
Ride on Shooting Star




R eally sad A nxious T hinks about being a robot a lot I ntrovert O bsessed with anti-malaria N ets A lways crying L ots of internet friends I n bed all day S latestarcodex reader T hinks about sex a lot


A kid at work has decided that they don’t want to play with the kitchen set, and don’t want to play Barbies, but would instead rather take the them-sized stove and the Barbie-sized stove and pretend that they’re mommy and baby stoves.

The baby stove is currently at stove school, which is for stoves.

The mommy stove is at work, and apparently makes soup for a living, which I know because this kid is has been chanting, “I MAKE SOUP AND I DO IT ALL DAY / EVERY SINGLE SOUP SECOND, EVERY SINGLE SOUP WAY,” louder and louder and higher and higher to the point where it’s now either being sung by the world’s loudest mouse or the world’s most out-of-breath six-year-old.


Entitlement To Your Peers: Manipulation, Control, and the Assumed Authority to do so

[This is written in a more experience-snippets format, as I’m not entirely sure how to approach the subject abstractly, without being personal – as the topic is focused on personal reality.]

A disturbing behavior I don’t often see discussed, or even noticed, is the assumed authority of active control over the personal lives and opinions of your peers.

It’s something I notice often. Friends trying to control whom their friends are being friends with. People assuming authority of people’s harmless headcanons in fandoms, or what they choose to draw or write about. People feeling as though they have the authority to degrade others on opinions that don’t entirely line up with theirs over even the most benign subjects. 

And I personally was guilty of all of the above at one point or another – it’s encouraged in SJW culture, and ties heavily into the concept of Purity. I felt personally threatened by the opinions, hobbies, and friends of my peers. I felt as though it was a direct attack on myself to allow themselves to continue in this manner. And the SJWs around me encouraged action on this – to control the language, opinions, hobbies and friends of my peers with the active overhanging threat of exile from the community.

I was completely unable to separate someone else’s life, their reality, from my own. I was completely unable to see their context due to only being able to focus on my own context, for all the things and events in my life that lead to me being who I was. And I was so focused on my own context, that I dehumanized the people by feeling I had any right to have control them.

People don’t do the things they do in a vacuum. I act the way I do, I have the opinions I have, due to my life experience. Every tiny thing that happened to me made me who I was. And yet, a community that claims so aggressively to want to honor the lives of everyone and promote understanding and coexisting has only succeeding at doing the polar opposite.

It took a really long time to unlearn this way of thinking. I began to realize how selfish it was to feel I had any right to control people around me. I had been blinded by my own life, my own experiences, that I never stopped to consider what life or experiences other people have had to make them who they are.

Like, hey, maybe that person is friends with someone I don’t like because they genuinely, truly get along and enjoy each other’s company. Who am I to make the decision for them on whom they should or shouldn’t like? What made me think I had any right to dehumanize others and decide this in the past?

And maybe that person ships a character or two in a way that I personally find insulting, but I’m not them. Who am I to demand someone to muzzle and gag their own life experiences, opinions, interests, and sexual orientation to appeal to someone whom isn’t them and they cannot personally understand?

Thinking back on all of it, it comes off as completely absurd how self centered I was in assuming that my reality had the right to affect anyone else’s at all. It was difficult to set down my sense of entitlement and take responsibility of my own well being. Demanding the change of my peers to suit specifically MY NEEDS, MY OPINIONS, MY REALITY, is the most selfish thing I had ever done.


@mathemagicalschema said: #relatable! It skeeves me the fuck out when someone starts fomenting a crush on me just because I was being my usual level of Nice at them, while showing no apparent interest in me as a person.


And it’s such a weird Thing because like, on the one hand, CLEARLY NO ONE IS EVER NICE TO THIS PERSON, THAT’S SO SAD, and I always feel bad and want to help.  But also, like, I cannot help every lonely person in the world and I wouldn’t want to, and I get annoyed that I suddenly feel obliged to be in charge of this person’s emotional well-being.


If Snow White literally had “lips red as a rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow,” she’d look like a walking nightmare.

honestly this sounds like the description of a vampire. Which would also explain how she convinced seven dwarves to let her stay with them. How she could control some animals to do her bidding. How she could sleep for a long time without aging. Why the hunter betrayed the queen for her, and why the queen wanted her heart, so she could be sure she was killed properly. 


the first baby is born in may, and dies in his sleep. the second does not make it to term. the third lives for a year before an unknown illness claims him. the queen pricks her finger on a needle: old magic. blood on snow on an ebony windowsill. the wind carries the the contract, and the woods accept. 

blood now must be repaid with blood later, but the fourth baby is a girl, and she lives.


she grows slowly, and out of order. first her hands, long and bony; then her arms, thin, hollow-looking. she never looks quite like a child: no chubby cheeks, no skinned knees, no missing teeth. her hair is thick and so black it sometimes seems viscous. her skin is so thin you should be able to see the blood running through it.

they name her snow white, for the fairness of her skin. so fair that she cries when left in the light too long.


the queen dies when snow white is four, still small, and beloved. she is not beautiful, her mouth too painfully red, her eyes too liquid dark, her teeth too pointedly sharp. but only those who do not live in the castle think this. to know the child is to love her. to know the child is to want to please her. to know the child is to know that she is precious.

that she must be protected. that she must be obeyed.

“it is not your fault,” the king whispers to the child on his lip, petting her head. “she was not strong enough. i will make sure you never go hungry.”

the child presses her tiny hand against his cheek. “i know you will,” snow white says.


peasants begin to go missing. young boys are snatched from the fields. women are summoned to the castle and never seen again.

“gifts,” her father calls them. “eat. you are too thin.”

the girls are always silent, and the boys always scream. snow white hates it. she wishes they would stop, but she is hungry. she is so hungry. and doesn’t she have the right to survive? isn’t she a child, too?

but her mother’s blood is the only food that ever made her feel full. now she can eat and eat and eat and never feel like she has taken a single bite.

she grows thin. the sun becomes too strong for her to go outside.

“a mother’s blood,” the king muses, and sends his advisors out to find snow white a new one.


the kingdom has six queens in six years, but no more peasants go missing. it must be something in the castle, they say. some mold. some terrible illness. something that lingers, and kills you slowly.

but snow white grows healthy regardless. she can be seen, sometimes, on the parapets: in the early years she wears a heavy cloak but as she grows it gets thinner, and then disappears entirely.

she is small, and delicate. her laughter, floating down into the village, is silver and gold and painted in eighth notes. it is said that if you look into her eyes you can see your deepest desire. it is said that she will give it to you. it is said that every time a queen dies it breaks snow white’s gentle heart. she shrinks. she hides away indoors. she becomes frail and cannot leave her bed.

so many queens in so many years. eventually, somebody will notice.

eventually, somebody does.


“mirror, mirror, on the wall: who’s the fairest of them all?”

you, my queen.

“there are no others?”

there is one other. but she is young. she was made by the forrest. she doesn’t know what she is.

“another? after all this time? where?”

the kingdom of six queens.

“how strong is her heart?”

she is too young to know for certain. but she when she is hungry, she has always been fed.


snow’s new mother arrives on horseback. her lips are red as blood, her hair as black as ebony, her skin as fair as–snow’s. 

she marries the king and they spend the night in his chamber. this has never happened before. snow white does not understand. she is hungry. she always gets fed, the very first night. she always gets blood on her gown.

but her father stays in his chamber and does not come out. in the morning, his eyes are hazy and he does nothing but smile. her new mother’s teeth are red.

snow white waits. she isn’t starving yet. surely her father will snap out of it and feed her.


“today?” snow white asks, and her father pats her head.

“i will find you a peasant boy,” he says. “a strong one. your favorite kind.”

“that is not my favorite,” snow white tells him. she frowns. he has never told her no before. he, and everyone else, has always done exactly what she wanted. “father, i am hungry. you promised i would never be hungry again.”

she begins to cry, and the hazy look leaves him. he falls to his knees, her face between his hands. “of course,” he murmurs, “of course, tonight, i’ll send her. i don’t know why i didn’t before. i don’t know what i was thinking. tonight.”

snow white kisses his cheek. her red lips leave a print.


her new mother does not come. in the morning, her father’s eyes are hazy once again.


“father,” snow white begs.

“i promise,” he answers, but he is weak, every night he gives in to weakness because her new mother does not come. snow white is hungry. snow white grows thin. snow white cannot go out into the sun.


at last, her new mother comes. she has a plate of food: vegetables, fruit, and a slab of meat.

“eat,” her new mother murmurs. she perches on the edge of the bed.

snow white shuffles away from the sunlight coming through the window. “i’m not hungry,” she says.

“but you must be hungry,” her mother says, smiling. she reaches out to chase the edge of snow’s jaw. “you haven’t eaten in weeks. not even a peasant boy.”

snow white looks up, startled. “they aren’t filling,” snow white says.

“no,” agrees her new mother. “i agree. i prefer kings, when i can get them.”

“i prefer mothers.”

“i am not your mother.”

“then what are you?”

her smile is slow and bitter red. “my mother made the woods a promise, and the promise was me. she did not know that promises must be paid in blood, and sustained in blood, and that the blood was also me. she got what she wanted, and i ate until i was as full as a human could make me.”

“are there others? like you? …. like me?”

“there were,” the queen says. “once, there were many of us, and all of us were starving.”

snow white does not yet understand. “then what happened? where did they go? how did you survive?”

the queen runs a finger along the fabric of snow white’s blanket. her nail rips a line through the thread. “humans are weak, snow white. a thousand of them would not be enough to fill us up. but we are strong. our hearts can sustain a body for a hundred lifetimes.”

her teeth grow long. “i have been hungry for such a long time,” she says. 

snow white understands.

she runs.


it hurts: her skin is so hot it is nearly on fire. her feet blister as she runs. she has never been outside of the castle grounds, but the woods are dark and shaded. the shade is like jumping into a pool of water. the red bleeds from her skin, leaving her fair and white once more.

she hides inside the hollow of a tree (the woods created her and the woods will keep her safe until her mother’s debt is paid). she sleeps while the hunting parties pass her by, all but one. he is a huntsman. he knows the woods. he knows the woods have favorites, and protect them; but the woods are old and can be tricked.

he waits.

when she emerges, it is dark. her skin is so white he almost wants to drink it. she is small, her hair so black he thinks she has woven the night sky into it. as he notches his bow he thinks it seems a shame to kill something so beautiful, something so beloved by the woods. the huntsman is loved by the woods, too. he knows how its favorites suffer.

she turns to look at him. when their eyes meet he sees his deepest desires. her eyes promise to give it to him. we are the chosen, her eyes promise, as she approaches and he does not shoot. cannot shoot. cannot look away.

“i am so hungry,” she whispers, reaching out to touch his face. “my father hasn’t fed me.”

“she wants your heart,” the huntsman confesses.

snow white knows that already. snow white is beginning to understand the bargain that her mother made.

“she cannot have it,” snow white says, and her teeth get long, and she eats.


“mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

you, my queen. but not for long.



friendly reminder

swamp hags are valid

wretched gorgons who can’t dwell the swamp and instead settle for bridges are valid

shrewish crones who solely frequent overpasses in busy cities are valid


don’t let tumblr tell you otherwise 



The set of whole numbers is most definitely not “bigger” (as far as the term is meaningful in terms of relations of infinite sets) than the set of even numbers. They both can be mapped one-to-one with natural numbers and are therefore just countably infinite; their cardinality—or “size”—is, again as far as such relations are meaningful for infinite sets, the same. Which isn’t to say all infinities are the same—no such correspondence can be found for the real numbers for example, so that could be said to be a “larger” infinity.

But yeah as far as integers vs even no.s are concerned, it’s not really a disputed thing in mathematics. Both infinities in this case are the same. You might find mathematicians who dismiss as meaningless the whole concept of cardinals, but I doubt you’d find any arguing that the set of whole numbers is larger than that of evens.

Wait what? How is the set of integers not larger than the set of even numbers?

Here’s a classic explanation.

You have an infinitely large theater and an infinite amount of people come in, carrying umbrellas. On their way out man 1 grabs umbrella 1, man 2 grabs umbrella 3, and so on. They all get their umbrellas, obviously.

On the second day no one is carrying any umbrellas, but suddenly there is rain. But that’s okay, because there is still an infinite amount of umbrellas left, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 4 and so on.

So integers and even numbers have the same cardinality. In fact, integers and any infinite subset of integers have the same cardinality. 

TL;DR: integers = even numbers because you can count even numbers

But… But like.

Okay consider the infinite set of real numbers between 0 and 1.

Isn’t the infinite set of real numbers between 0 and 2 bigger because it contains all the numbers in the first set AND more extra ones too? And shouldn’t this apply to the set of integers and the set of even integers? The set of integers contains the entire set of even integers PLUS more items that are not in the set of even integers.

Real numbers > integers because you can’t count them.

[0, 1] = [0, 2] because for every x in [0, 1] there exists y = 2x in [0, 2]. Also, they both have the same cardinality as all real numbers ®. I’d write how, but tumblr doesn’t support math markup.

Whether the set of integers is “larger” than the set of even integers depends on what you mean by the term “larger.” Mathematicians usually say a set is “larger” than another set if it has greater cardinality. It is not disputable that the integers and the even-integers have the same cardinality.

However mathematicians don’t have the magical right to decide what people can use larger to mean. On the other hand there are actually not many obvious definitions of “larger” when the integers are larger than the evens. Here is one “Set A is larger than set B if Set A strictly contains set B.” (strictly contains just means A does not strictly contain itself).

This is a pretty reasonable definition for some uses. However it does mean that most sets are not comparable. For example a set of 2 apples is neither smaller or larger than an infinite set of numbers. but maybe that makes sense anyway! You can’t eat a number! So even an infinite number of them won’t help you at lunch!

Source: I studied alot of math.


Performance and Quoting

say you have something scary, or sexy, or uplifting

then you want to portray that or perform it, which gives you “scary”, or “sexy”, or “uplifting”.

for example, Korean girl bands typically perform a detailed sequence of dance moves that are very “sexy”, ie. strongly coded as suggesting sexiness without necessarily being sexy-without-quotes.

‘90s American boy bands also had a strong fixed routine.

but quotes can nest, and soon you end up with people performing the concept of this performance, giving them a further layer of non-committal detachment from the underlying emotion.

while a 1950s bad-boy might wear a black leather jacket and ride a motorcycle and be perceived as bad, and a 1980s rockstar might deliberately copy the style to seem “bad”, a 2015 talent show contestant would play this trope to be “”bad””

this can verge on parody, as in Blink-182 All The Small Things video where they perform “”sexy”” to satirise boy bands, while studiously overlooking that many of their fans do indeed find Mark Hoppus sexy-without-quotes.

although quotes nest, beyond a certain level they become indistinguishable, which leads to heated debates and grants plausible deniability to artists. is Lady Gaga shocking, or “shocking”, or “”shocking””? Is Bad Blood serious? What about Shake It Off? Clearly she’s trying to be funny… or is it “funny”?

this leads to a sort of euphemism treadmill, where performers who want authenticity have to continually reinvent new tropes that haven’t been quoted to death yet, then move on as others move in.

there is probably some deep connection with the recursive grammar of human language here

i don’t think mating birds ever do their dances sarcastically


Lots of people seem to agree with me about making FDA approval easier, but every so often I flirt with a much crazier position - I think we need to overhaul the prescription system, with less of an emphasis on making people get constant prescriptions from doctors every time they want to take drugs. Let me give an example.

Yesterday I was called in to evaluate a patient who had attempted suicide. He’d attempted suicide because his pain was so bad. His pain was so bad because he “couldn’t afford” the one medication that could control his pain.

(I’m being deliberately vague for confidentiality reasons, sorry)

I looked up the medication that could control his pain on GoodRx.com. It costs $5 per month in our area. This guy was poor, but not so poor he couldn’t pay $5/month to prevent pain so bad it made him want to die.

Turned out the problem was: he’d been receiving the medication happily for a couple of years, getting new prescriptions from his doctor each month. Then he lost his house. Somehow his Medicare (Medicaid? I can’t remember) was tied to his home address, such that by missing some stuff they sent to his home address he lost the insurance and had to re-apply for it. This took however long it takes to re-apply for things with government agencies. During the interim, he had no insurance. When he had no insurance, he couldn’t afford to see a doctor. Without a doctor, he couldn’t get his monthly refill on the prescription that he’d been receiving without any problem for years. So he couldn’t get the $5 medication he needed to control his pain. So he decided to commit suicide.

This is an interesting case because it cuts through a lot of the pat solutions that people have for these kinds of things. “Oh, just regulate the price of everything!” Wouldn’t help. I guess making applying for government insurance less bureaucratic would help, but good luck with that.

I know this isn’t the most consequentialist way to think about things, but imagining that I’m in terrible pain, and there’s a medication which I *know* works, and which I’ve used safely for years, and which only costs $5, but nobody will let me buy it because I don’t have an Official Piece Of Paper from a suitably credentialled rich person, would make me…well, it’d make me want to kill myself.


Unsurprisingly, learning a bit of C has taught me quite a bit of important computer stuff (…just as the experts always predict, with their lists of essential programming languages for learning purposes always including C (and Lisp), who could’ve guessed?!)

For example, I now have a far better understanding of what’s actually going on at the hardware level and how programming languages, compilers etc. in general work.

And I have also learned that I never ever want to have anything to do with them.

If the programming language doesn’t abstract that stuff away, it’s not a programming language but a bitfucking language, as far as I’m concerned. Types like “int” or “bool” are nice, but taking care of the specifics of the implementation is the job of the bitfuckers who write the programming languages, that is literally their job, we pay those genius bitfuckers to make sure we don’t ever need to think about such things in normal operation. If your program is too slow, you buy more computer or plug in a library written by a competent bitfucker or just use Julia like God intended, but whatever you choose to do, it definitely doesn’t involve exposing promethea to even a single malloc() for any reason whatsoever. (Unless you have solved problem Z and for some reason you crazy bitfucker did it in C and I have to see a malloc() in the process of porting your algorithm for Z to a language that can actually be used for programming.)

Also, it’s definitely true that when you know one programming language, you know them all except for the really weird (aka. “interesting”) academic ones which take a bit more work. And by “know one programming language”, I mean “know how to efficiently solve the ‘how the fuck do I do X in this particular language, especially given that it lacks the absolutely crucial feature Y from my favorite one’ problem with google”.

(also, appfuckers vs. bitfuckers is a ‘tag yourself’ binary now)

But C is a high-level language. It automatically handles the call-stack for you and everything :^)


bitfucker all the way

Bitfucker pride. You have not truly lived until you’ve written a method in assembly and called it in C.

I honestly don’t see the big problem with using C/C++. I have always enjoyed using C++. I know one issue is lack of garbage collection. The “higher level” language I am most familiar with is Ruby. Maybe Ruby just sucks, got me.

Why don’t people like C/C++ ?


My family is taking bets right now and I thought I’d ask Tumblr for its predictions, too.

Iff Hilary Clinton wins the presidential election and appoints a left-leaning judge to the Supreme Court, how likely is the Court to detooth the first amendment and leave only European-level speech protections within the next four years?

Would guess maybe 5%


There’s an important dynamic that I’ve never seen explicitly described which explains why a lot of corruption/rent-seeking is sticky, or hard to undo.

Let’s say that there’s a bunch of people who own homes whose addresses are multiples of seven. They wish they had more money, so they petition the government to send a check for $100,000 every year to the owner of every house whose address is a multiple of seven. Voter turnout is low, and they all vote for the law, so it passes. Now thirty years pass. Who has benefited? Naively you might think that everyone who’s owned a multiple-of-seven house during this time has benefited, but you’d probably be wrong. Say you owned one of those houses the day the law was passed, and say you sold your house the next day. Say you never got one single government check. You probably sold your house for a huge amount, far higher than the amount one of your neighbors could’ve gotten, because the person buying the house was pricing in all those checks they expected to get. So without getting any checks, you’ve already done really well. But the person who buys the house really doesn’t get much. Sure they get $100,000 every year, but their mortgage is probably $100,000 a year higher, because, duh, the house came with all this free money, and they paid a fair price for it. Only the people who owned homes with house numbers divisible by 7 when the law passed have really benefited. Now 30 years later, we decide this is a stupid law, there’s nothing special about house numbers divisible by 7, and all these checks are really draining the budget. The people who own div-seven houses now (and who haven’t held them for the past 30 years) get fucking hosed. They paid millions more for their home than they would’ve for the home next door on the assumption that they’ll keep getting these checks, and now they’ve stopped coming. Most of them will get foreclosed on within a few years.

Leave out the division by seven and the part where we repeal the rule, and this is pretty much exactly the story of California’s prop 13. I think it’s also true of a lot of protectionist professional licensing. If you make it harder to become a doctor today, all the doctors who exist now get higher wages and have an easier time finding work. But any doctors that come after have those benefits priced into the cutthroat competition they experience trying to get through medical school and their internships. And if we repeal the rules, those older doctors have still done very well, and the younger doctors with loans to pay are ruined.


“Why can’t you magically make me stop holding you in contempt? Just magically me make me stop and everything will be okay. Why do you refuse to use your magic? Why? Is it stubbornness? Is it laziness? Is it entitlement? I can’t stop hurting you until you magically make me want to stop hurting you. Please just do it, I am a good person but I can’t stop until you make me want to stop.”

When you use logic like this, you are goading your victim into one of two things: an overwhelming display of charm, or an overwhelming display of aggression.

And if they had any charm, you would have never been using this sick logic in the first place, now would you?


Writing question:

So I’m editing a story, basically rewriting a fairy tale to have it take place after some Unspecified Apocalyptic Event that wiped out society and there’s really not much left of “modern technology” except for a few bits of machines that people generally don’t know how to use. Faeries and wizards and witches and magic-user types have “come back” to the postapocalyptic world, and lots of people get along with help or hindrance from magical types.

However, I want to make passing reference to huckster types who claim to know how to make machines work. I was thinking of calling these people “technomancers,” using “-mancer” like some games do to mean like “magic user who does X.” They’re not actually wizards, but since wizards exist and magic works, they’re trying to borrow legitimacy. “We are the wizards of machines. Give us your money and we’ll make that relic do a thing!” sort of thing.

I know some games I play use “-mancer” in this way. However, I also know that “-mancer” actually refers specifically to divination from X, not just to “wizard of X thing.”


Should I go with “technomancer” on the theory that people will get it (and that they don’t play any major role in the story), or should I call them like, Wizards of Machines or something, for accuracy’s sake?

I’d go with technomancer.















I’m bringing back the REAL post.  For those of you who care enough about how body image issues effect BOTH MEN AND WOMEN and how ignoring men with eating disorders or who have depression or deep insecurities because of their body image is not just ignorant, but it’s horribly insulting.  Making fun of this post means you are telling men who feel degraded that they should feel bad about themselves and that they don’t mean anything.  For everyone who reblogged the posts that made fun of this original post, shame on you.  I’m very disappointed.  Please share the original because this is an important issue.

Also raised to my attention is I neglected to add people of color to this post, I am sorry for my negligence so I shall add bonus images here of unrealistic expectations for men of every race, I chose Men’s Health Magazine because it’s extremely popular in telling men how to look:


No, guys, you don’t understand. I just got so relieved seeing this original post again that I nearly cried.


Bless the blog that brought the original back!

Here’s the original post without some of you asshats changing the pictures

This is actually the VERY FIRST TIME I’ve seen the original post, which goes to show how quickly people turned it into a joke. I confess that I did laugh at some of the absurd replacement images in the other versions, and I feel guilty for that now because I, like many, was missing an extremely important message.

To all of my male followers who struggle with self-esteem: I support you too. Even though I’m really quiet and have a bad habit of going weeks or months without posting, I WILL be there for you if you come to me wanting to talk or just vent. That’s a promise.

I’m so glad to see this. I myself struggle with this. Umbasa

I’m tired of this being changed. It’s really discouraging to boys that are going through this. Fuck the people changing it.

This is the first time I’ve seen the original. If you change the pictures you’re saying 1) you don’t care about men’s body issues 2) you think it’s funny that young men go through body issues problems and often develop eating disorders (I did in early high school) 3) that you’re a gee ally shitty person

This is the first time I have seen the original, and changing it was a real dick move.

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