
Dragon Mama


Gam | 23 | Mama Dragon | Female but not a woman (She/They) | Dragonkin | Therian (Dog, Lioness, Cougar, Entelodont and a few others)

I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains


Hell yeah DIY hrt is a lot safer than most people think and way more accessible than it seems. There's a lot of people who work together to make it as safe and reliable as possible. The following two websites are essential to know:

^for info on what hrt is, different types and info on antiandrogens. It's pretty easy to read and gives a great overview of DIY hrt in general including risks with each method.

^for finding verified sellers of hrt. So far they only have mtf (estrogen, progesterone, t-blockers) as testosterone is illegal in a lot of countries.

To @sleepsucks if you don't want this on your post I'll delete it. Just shoot me a DM :3


Homestuck Browser

bottom text

I absolutely need everyone to reblog this right now. This is an offline browser meant to read Homestuck as it was intended, with Flash.

This project is absolutely BIG and the person behind it BIGGER, and you guys have no idea how glad I am to have a complete Homestuck archive right at hand that also has stuff like The Baby Is You and Humanimals among so much more. Like what?? It’s the real MSPA.

Please share this. Go to the creator’s Twitter (Bamboshu) and retweet too! Donate.

Also, all the content is less than 4GB? I’d think it’d be way more heavy. You can even save it on a USB and you’ve got the entirety of Homestuck and MSPA in your hands… 


everyone please read this and share if you can.

Brazil is going through one of the worst climatic crisis ever seen.

i live in the southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul. we have been suffering from extreme, nonstop rainstorms for a week now. the rivers are flooding, reaching 4-6 meters above their natural level. people are being rescued by helicopters, neighborhoods are being evacuated. entire cities are slowly but surely becoming submerged in water. 60 people missing and counting. 32 deaths and counting.

and this is not new. last november also had a flood like this one. 50 dead, many material losses. it happened again this january, with thousands being left without power or water for days.

three catastrophical disasters within less than a year. three disasters only a few months apart.

this is not natural.

unsustainable agricultural practices and politics led to this. a complete disregard for nature led to this. greed led to this. always greed.

when it comes to the climate crisis, i cannot stress this enough: we need to act now if we still want to live. disasters like this are going to happen more often and they're going to be much, much worse. this flood is being considered the worst climatic catastrophe in the history of my state. i don't know how long it will take for another bigger one to happen and take its place. i just know it will be sooner than it should.

links to donate (if you can't donate, sharing already helps a lot):

will update more links later. in the meantime, pray for us.


Why do we say that capitalism must be “dismantled”?

You’ll hear phrases like “Smash the state!” “Eat the rich!” and “Smash capitalism!”

And, yes, of course, but… :)

However relevant those sayings are, our work must be careful, highly organized and above all planned.

Because capitalism and all of its associated systems are not discrete, abstracted entities we can attack independently.

It is a structure, like a complicated machine with many thousands of working parts…

And right now it is connected to absolutely everything.

If we do this… [picks up huge hammer and smashes the machine]

Then a lot of vulnerable people will die.

The machine was built and improved and redesigned and patched over the course of generations. It is very good at its intended purpose, which is ultimately to generate profit.

Every human being alive today relies on the byproducts of the machine to survive, without exception.

The machine’s engineers want it to keep working like it does. In fact, they want to optimise it.

That will kill all remaining life on Earth.

So, we must destroy the machine, quickly and carefully

We must examine its deadly programs and mechanics and replace them with alternatives we built together.

The engineers don’t want us tampering with the machine.

However, we make it run…

So we can make it STOP. Together.

How will YOU help us to safely dismantle the machine?

p.s. My computer is on its last legs. If you would like me to draw you a little cartoon and help me get a new computer, learn more at this post.


It should 100% be illegal for companies to make you give them your payment information when you sign up for a free trial version of their product. It is not necessary and there is no good fucking reason for them to do it. It’s blatantly just so they can steal forgetful customers’ money.

oh hey, thanks for reminding me to cancel a free trial i had going on.

Reblog to save an unnecessary charge cause it also reminded me to cancel a trial lol


I might be a little biased but I’m honestly starting to believe that there’s no purer form of love than the defensive spite you see from biologists that have devoted their life to the study of a maligned or misunderstood species. For example:

The hyena biologist that arranged for Disney animators to come sketch captive  hyenas for The Lion King film (Laurence Frank) was so incensed when the animals were depicted as villains in the movie that he later included boycotting the film on a list of ways the average person could help hyena conservation.

Though it’s commonly known that Charles Darwin’s distaste for parasitic wasps played a role in his development of evolution theory (since he felt no loving God would create animals with such a disturbing life cycle), the biologists who study these wasps find it an unfair characterization. When they were tasked with coming up with a common name for the family of parasitic wasps (Ichneumonidae) that old Charles so disliked, they proposed the name “Darwin Wasps” to spite the famous naturalist who had insulted their beloved family of insects.

Parasitologist Tommy Leung was so frustrated with the way people write about parasites to evoke horror and gore that he started writing a Parasite of the Day blog, that specifically avoids inflammatory or unsettling language to describe them. He also illustrates different species in colorful anime art on Twitter in a series called Parasite Monster Girls—which he calls his “love letter to parasites.”

I guess I’m just saying that if you’re a biologist studying an unpopular species and you have a little bit of a chip on your shoulder about it you can always count on me to be in your corner if you want to get a little petty with the public!

(ID: tags that read “when does a monster stop being a monster? when you love it”)


✨Little Things I Hope Happen For You✨

  • I hope when you accidentally leave your coffee or tea to cool for too long you come back and it's the perfect temperature
  • I hope you go to the store and everything you need is much cheaper than you expected
  • I hope you get an unexpected check up call or message from one of your favorite people when you're not feeling your best
  • I hope anything you're worried about turns out even better than you could've imagined
  • I hope you find happiness even in the little things

- Erika, The Clumsy Witch


YES I’ve been chased and hissed at by a Canada goose but it doesn’t make me hate them guess I’m just built different

  1. they aren't evil or "mean for no reason," you got too close and they're probably defending their kids ("teens" look the same size as the adults, so you can't tell)
  2. I've had domestic geese bite, kick, and wing flap me while I restrain them or move them off nests. the only way these animals are going to hurt you is if you tackle one, hold it wrong, and its wing gives you a black eye. See how tiny that head is? Their beaks just pinch you, they have no room for biting muscles
  3. see above: yes I know they can be legitimately scary they are DINOSAURS but they are not going to hurt you!!
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