
Galactic Magic

@galactic-magick / galactic-magick.tumblr.com

Rhi. Multifandom. Fic Writer and GIF Maker. (requests closed!) AO3: galactic_magic Masterlist | Request Guidelines | About



About Me: Hi, my name is Rhi (she/they)! This is my blog for reblogging and posting about things I enjoy as well as writing fics and sometimes making gifs! To learn more about me, check out this page!

Current Fixations/Stuff I’m Watching: Arcane, Star Wars, Star Trek, Transformers, Bridgerton

Writing Updates: Currently writing whenever I’m inspired, right now I’ve been writing some Arcane fics here and there.

Have a question about me or my blog? Feel free to ask!



(fun lgbtq+ flag dividers from this post!)


Actually my concept for a Star Trek series would be something like:

  • It's 10,000 years in the future (or some big number, it's kind of arbitrary. It's a hell of a long time after anything we've seen, anyways)
  • The Federation and the Borg have long-since merged into a galaxy-spanning hyper civilization
  • Most sentient life in the galaxy is connected in a sort of utopian hivemind, but you can opt out. There are entire worlds that are just like...wilderness preserves for weird "throwback" types who value their individuality, unique cultures, etc.
  • The Civilization basically has a sort of collective midlife crisis and decides that it's stagnated; it hasn't really changed its technology or modes of living in thousands of years and it decides that cultural stasis is a sort of death (there's probably some kind of event to touch this off in the pilot)
  • Their solution is that they need to start exploring again to encounter new ideas, but all of the other galaxies are damn far away
  • But the Federation-Borg (Forg?) can't really operate over those distances, because they're out of direct contact with the rest of the hive and their units find this existentially terrifying
  • So they need to recruit a bunch of people from these weird throwback planets to go out and explore for them in a fleet (or in one really big ship with a bunch of, like, Enterprise-sized support craft)
  • Except these people have tensions because they all come from different sorts of cultural perserves. And some of them don't even think that they *should* be helping the Forg expand
  • The entire first season just shows their long, long journey through intergalactic space toward the Andromeda galaxy with just a few rare pit stops at isolated star systems all alone in the void
  • (Maybe, like...a haunted starship that has been floating in the night for half a billion years or something)
  • All of the aliens that they encounter are really weird and gnarly because this is outside the galaxy, so there should be no humanoids
  • They eventually get caught up in a bunch of shenanigans between rival gods and the like.

Bridgerton S3 is so interesting and engaging. No wonder everyone is talking about and it's such a sucess. In this presumably formulaic fantasy romance they went there and made the female protagonist the messy one with secrets, and the male protagonist a soft boy with a need to please and protect. The way some of you don't know how to handle that is wonderfully telling. It's fascinating.


You know what people don’t talk about often enough? Playing catch up in life after spending your teens or early 20s suicidally depressed. There’s so many more layers than just being able to say “I don’t want to die anymore.”

  • The difficulty in academia or a career after spending years thinking you wouldn’t be alive long enough for any of it to matter.
  • The exhaustion that comes from self awareness and self soothing, with the constant voice in your head saying “don’t go backwards.”
  • How lonely it is to watch the people your age starting families when you’re just barely learning what stable relationships are, and the sudden societal pressure of being “up against a clock” for these kinds of things.
  • The judgement from others if you change your image or interests this late in the game just because you finally figured out who you really are under the demons.

Be kind to those who are developing and blooming after years of not planning on being here long. We are living a life we absolutely didn’t think we’d have, and it’s hard enough without society reminding us there’s expectations of our age.

We didn’t get to be young; we were too busy fighting battles few know.


"We didn't get to be young; we were too busy fighting battles few know."

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