
D&D and LLAP

@xyxyrslaad / xyxyrslaad.tumblr.com



[First image: a cropped screenshot of a tweet from John cena reading “It’s ok to be silly. It’s ok to be whimsical.”

[Second image: the full tweet, reading “It’s ok to be silly. It’s ok to be whimsical. It’s ok to be creative. It’s ok to show emotion. It’s ok to be wrong. It’s ok to fail. It’s ok to hold hands and hug. It’s ok to say ‘I love you’. It’s ok to live. It’s ok to be you because we are all just trying to figure it out.” and dated September 30th, 2022.

/end img description]

the full tweet is just as excellent


the thing about the classic 20th century movies that everyone says are great and masterpieces and you should watch them is that 99% of the time it’s true


I’ve been thinking about coming back to tumblr and starting over new but that is a terrifying prospect so I’ll probably just... stay inactive bye


harrison ford with his dog betty in 1989 / ph. gamblin yann


parks and rec tho

ok parks and rec right:

- has a dark-skinned, fat black woman as the sexy mysterious hottie of the office and it’s not about her “overcoming” anything or anything it’s just a thing, and she’s not “killing men with her sharp eyeliner” or being a bad person at the same time she’s just very confident and she also gets married without losing that (Donna)

- there’s a biracial latina who isn’t all spicy or fiery or remotely stereotypical at all but her heritage and culture aren’t ignored either and her plot line doesn’t center around that (April)

- has a gay guy but there’s no coming out scene or no big stink about it, it just kinda ends up coming up, and he isn’t stereotyped, nor does his story revolve around that (Craig)

- has a depiction of depression that isn’t traditional or stereotypical, especially because the character that gets it is so positive, and shows the character dealing in a healthy way and overcoming it and he’s not reduced to his mental illness and you can see that he is more than that (Chris)

- has an Indian character who deals with racism but is also allowed to be a complete multi-dimensional character with recognizable experiences and qualities separate from that, and also who ends up owning a successful business (Tom)

- there are modern native americans interacting with the people who took their land generations later and exposes some of their issues (Ken Hotate and the Wamapoke)

- shows the bad side of government and the realistic racism, sexism, bureaucracy, etc. that goes on but it also has good hearted candidates who show what good people can do when we believe in them and vote for them (Leslie)

- so much other stuff

in conclusion: parks and rec

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