
Due to High Demand

@magglers / magglers.tumblr.com

Hi I'm Mia and I like cute things!

Today is my birthday (i turn 19) so I made a new Meet the Artist!! Also, as part of new patreon content, Im gonna start recording youtube videos! The video process of this drawing is here and linked in the drawing!!Β I hope yall like the video and the drawing and pls give me any feedback for the video :D You can find more art and content on my patreon!



He’s just up there

Story time about something similar, actually!

I’m a pilot, and thus like 85% of my friends are ALSO pilots and one of them is just this delightful older guy that named Bruce. Bruce is a man of simple pleasures, he likes mediocre bbq and to take his vintage J3 Piper Cub out like, every other week just to have the old girl not look so sad in the hangar. We also live about 30NM south of an air base and, according to him, there was a squad of fighter planes out and they wanted some guys to go up in their planes for intercept practice (with pay, obviously) so the guys could get real time practice looking for unfamiliar aircraft.

Bruce, a man who doesn’t need it but wants to say he flew with some fighter jets, takes them up on their offer and takes the old girl up for them. Now, if you’re unfamiliar with a J3, this thing is slow as shit. Like, horrendously slow. And there was a decent headwind that day blowing in off the coast and Bruce gets the brilliant idea that he’s going to do something they can’t. So Bruce turns that old cub into the wind and just flies slow enough that he’s genuinely flying BACKWARDS and the next thing he knows are these three jets screaming past him, wings wobbling something fierce as they’re all about to stall, and the pilots yelling over the radio likeΒ β€œHow are you DOING THAT” 

He likes to say he owned the air force something awful that day.


I was high off my ass last night and had this dream where I was in this dense ass forest and sitting there was a tall woman. She was so tall I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing gold and I was like β€œuh…hi?” And she said β€œI made you, do you know that?” And I nodded and she was like β€œI hear your thoughts. Why do you hate my creation? Why do you try to destroy yourself? I made you perfect as you are. Please don’t break my heart”. Then she started crying and it flooded and I woke up with fucking heart palpitations like what does it Meanℒ️????


polar opposite of this post


inspiration struck and would not let me go until i drew this

This is really beautiful!!!

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