
Legal Valkyrie


Mostly here to enable TMA fan art

This is my third time asking... WHAT IS THE LUKAS FAMILY FANON LORE??? Does it differ from person to person? Is there a document? Is it on ao3? An au?

I know it's there, I saw someone talk about it. TELL ME PLEASEEEE I LOVE THE LUKAS'S



Hehehhehehe, he was indeed!


[ID: A picture of a monthly calendar with the month of September 2023. In the left upper corner there is written "lonelyeyes week 2023 September 18-24". In right upper corner there us doodle of an eye and a fog cloud.

The calendar starts with Mondays and end with Sundays. There are little notes written in frames with dates. Green text is implying it's written by Elias, blue text us implying it's written by Peter.

The writings in frames are:

September 2nd - meeting with Mikeale (green text)

September 5th - new staff interview (green text)

September 8th - family funeral (blue text) tell me its Nathaniel (green text) sadly no (blue text)

September 12th - hunt down Simon to go over his donation (green text)

September 14th - check up on Jon's progress (green text)

September 15th - last day to apply for government grant (green text)

September 18th-23rd - Date night <3 (frames are all green with white text inside)

September 24th - Date night (Peter handwriting) oh? (Elias' handwriting) (frame is blue with white text inside. There's also a doodle of a boat)

September 25th - Veterinary :( (blue text) It's you turn, Peter, no sad eyes! (green text)

September 26th - Doctor check up (green text)

September 27th - New staff interview (green text)

September 29th - Performance review (green text)

September 30th - Family wedding (blue text) Am I your plus one? (green text) take a guess (blue text) End of ID]



Every audio fiction I listen podcast to

EVILDOOM Podcast s1, ep1 scene 1.

Rob: Everything seems normal and alright here at Nefarious Corp. if it’s so normal though, why does our manager’s shadow have tentacles?
Jane: Oh my God Rob, you can’t ask that! It's so bigoted!
Sometime in season 2 or beyond Karm Kronfili (As a sus highly character everyone loves): Well, I was bound to show up! Alasdair Stuart (as a perky but slightly sus character): Me too! Great isn't it?
Listener: yep that's the stuff... mmmmm happy ears.



Love Finds A Suez

Rating: Teen

Fandom: The Magnus Archives

Pairing: Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas

Tags/Characters: Elias Bouchard, Peter Lukas, The Tundra, The Ever Given (in spirit and inspiration), It’s Not Not Crack, Suez Shenanigans, Beholding Shenanigans, Leitners Summary: They were definitely stuck in this Canal. The world, and Elias Bouchard, watched.

The Lonely did not co-exist with concepts such as emotion, but if a shade of one could be presumed upon it, translated through the clumsy and mundane lexicon of humanity, it would be this: apocalyptic, and not by way of a successful ritual.

Just a cheeky little tag folks nothing to see here @legalvalkyrie

#Shenanigans #I’m having this #CAPTAIN SEXY BIRDSEYE! #I know what a meme is, Elias


Giving your child a meaningful name won’t have any impact on their future; things don’t work like that… Right?

[ID: A black background with a white, patterned border. In the centre of the image is a white, leafless tree growing out of a black and white book, which has been opened to the centre. Beneath that text reads ‘Andromeda,’ then below, in slightly smaller text: ‘leader of men.’  In the bottom right hand corner is the St Kilda logo, a dagger with the words ‘The Secret of St Kilda’ laid over it, in greyscale. ED]


I don’t have anything else to say

[ID: the picture of the Evergreen cargo ship stuck sideways in the Suez Canal, but the logo on the side of the ship has been edited to read “The Tundra” in all caps. The image is also noticeably more cold-tinged. End description.]

Alasdair needs this on a t-shirt... 


TMA fandom, I understand that we’re all living though aftermath of ending, it is hard time for everyone. BUT! I also think we’re, in this historic moment, missing on hilarious story that would fit in perfectly with desire for funny, crack and feel-good AUs: Just think what would have happened it cargo ship blocking Suez Canal would have been TUNDRA with Peter Lucas at her helm.

  • Suddenly all eyes of the world trained on him! He is mentioned in every news report! Fun, right? Right, Peter?
  • Nathaniel is furious and threatens to disown him if he doesn’t fix it and remove attention form the family. (Dishonour on you, Peter, dishonour on your cow)
  • Attempt to call Simon just renders fifteen minute laugh that might be actual Simon or might be just be a pre-recorded laugh track.
  • Elias has time of his life giving interviews as ‘Captain Lucas ex-husband number X’, giving every channel a different number and different (but always true) story of how they got together and how his heart was broken by divorce, and has more fun than he did in a half-century – and only agrees to help when desperate Peter threatens that money to cover up this PR disaster will come from a pot designated for philanthropic causes, like support of Magnus Institute.
  • Archival team looks at news: ‘Is-is that that creepy ship, from the statements? No, it cant be… *5 min later* Oh shit, that IS the creepy ship from the statements!’

I just want to read fanfiction about everyone having a great day except Peter who is being miserable because of innocent things like human arrogance and mistakes ruining world economy in the most hilarious way. Or maybe he is not miserable at all because nothing makes you lonelier than public embarrassment. 

Yes, this is it, I want to see this story reflected in TMA word in any way and genre. From ridiculous crack humor to serious emotional hurt/comfort? I’ll take anything and everything!

Is it too much to ask? It doesn’t even have to be shippy (ha-ha)!

AND I WANT TO BE TAGGED ON THEM ALL #Shenanigans #NoSeriously #I’llMakeAlasdairReadThemDon’tThinkIWon’t


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