
self care for students

@studyingsenseless / studyingsenseless.tumblr.com

Calligraphy and artwork to promote student mental health. Find my calligraphy artwork with the page below or here.

Hi! I’m getting ready to buy school supplies. I study best when my notes are pretty and fun. Any tips on supplies to buy?


Hello! I'm sorry, I hardly am active on here anymore but I appreciate your messages nonetheless!

Some of my favorite supplies to buy are cute notepads to have out on my desk for to-do's and such. There's a cute one here.

Also I love my calligraphy pens, which also have a fine point end.

Of course, I love to restart the new school year with a new bullet journal. Here's the one I use.

Sometimes I'll use these little tabs for bookmarks and marking textbook pages.

Less necessary, but I also love stickers/washi tape to make my planners more appealing!

Hope this fueled your supplies shopping spree :) In case you missed them, I have linked examples of each!


16.09.19 // what’s in my bag? 

I’ve never done one of these before and I was heading out to do some studying in town and I thought it’d be fun? Maybe I’ll do another one sometime, because there wasn’t much in there tbh! Anyway, productive day - I am so glad to be back at uni, even if I can already tell how busy this year is going to be. Hope everyone’s return is going well! 


job apps are not! my fave! new plan: start a business fixing & editing all of the websites i’ve come across while checking out companies. if i have to read through another ‘about us’ page that is: a) grammatically incorrect and b) full of typos, i will absolutely scream


04.10.2019: 34 / 100 days of productivity

My peers thought I was crazy for already watching classes online and typing them out during summer holidays, but I’m glad I did it. Now I can get to the actual studying a lot sooner, so I’ll hopefully be less stressed during my finals.

October 10th, 2019

I’m having a lot of fun editing my photos in lightroom (and I think I have finally found my own style, idk at least it feels right). I don’t have a lot of homework to do these days so I try to really fill my free time doing things that bring me with joy and happiness, i.g reading, watching movies and learning languages. 

Tbh I really don’t like my desk (it’s an old one). But I can’t afford buying a new one 😢 By the way, I’m renting a flat with the girl from the third year. It’s a small and cozy studio. I’m so so grateful that I don’t live in dormitories cause they’re absolutely awful. Although being in the same room with another human being 24/7 makes me feel drained (guess who’s an introvert). I need to find a way to cope with it since we’re gonna live together for at least a year, ohh

P.S can someone recommend me youtubers who are doing vlogtobers (except for sunbeamsjess and estee lalonde)? thanks in advance) I absolutely love vlogtobers!!! I’ve been watching Jess’ for years now)

Anyway, I hope everyone’s having a good day 💖


there is no audience to perform for, there is no approval, no admiration to attain. there is no role worth playing, there is no one to convince. let it go


october 29, 2019 ☆

i have no class today so all ive done is take notes for about 20 minutes and then watched american horror story for three hours straight 🤔 balance is everything amirite??



yesterday i found out that i got the funding to start my phd at the university of sheffield in september. it still really hasn’t sunk in yet and i don’t even know what to do with myself. this is something i’ve been dreaming about and working towards for the past four years throughout my degrees and i really can’t believe that it’s finally coming together. all throughout applying i’ve been aware of how extremely competitive getting phd funding is, and how unlikely it is to get it the first time, so i’d prepared myself for bad news. so much is going to change and i am absolutely terrified, but also incredibly excited to start something new and spend three years doing something i’m so passionate about. i’m going to be a dr (of philosophy) !!

that’s so exciting! congrats!!

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