
seize the day

@estudier / estudier.tumblr.com

a levels
Always be vague. Say I think they’re in today or not until later. If they press say it’s company policy not to give out the schedule. Most companies do have this and even if they don’t how would a stranger know. Don’t give out specifics, they can get people injured or even killed.

At my last job someone came up and asked when “Sarah” was working next. I didn’t tell him and then texted her a description, turns out he was an abusive ex who had been stalking her. Don’t do this **** please.


New rule, non muslims can’t say the word jihad. Until you stop conflating a word that means personal struggle with faith and temptation with terrorism youre just not allowed to say it.

I’m not a Muslim but I just thought I would reblog this because I think it’s definitely worth listening to.

It’s totally okay for non muslims to reblog this, and i encourage it. Im just glad you’re listening.

Oh god, finally someone said it. Every time I see words like “jihadist” I want to scream, but I’m not Muslim, so I wasn’t sure I should say anything. 

Jihad means struggle. It doesn’t mean holy war or anything like it. In fact, there is no word in Islam for holy war, because the nature of Islam does not leave room for holy war. Islam has a juridical system, not a Pope who can just say “Go wage holy war.” Conflating the personal nature of jihad with violence is so very gross and it needs to stop. Period.


Actually, there’s another word non-muslims in the media shouldn’t use:

Allahu Akbar. It’s not a statement of terrorism. It means “god is great”. It’s something we say to praise our lord. It’s what we say when we pray. It’s not a statement of terrorism. Allahu Akbar doesn’t mean terrorism stop using it as one

I would really appreciate it if non Muslims understood this


It is our duty as feminists to protect and respect women in Hijabs

Now. More. Than. Ever.

Question: if I see someone pull off a Hijab, what should I do? I know there are reasons they are worn so I want to if i should stand in between them and who did this, should i protect them from view somehow, or something else? This has been happening a lot so I feel it’s something everyone needs to know.

Good question! I cannot correctly and effectively answer, as I am a white, non-Muslim person; however, I will reblog in case any of my followers can answer. 

I asked my Hijabi friend, so here’s one Hijabi’s answer: 

“my opinion is, definitely try cover them or give them something to cover themselves with. And perhaps shoo off the person, without putting oneself in danger! God forbid, if that happened to me, I would like someone to come and comfort me and give me something to cover my hair with and then help me report it to the cops “

(Followers, if any of you are hijabi and would like to expand on this answer or offer alternatives, please do.)

If u see it happen to 1 of us, pls cover our head + hair with a coat or shawl or any piece of cloth, while hugging us in comfort. Please don’t get hurt by lashing out @ the perpetrators in any way, coz if they dare to do that, they’re probably too far gone in their own hatred to listen to any reason. Much love + Thank You to anyone who supports us.

yes !! everything said here is important af. if you see someone pull off a girl’s hijab immediately cover her hair and provide comfort. don’t talk to the perpetrator but try to get the woman out of there if you can. maybe if you have a scarf on you at the time give it to her so she can wear it until she’s alone and can replace her hijab. please please protect muslim girls because we already had it hard before donald trump became president and now its gonna be worse with people going around thinking their violence and cruelty is justified 


for my other white ppl who might have a hard time, it’s my understanding that a hijab is like a major item of clothing, not an accessory like a hat or a scarf. so think abt it more like if someone just ripped someone’s shirt or skirt off. u don’t want to be left there exposed or have to walk home without it.

everyone, even outside America needs to protect our Muslim sisters in these times.

as a man, what would be the best thing to do? should i turn my head and avoid looking at their hair? can i still offer a jacket or something similar?

^I’m hoping someone has an answer islamaphpbia is on the rise in my town and I want to be a good male non Muslim ally

For men, yes please, we would prefer it if you avoided looking at our hair, and if we don’t have something to substitute as a hijab at that moment, anything you could lend us, a jacket, etc, would be very appreciated.

Also, since most girls avoid physical contact with men they’re not related to, please do not hug them, but rather shoo the offender away if you can, or at least escort the girl to a safe place. You can still offer words of encouragement and support. Furthermore, understand that the victim may not be very welcoming towards you because she’ll obviously be shaken, and won’t know where you are coming from. If that’s the case, please still give her something to cover herself (hijab is very important, think of it as someone ripping your shirt off) and stand some distance away until you are sure she’s in safe hands.

Thank you so much for your support, we really appreciate it, god bless all of you.

In the horrible climate we’re currently in, please take note of this.

Reblogging this again for the guy-instructions


As a Muslim without a hijab, I support this.

Oh thank god, I’ll know what to do if anything like this ever happens around me. A lot of Hijabis actually come through my work place so I’d like to be able to help if needed!!


You know why im so pissed off about the silence when it comes to the Bosnian War and the Srebrenica Genocide in particular? Because this was the most recent genocide commited by Europeans yet no one talks about it? It’s not taught in schools (uk) it’s hardly a topic anyone cares about, it was systematically islamophobic, for those who don’t know it was a genocide targeting Muslim men and boys specifically, 8373 murdered from 11 July 1995 - 22 July 1995 to be precise. Muslim women were raped, Muslims were put in concentration camps yet this is the forgotten war and genocide? How? How can Europe just forget about this? I’m so disgusted. 21 years. 21 years of families suffering and mourning because their father, brother, uncle, grandad was killed for his faith. Fuck anyone who doesn’t care about Bosnia.


If you live in the socal area and are/ know someone undocumented please be careful when going to Walmart or to be safe just don’t go in general ICE has been known to go in there

This isn’t information that can sit in your likes guys I’m not trying to guilt trip but this is life or death please reblog and spread


yoooo what i need by tomorrow





Dear sick Kitties,  Please save this to your computer because one day you might be well enough to work in some capacity and it’s unfair for you to have blank spots on your resume/CV.  You have worth and validity even if you don’t have a huge work history. YOU have value.


This is mostly really good, but I have a couple minor disagreements.  So…here are three recommendations from an HR person who reads a shitton of resumes every day:

  1. Move the skills section up to the top!  You know what I give a fuck about the most when I’m reading a resume (at least for entry-level positions)?  WHAT YOU CAN DO.  I frankly don’t give a shit where you learned it.  Tell me what you’re capable of in concrete terms, organized in a bullet-points list or table that I can quickly scan to see if you even stand a chance of matching what we need, because that is all I’m doing in those critical first couple of seconds that decides whether I even bother looking at the rest of the resume.  (Which I get sounds kinda callous but when I have to get through a couple dozen resumes, meaning download, open, read, decide what to do, forward it to the appropriate person if it makes the cut with my comments/summary/recommendations, file it appropriately and go on to the next one, and get back to my other duties and responsibilities - which I don’t have enough hours in the day for as it is - I can’t afford to depth-read every single resume that hits my inbox.)
  2. Include volunteer experience as work experience if you have any.  Running the concession stand at a high school club event of some kind counts as cash handling and customer service experience.  Making blog themes for your friends counts as web design experience.  Just because you weren’t getting paid doesn’t mean it wasn’t work experience you can potentially leverage to get actual paying work.
  3. Rework that top statement - in its current form it’s looking like some odd hybrid of an executive summary (good!) and an objective statement (bad!), and I’m not sure how I feel about it tbh.  I think it’s the “leveraging…to positively contribute” bit that is pushing all my “ugh no fucking shit sherlock” buttons.  Like…what were you going to say, that you want to skate along doing the bare minimum amount of work and you don’t give a shit about the organization’s goals?  I see way too many regurgitated statements like that - “positively contribute” and “maximize success” and “utilize my skills to further goals” etc. - and they just make my eyes roll out of my head at this point because they’re so generically corporate.  I’d rather see a declarative statement about what you are and what you can do, than what you want.

However, huge massive bonus points for putting language fluency right there at the top where I don’t have to go hunting for it - language skills are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS A PLUS and you want to highlight that shit as hard as you can.  Shove that language fluency in my fucking face, PLEASE.  Better that than having to scour your work history for mention of translation or anything like that, which I will only do if I’m A: already liking your qualifications so far, and B: totally fucking desperate for someone who speaks goddamn Spanish already.


10 July 2018

Reminder: Do not buy from Amazon or even open the website on 10 July 2018, in solidarity with the transnational strike.

Amazon workers in Spain have called for a transnational strike because Amazon has been avoiding accountability for its labour rights violations by merely shifting the work (and the human rights abuses Amazon inflicts on their workers) to non-striking countries, each time a strike occurs. If there is widespread striking transnationally, Amazon will have no choice but to recognize the strikers’ demands in order to keep their facilities functioning.

Our job as allies is to support the strike by avoiding using the Amazon website or purchasing anything from Amazon for as long as the strike continues. A mass boycott of the site, coinciding with the strike, will strengthen the workers’ bargaining position and could be crucial to Amazon workers gaining back basic rights in a variety of countries.

Please remember this includes subsidiaries like Twitch and Audible.


This is tomorrow!

Please do not shop on Amazon tomorrow.

Please do not stream Amazon music or video tomorrow

Please do not order from sites using Amazon Payments tomorrow.

For one day, please, avoid it.



Some of you may have heard about the UK Cat Killer, some sick fuck who has killed and mutilated over 300 cats and other animals such as pet rabbits and wild foxes over the past 3-4 years.

Recently there have been an influx of more killings especially around the South Eastern area, including Surrey, Hampshire, Sussex, Berkshire, etc, where the animals have been mutilated and either returned to their owner or left on footpaths and sidewalks where kids regularly walk to school. School children have been finding theses horribly mutilated animals. Most recently, however, on Monday a lady’s cat was found beheaded and splayed out in a star shape beneath her bedroom window in the morning about 2 minutes away from where I live, my mum works at a vets and was visited by Scotland yard police who advised everyone who lives in the area to keep their pets in at all times if possible. Especially at night.

So, since Tumblr is so American-centric, I thought I’d write a little PSA telling people who live in the UK to please keep your pets in at night, and if possible, during the day. 

Sources of information for those who want to read more about this arsehole:

SNARL is a good continuous source for those who wish to follow further

This has been a PSA, thank you.

I’ve got more followers on here

this is also happening in the north-west, our neighbours rabbit was beheaded and people have had their cat’s paws mailed to them 

don’t let this go unnoticed

This is legit guys, I live here, please look out for your animals and if you see anyone acting suspiciously please tell the police!

Suspicious behaviour might include trying to entice cats with treats or toys, as well as the usual looking at houses, watching houses and cats for a few minutes, etc. He seems to like returning the mutilated bodies to the owner, do PLEASE keep an eye out for anything. This is gone on for about four years, possibly even longer, its about time we put a stop to it


Here are the thieves btw:

im actually physically ill

Keep this post alive so that when CARLOS is old enough he’ll know these KIDNAPPERS stole him from his MOTHER!

Guatemalan mom: “Please help me my son was taken from me”

Those two assholes: “Lol finders keepers bitch lmao”

Carlos was taken from his mom, Encarnacion Bail Romero after she was arrested during a work raid. Her words, “Nobody could help me because I don’t speak English,” are still resonating deeply within me. This child was kidnapped from a loving mother, and she went to hell and backwards trying to get him back, and a judge literally told her she had no rights to her own child.

Completely unfit parents can get their children back like it’s nothing and this poor woman who loves her child and just wants him with her again cannot? How is this not human trafficking/kidnapping? 


The judge said the biological mother had no rights to even see her child, according to the mother’s lawyer.

Asked if the Mosers would allow Bail Romero to see the child, the Mosers’ attorney, Joseph Hensley, said the couple was “not willing to comment on that at this time.” source


Things that will tell you a lot about a person

  • How they present themselves
  • How they stand
  • How much space they take up when they’re sitting (Meaning do they ‘manspread’ or do they hunch into themselves?)
  • Whether or not they use their hands when they talk
  • How they talk to their parents
  • Whether or not they smile at strangers
  • Whether or not their smile reaches their eyes
  • How they treat animals
  • What their friends are like
  • What kind of people they surround themselves with
  • How they talk about themselves
  • How they talk about others
  • Whether they speed up or slow down at a yellow light
  • Whether they accept or deny compliments 
  • How frequently they apologize
  • Whether or not they willing to admit they’ve made a mistake
  • How they treat waiters/waitresses/cashiers
  • Whether or not they reciprocate generosity
  • How they respond to traffic
  • How they treat subordinates
  • Whether or not they willingly give up their seat or open a door for someone
  • The “most listened to” songs on their playlist
  • What they would tell you about during a late-night conversation
  • What they doodle on their papers
  • Whether or not they let people go in front of them in line at the grocery store
  • How they want to be seen by others 

for wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning   — Vincent van Gogh


hey friends, if you care about cultural appropriation and the damage it causes, please check out this awesome project!

in 2017 dior copied the design of a traditional romanian coat from the county of bihor and sold it for 30,000 euro, giving no credit to the local artisans. in response, romanian fashion magazine beau monde helped the community create their own brand, bihor couture, which sells the original coat, handmade to order, for 500 euro a piece. they also sell other traditional clothing and jewelry for much more accessible prices (5-45 euro). they’ve been hugely successful so far, and currently have enough pre-orders to cover 4.5 years of work, with 100% of the profits returning to the community. 

it’s surprisingly common for big name fashion designers like dior, gaultier, tom ford and altuzarra to copy traditional romanian clothing and sell it for ridiculous prices, with minimal original input, while giving nothing back to the community where these designs originated. it’s completely unfair that a big name designer can just steal so much hard work and misuse it to make huge profits. 

please support bihor couture, if not by ordering one of their products, then by spreading the news around. it’s really awesome to see a small community fight back against cultural appropriation so successfully. i hope they carry on for a long time!


Eid Mubarak to all my beautiful muslim babes 💙☀️

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