself to sleep to)

soothe (instrumental film score stuff cause we sure do love to cry ourselves to sleep in this here house)

walls of white sandstone in the sun (you’re on a greek island there are palm trees the sun is scorching and you can hear the rushing of waves, nobodys crying)

snuck into the swimming pool (the smell of chlorine, cans of beer, light leather jackets, atmospheric and moody)

breakfast songs (that scene in romantic movies where the couple is all sweet smiles and soft touches the morning after, the smell of coffee and pancakes)

felt like springtime on this february morning (what it feels like to be in love in musical form cause i sure dont know how to express my feelings any other way)

glued nerves (for when you’re anxious and depressed and wanna enhance the experience)

girl (this is a gays only playlist)

sympathise recognise apologise (spring is coming, everything is gonna be okay. based on the good side by troye sivan)


concept playlists part ii


Concept Playlists

As Requested 


concept playlists;


Okay listen up you little fucks because I’m already fed up with the amount of people saying that Germany was never sincere about their holocaust apologies, and you’re about to get educated.

Let me explain to you what it’s like to grow up in Germany. Even from a little age on you’re told NOT to be proud of your country. You’re told to keep it to a minimum if you even have a little pride at all. In school you’re taught about the second world war from 7th grade on usually and it is literally the only thing you talk about in history (and a lot of other subjects too). Sure, you learn about other things too but educating our children about our horrible past, so it won’t repeat itself is the main focus. And in doing so, we remind them not to be proud of the country, that we should still feel ashamed for things that we aren’t responsible for, even after 70 years. Does any other country do that? I think the fuck not. We are the least patriotic country in Europe (or do I say even the whole world?) although we have a bunch of stuff to be proud of. If we even say in front of a non-german person that we are proud of our country, the first thing we are going to hear is them calling us Nazis. I get that y’all are afraid that the Holocaust could happen again but you know, there’s a difference between simply being proud of what your country is CURRENTLY doing and being a racist, xenophobic asshole that thinks white supremacy is the main goal (so basically what’s going on in the US right now but everyone chooses to ignore that because we’re used to that kind of patriotism from the US, right?).

Since I’m already on the topic of the US, let’s compare the two countries, shall we? When I went to the US last year, there was a flag somewhere around the house at EVERY house I passed. Every. Fucking. House. But that is considered normal there. If we did that in Germany, everyone would scream that we’re Nazis again. Earlier this year I was on the train and passed a small village where 3 houses had a german flag around the house and I was like, what’s going on? Did something happen? Did I miss a national holiday? Because that’s not normal in Germany. You just don’t see that. Even when we’re celebrating the German Day of Unity, which is basically the equivalent to the Fourth of July, we don’t go full out like the Americans do. You see maybe two houses in one entire village who has their flags raised. We’re not like “YEEES GERMANY WAS FINALLY UNITED FUCK YES GERMANY GERMANY!!!!!”. No, we’re more like the opposite. We use this day to be reminiscent of our past and are fucking grateful that is in the past. I’ve never been to a German Day of Unity party because this stuff just doesn’t exist.

But are we ever going to talk about the horrible things the US did? We only ever talk about Germany because it’s the “most recent one” but just because it dates further back doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and we can just forget about it. I mean, dropping that bomb on Hiroshima and killing off native Americans (which is also known as American Indian Holocaust, by the way), just to name a few examples, isn’t as bad as the german Holocaust, right? Let’s just rather focus the blame on Germany because it suits you and everyone will forget about the horrible past of the US. You know, Germany is at least sorry about what we did. Did you ever hear America SINCERELY apologizing for any bullshit they pulled? Yeah, me neither. America doesn’t teach their kids about their horrible past. It teaches them that they should be proud of everything they have done so far. Which, to be honest, is nothing. America has NOTHING to be proud of because their country is built on slavery and genocide. Why the fuck would you be proud of that? Don’t even let me get started on how much the British fucked up because that’s just as bad but you guys don’t wanna hear about that anyway because you would rather just sweep it all under a rug and forget about it. And you know, even though 13% of Germany voted for the AFD (mind you, most of the AFD voters were protest voters, so they don’t fully believe in everything they do), y’all still elected Trump lmao resulting in stuff like Charlottesville (honestly there’s so much more Nazi activity going on in the US than in any other country currently) which would never happen to such an extent in Germany because we EDUCATE our children and the police would interrupt this immediately. Honestly, America is such a bad country with so many issues, yet y’all still blame Germany for something that isn’t our fault but racism is still so blatantly obvious and acted on in the US (let’s not forget that some people in the south still have the confederate flag and some of you act like it’s nothing? In Germany you would never see anyone swinging a Nazi flag and not only because it’s ILLEGAL) but you are still proud of your country like crazy when, like I mentioned before, there’s seriously nothing to be proud of lmao. Maybe in saying this I’m not better than any other country who told us Germans not to be proud of our country. But maybe this will also give you a little taste of what we have been dealing with for 70 YEARS now. I’m so fed up with your entitled asses like y’all are mad at us for electing Nazis in our parliament (which was “”””only””” 13% of the German population) while you elected a Nazi as your president lmao.

I’m pissed as hell that they got so many votes, don’t get me wrong. I hate the AFD with a burning passion because what they’re doing is completely wrong. And 87% of Germans luckily realize that. But just because the other 13% voted for them doesn’t mean Germany is full of Nazis again or that we aren’t sorry for what happened during the Third Reich. (Did you know it’s obligatory in Germany to visit a concentration camp during your time at school at least once? To show you hands on what was going on back then? Usually with very explicit description to make sure we feel guilty as hell for all the people who died in the Holocaust? Basically, our whole history classes are to make us feel guilty. Bet you didn’t know that!) We are sincerely sorry for the Holocaust and even more sorry for the Jewish people or refugees that live in our country under this government for the next four years. I’ve seen so many Germans apologizing for this happening because we are truly scared of what’s going to happen. So yeah, don’t you fucking dare say we’re a country of Nazis again. You don’t even live here. You don’t know what exactly is going on in our country except for the things the media tells you. Don’t you fucking dare say we’re not sorry for the Holocaust because basically since our birth (if I may exaggerate here a bit) we are taught to be sorry for what happened and to feel guilty about it. Please educate yourself because you spew utter bullshit like that.


shoutout to everyone making progress that no one recognized because you never let anyone see your darkest moments. i see you and i am so, so proud of every little step you’re making in the right direction.


Links to watch past or live football matches.

As one of my anons requested, here are a few links (there’s a bunch more, so if these doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, you can find a lot more in google.)

For past matches (apparently these sites also link to Live streams):

For live matches:

There was an amazing russian site for old matches but I can’t seem to find it. If someone wants to add their fave links, please, share them! :D

Updating this with the new sites you’ve been recommending.

Livetv (thanks to @wirklichkeitsverlust and @crystaldunn again)

- r/soccerstreams (thanks to @zizou)



can y'all reblog if you say “football” and like if you say “soccer”


hey if you’re a nazi or defend them get the fuck off of my blog and block me while you’re at it


srsly tho this is absolutely a thing that dudes do all the f***ing time

like where if he knows a girl doesn’t necessarily want to give him a hug, he will trap her in this position in front of witnesses where she has 2 options- both of which are undesirable for her, while simultaneously desirable for him

if she doesn’t want to hug him, whatever she does, it will suck for her.

she can 1. say nah and be the fucking asshole in front of other ppl or 2. forsake her corporeal boundaries and allow unwanted intimate contact

it’s a f***ing trap

F***ing hate dudes forreal.

too many f***ing times ugh

Story time. One day I was on the MAX (basically a giant street car that goes all over the metro area) on my way to meet up with a few friends. I didn’t look at anyone, I didn’t speak to anyone, I just stood to the side on my phone making sure I wasn’t going to be late to my meeting. Out of no where, this guy comes up to me and starts to chat me up. Me, being who I am, am absolutely terrified to tell this guy to f*** off. He was at least half a foot taller than me, and was way too bulky for me to fight back. So I suck it up at humor him, say hello. Before introducing himself or asking me for my name, he asks me out on a date. Not wanting to piss him off I try to make light of the situation and I laugh, telling him that my boyfriend wouldn’t like the idea, but thank you for the offer. He just shrugs and says, “He doesn’t need to know.” At this point I’m scared out of my mind. There’s this guy who, after seeing me run two blocks to catch the train, comes up to me and has made it perfectly clear that he wasn’t going to leave without getting something out of me. I deny him a second time, saying, “I don’t even know you’re name. We’re strangers, I don’t know you.” He finally introduces himself and asks me for my phone number. I tell him I don’t give my number out to people I’ve just met and he says, “Fine, but at least take mine so we can meet up later.” So he watches me plug his number into my phone (which I deleted as soon as I knew I was safe and away from him) as we’re pulling up to my stop. I tell him I need to leave and switch trains and he tells me, “Oh, I’ll wait with you. I don’t have any plans, so I’m in no rush.” It’s important to note what at this point he had previously told me that he was late to a job interview, but he has all the time in the world because he still hasn’t gotten what he wanted from me; a yes. I get off of the train and he follows me, and waits at the platform with me for over ten minutes until my train arrives, asking me all sorts of personal questions about where I live and where I was going that day. As soon as the train pulls up he grabs for me and says, “Do I at least get a hug before you go?” I was terrified. I was embarrassed. This dude, who before even asking me for my name asks me out on a date and then continues to harass me after I tell him I have a boyfriend, asks me for a hug only fifteen minutes after meeting. People around us were staring at me, as if I was being rude for denying him, and every inch of me was mortified. I wanted to run, but I felt like if I had done that he would have chased after me and things would have gotten worse. So I did, and he squeezed me so tight I felt like I was going to burst. It took me a good ten seconds to get him to let go and I ran to the train car just as the doors were closing. He was trying to get me to miss my train so I would have to wait with him even longer. I would have been stuck there for over a half an hour until the next train came by, and the platform (aside from the few buses coming by) was now COMPLETELY EMPTY. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he knew EXACTLY how to get me alone with him. People, if you are in a situation like this do not feel obligated to give in. If someone is making you uncomfortable and asks to touch you in any way, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SAY YES. Make excuses, be blunt, just straight up say ‘no’. If possible, go to someone else near by who you think can help you and ask them to help you. It’s important for guys to learn that they can’t get what they want just by asking over and over again. I got lucky. But not everyone does. Please, everyone, Be Safe.


So I was on the transit bus alone one time. This was my first time riding, and so already I was PETRIFIED. I sit down, pull out my ipod, and begin to play some games. This guy sits down next to me, and begins trying to have a conversation. I don’t really respond, I don’t even look at him, just give half-hearted “mhm”s and “oh”s, as I don’t want to be rude if he was just striking up a friendly conversation. He then asks me on a date.

Now, as I stated before, I already was absolutely petrified. My heart stopped and I didn’t know how to answer. So I just didn’t. He didn’t let up and I could feel his eyes on me. I quietly stammer out a “no thanks” and my stop HAPPENS to be coming up, so I pull the string thing to let the driver know I want to stop there, and once we stop and the doors open I get up and he asks me, “Well, can I at least have a hug before you go if you won’t go on a date with me?” 

This makes me break. There are now people staring, as we are the only people standing up and not getting off… So I just start crying. Hell, I am bawling almost instantly. He looks so fucking freaked out and people are now getting up to come over and comfort me/question him. I don’t stop crying, and he keeps trying to comfort me by touching me, and people are yelling at him for that. 

AND THEN. AND. FUCKING. THEN. THE GOD DAMN BUS DRIVER. A VERY EASILY 6 FOOT BURLY MAN. COMES OVER TO US. PULLS THE GUY AWAY. AND KNEELS DOWN. HE THEN ASKS, IN THE MOST CALM VOICE, “Did you request the stop?” I very slowly and shakily nod, as I am still crying my eyes out. He then asks, “Do you want to get off?” I give a quiet “mhm” and nod once again, and he offers me his hand. I take it, he stands up, and he escorts me off the bus. He asks me questions such as where I was going next, if I was going to meet someone shortly, if I was going to transfer buses from there. He was very polite and waited for me to answer the entire time, and my friend (who I was going to be meeting there) showed up. He asked me if this was someone I knew, I said yes, and he said alright, have a good day. He then told me- and this is something stuck in my mind forever, so it is word for word-

“If some guy EVER starts harassing you like that again, do exactly what you did there. Cry. Cry and scream and have a temper tantrum. Not only will it throw him off, but it will get others to notice. They might not interfere, they might, but you will have gotten their attention and if you happen to go missing the next day the search for you will be a hell of a lot easier because everyone in that location will have seen you screaming and crying with a guy now very awkward with his actions. They will know. That is what my daughter did, and three days after she went missing she was back in my arms. I pray for you and every other person like you who has this done. You stay safe now, okay?” And after I began blubbering again, I nodded and he left.

So this is the second lesson for yall. If you can not have the courage to say no or make an excuse, cry. Let out those sobs and tears and cry your heart out. Because it is going to make people notice and make people aware.


Reblogging for that second story. This might save a life.

I just wanna note that bus drivers can be really amazing and good ones do look out for their riders.

Also, as an additional tip (in case you cannot cry on command or such), you can say, “No, because you’re creepy/creeping me out” and if he persists or tries to laugh it off, say “I do not want to be touched” and look at one of the strangers/persons that is watching.

It: 1. Gives them a sense of urgency in the situation, as the eye contact is a way to make them feel as though you are personally asking for their help and it is now their obligation to help. 2. Contains words so that if you’re in a public place but people aren’t necessarily watching, then they (as natural evesdroppers) can overhear the attention-grabbing words and then notice the situation. Note, this does NOT mean that they will come for help, but you might be able to look someone in the eye (as previously mentioned) or just get some people’s attention. 3. It shows that you have fight in you. As with rapists, those who are physically aggressive (ie. these huggers) choose women they see as an easy target. The moment you show them you are going/willing to fight them, they are less likely to continue. Sadly, this is not always the case, but every little bit helps.

Hopes this also helps, guys, and I’m so sad that this has to even be a post we need.

Dudes who follow me: 1) reblog this 2) don’t be the creepy guy who asks random women for hugs 3) be aware of your friends or random creepy dudes and call them out if they act gross towards girls/womem

Women and girls who follow me, I have something else to say. If you are one of those people (and I know you’re out there) who can’t easily start crying: scream. Scream at him. Yell. Say as loud as possible, “I DON’T KNOW YOU”

It’s exactly what you were taught in grade school and it still applies today. Please stay safe.

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