
Michi's Art Blog

@michibiki--arts / michibiki--arts.tumblr.com

I'm Michibiki, a passionate creator just looking for somewhere to share my work. I'll post various illustrations, as well as potentially some things for original projects, though I'll probably also post my fair share of fanart for different communities I enjoy. I've been drawing nearly my entire life and tend to prefer a more painted art style to clean work, though I've also been known to branch out and do all kinds of both digital and traditional media.

Spent a long time on this art resource/reference masterpost! Finally starting to edit to add more. This will be REGULARLY updated so it’s gonna get huge. If you have a request for resources for me to find OR have a resource you want me to add, just send me an ask :D

General Anatomy/Human stuff:








Expressions/ Meme / style:

Pixel Art:

Clothing / Accessories:




might redo this since it COMPLETELY deviated from my original concept BUT i still think it turned out really well

i cant be the only one who felt ties to bo en's my time and the gnf lore right guys thats not just me?? the sleeping and dream world being separate from reality?? yeha

i just think that gogy lore <3


hi sorry 4 no new art 4 a few days i hav been struggling with linework it feels weird so n e wayz i did this lil doodle to just try n loosen up and have fun tmrw is kagepro day so ive had Them on the brain so i made dream team but inspired by different aspects of kage pro B) heres the connections i sent 2 som friends 4 explanation :D GNF as ene. tsundere sassy little bitch who exists as a weird code entity with no physical form and has a sleeping problem?? yea no theyre literally basically the same person ok Dream i used a ton of different inspirations. hes got the mask and lying/deceit stuff with kano, but like the idea of him having momo's drawing eyes.... where he attracts so much attention all the time without meaning too by just existing so he covers his face with the mask so people will walk past him most of the time. Sapnap reminds me of Momo's personality and how shes just trying to take care of everyone n have fun but also ayano and mary bc again bright, cheerful, happy but Whoops it's just hiding the fear that everyone will leave him! I also think him having Mary's stone eyes would b cool as fuck


just some fun design practice related to a possible comic/webseries project ive been thinkin about for a while :D Not gonna give too many details bc i might not even make the project or accidentally spoil something i decide to keep secret later in planning but she's themed around Foxes and is in a kind of fantasy-ish world!


Hey :D

Do you mind mass reblogs? I want to put some of your drawings in my queue but would rather ask first if you don't mind that <3


i don't mind at all !! :D honestly i dont mind spam or anythin like that im just kinda chillin so if u wanna go through n like mass like or rb or comment on stuff feel free :0

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