
The Werewolf Goddess!

@lunaneko14 / lunaneko14.tumblr.com

Pro NaruHina, Pro IchiHime, Pro Anime and Manga
Anonymous asked:

It would have been far better if Kishi had dropped the idea of his stupid love triangles. Not only did it add nothing to the plot but also made the Characters appear very shallow. Naruto's crush on Sakura could have been avoided since he was Canonically dense like Goku and Luffy. Or it could have ended it in Part 1. But No. Even after the time skip he was asking Sakura out like a dumb idiot. And when Sakura responds with her Punches, Sorry it does Not give me Comic relief But rather appears Pathetic. Kishimoto ruined What could have been an amazing friendship between Naruto and Sakura. No other Teams Except Team 7 have the girl team mate proposing to both the male team mates. It is Sickening.

I agree. But I can’t say I don’t have this problem in my writing too where you “try” to make a good story and it falls flat but when you let things flow (much like Kishimoto with Hinata/NaruHina) THATS when the best writing comes out. This is why I decided to wait until the 4th draft to release a play.


I found an FB post where Sakura was placed higher than Ichigo and Natsu Dragneel in terms of Hand to Hand combat funny clearly didn't watch or read Bleach and Fairy Tail.

Ichigo, prior to becoming a Shinigami, was beating thugs up. He even took out 3 shinigami lieutenants in SS arc using hand to hand combat. He and Uryu fought thugs in FB arc and the icing in the cake is in TYBW, where the animated fight between him and the bambies saw him sending them flying away in hand to hand combat. He just uses his zanpakuto more in comparison to hand to hand combat. Byakuya's Hakuda is considered the "weakest" in comparison to his other skills but he managed to defend himself from a controlled Shuhei's attacks.

Natsu's fighting style revolves around using his fire dragon abilities, which involve hand to hand combat. Many of his fire dragon techniques are used in conjunction with hand to hand combat skills. He even took on the twin dragons of Sabertooth alone using hand to hand combat.

Then, they are placed in a tier list lower than Sakura, who from what we saw in the series, was one-shotted by Omoi when she tried to assist Naruto. Seriously, those who create tiers should often know the background of their characters before making one.

P.S. - I find it funny that IchiRukis are so desperate about their ship that people are already laughing at them, some are even pointing out that Kubo already nailed the coffin 8 years ago.


Exactly and just because you have super strength doesn’t mean you’re good at hand to hand combat like in DBZ Nappa can destroy planets and Goku STILL wiped him because his main training IS hand to hand combat and martial arts.

It’s time for Sakura stans to stop setting her up like this because in what situation would she be better than ANY other Shounen character????

P.S.- IR is just looking hella desperate at this point lol


Happy Mother's Day to Orihime Kurosaki.

You slayed so hard Queen, now you have a family of your own

Shearing half a sheep seemed a simple way to show a season's growth of wool, but photographer Cary Wolinsky was wrong. The half-shorn sheep tended to lose their balance and topple to wool-ward. It took many tries before merino sheep number 30 “became our hero," Wolinsky said.

This is what some people against wool don't understand. Unless they're willing to accept killling the entire domestic sheep population, we HAVE to shear them. It's be shorn or slow painful suffocation under THIS.


Once again, peel your sheep!

Anonymous asked:

Sakura Fandom keeps saying Sasuke used to blush around Sakura a lot in Part 1. He was head over heels for her. Is it true ??

If that boy didn’t blush around Naruto he ain’t blushing around no Sakura. They need to stop the bullshit.

Anonymous asked:

why are sakura stans upset and complaining she isn't relevant anymore? honey this ain't naruto. We are in Boruto now. She's only the mother of one of lead female character. she's not a main character like the main series.

Hinata has relevance because she's the MC mother, there's a diference.

Someone needs to let them know lol. Idk why SasuSaku is complaining because they pushed NaruHina for years what they thought was going to happen when they push another girl on the TITLE CHARACTER. At least on NaruSaku’s side they’re mourning what could’ve been for their pink queen.


Comparing Kushina with Hinata and Sakura

your argument is invalid, please re-read chapter 631,and try again later.

Chapyer 631 doesn’t make any scenes. And besides, Minato just barely knows Sakura and he only can tell Sakura is like Kushina is her attitude and that’s it. And besides, Sakura still really love Sasuke even Naruto knows that too. Naruto only answer that Minato’s question is between just a joke or just being stupid again. Sakura was distrurbed by hearing that question.


And Naruto seemed unsure and not a crack of a smile on his face when he said it. I love it how narusakus throw up the latest chapter to prove EVERYTHING. Up until now you were using filler stuff to prove your ship and now you’re using a Kishimoto troll. 

Omg looking back it’s so funny how hard they clung to chapter 631 for their lives. 🤣

Anonymous asked:

Never forget that the only woman his age whom Naruto ever cried for was Hinata. He cried in relief when he found out he didn't kill her when he was in his 6-tailed and 8-tailed Kyuubi modes in Ch.441, and then he cried over her after she "rejected" him and went with Toneri in The Last Novel.

Did he ever cry for or over Shitkura when he was supposed to have a "crush" on her up until Ch.469? I don't effing think so 😏💁🏼‍♀️

Exactly 👍🏾

Anonymous asked:

Sakura fans out there shipping their self insert with Indra and Ashura Otsutsuki LMAO 🤣 Why would the otsutsukis bother about that No Clan girl. I doubt they even know about her existence😂 I bet this all started after Toneri showed interest in Hinata. They think Otsutsukis will go crazy for Sakura too. They literally have no shame in shipping her with dead Ancestors but can't even tolerate Hinata being shipped with her CANON husband.

Exactly. It’s already a stretch to ship her with every Uchiha just because she’s *married* to one. Like can you imagine Hinata being shipped with every Uzumaki like Nagato, Mito and Kushina? Like seriously why do they always set Sakura up like this???? Madara didn’t give af about her in canon but he would be jealous of Sasuke marrying her????

Plus most likely civilians and ninjas didn’t live together back then and the clans were probably very strict about who future clan heads marry so they’d naturally marry women from STRONG clans. If anything it would be beneath them to marry Sakura because it can jeopardize the clans future (which they would be correct since Sarada needs glasses)

Just like with the series, Sakura stans can’t see beyond the shallow surface, yes, Mito and Kushina and many other women have been described as “beautiful” in the series BUT beneath that beauty is STRENGTH whether through hard work or blood which Sakura does neither. Even Toneri didn’t go after Hinata JUST for beauty, she’s a HYUGA and a PRINCESS.

I just realized one title Sakura will never have that Tsunade has is “Princess” 🤭


Sakura stans reasoning that since her family's background of simple civilians as a reason for her being poor at fights is bollocks. I'm saying this since one of the three unifiers of Japan came from a family of poor farmers and yet, he defied the odds and became a powerful warlord himself. I'm talking about Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who started as a sandal bearer to Oda Nobunaga, another fellow unifier. Thru his own skill and some luck, he became one of Nobunaga's trusted generals. He didn't let his peasant background stop him from being one of the unifiers. Then, her stans are telling us that her family's background is a disadvantage to her being a kunoichi, just again, bollocks. They make her look bad and the biggest irony of all, they also claim she is the strongest kunoichi, which is again, bollocks. She got a bit better than her sensei Tsunade on using the techniques the latter created. It's not similar to how Naruto and Sasuke managed to improve or create their own techniques based on the things they learned from Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

Anyways, her stans will still use this as they don't know where their princess stands on. Plus, they are so demanding of Japanese toy makers to create and/or rerelease some of figures, some even went on attacking Megahouse for creating many Hinata figures. Unfortunately for them, Megahouse only listens to the market and from what we all saw, Hinata's figures sell. I'm not a big fan of Hinata but I bought her wedding figure. Not regretting it ever since.

P.S. - On the Bleach side of things, many people who read the manga changed their opinion on Orihime and saw how her treatment in the early Bleach anime from the hands of Studio Pierrot and Noriyuki Abe is the main reason for the unreasonable hate she received from some fans. They now understand why Kubo disowned the early anime, particularly the first two arcs and with the release of TYBW, where Kubo is supervising it plus having a new set of animators and a director who knows how to respect mangakas, it really revived the interest


I’m actually jealous you got Hinata’s wedding figure. I’m waaaay behind on them 😩

And yes there are many examples both in real life and in Naruto of how what type of background you come from doesn’t matter, I shouldn’t have to name all of the black ancestors that have proven this and they were in much worse conditions than Sakura. And like you said she is basically hanging off the coat tails of her teammates who just so happen to be the title character and main rival.

I promise you if Sakura wasn’t part of Team 7 she would’ve went away like Toriyama did to Launch.

You’re correct about the Bleach thing too. I actually look forward to the many figures and merch Orihime will have when she gains popularity at the last battle when she backs up Ichigo.

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