
Nonbinary positivity


Hello, it's me, your local non-binary lesbian. My name is L, I'm 26 years old and go by any pronouns. Profile picture done with the picrew creator by actionpilot and header by @dykedva

thank you to the women who refuse to wear makeup

thank you to the women who don’t own any high heels

thank you to the women who cut their hair short

thank you to the women who dress in comfortable, baggy clothes

thank you to the women who don’t shave and don’t hide it

thank you to the women who talk loudly and take up space

thank you to the women who eat what and how much they want in public

thank you to the women who sit boldly instead of with crossed legs

thank you to all the gnc women who make it easier for the women around them to fight the prison of femininity, too


Not like that film was a one-off either.

I would like to add The Birdcage (1996) to this list of drag queen movies (mind you, it's based on a French stage play from 1973).

Which starred Nathan Lane as a drag queen just two years after he had voice Pumba in "The Lion King":

And we ESPECIALLY need to remember Victor Victoria from 1982 (during the REAGAN administration) which is SET IN THE 1930S and stars everyone's favorite curtain-sewing nanny as a struggling soprano who decides to pretend to be a boy doing drag (DOUBLE THE DRAG FOR YOUR MONEY). I mean look at this photo:

Count Victor Grazinski isn't putting up with your transphobia (or you being a dick to Robert Preston).

Unfortunately, the representation of drag and female impersonation (as it was often called pre-Stonewall) is scant in mainstream American cinema due to the Hayes Code. There are definitely more, but these are biggest, "family-friendly" names I can think who have starred in major motion pictures as drag performers.

can I add another?

Some Like It Hot (1959), it got in trouble with censors and still went ahead, but it featured a lot of Gender and a character getting really into this whole β€œbeing a girl for real” thing, as well as the implication of a a gay engagement being on the table

but like? It has Marilyn Monroe in it and banger music and it’s a classic! I only know from my mother bringing it up and also a tiny bit of exposure to russian tv channels, but I think it was also popular in the Soviet Union? So she’d seen it as a child and loved it so much she watched it with me when I was also just a child.

(not to mention big traditions of children’s theatre with drag performance)


i keep seeing misinformation about this, so: queerplatonic relationships do not have a set definition. the name comes from the idea that it's "queering" the platonic relationship, tailoring it to the individual relationships' own desires. it isn't necessarily romance lite, but it also isn't necessarily whatever definition you want to impose on it. the point of queering the platonic relationship is to break away from strict allonormative views on friendship, romance, and sex, not to make a new categorical box to fit in.

the answer to "what is a qpr?" is "whatever you want it to be." sometimes that is romance lite. sometimes it's a deeply committed friendship. sometimes it's friends who have a sexual relationship. sometimes it's based on an entirely different mode of attraction. sometimes it's fluid and impossible to put into words. it's whatever you want it to be. it's queer.

asexual margaret thatcher moodboard

im starting to think tumblr is less a microblogging site and more of a procedurally generated content creator with the express purpose of eventually generating something that will personally kill me on sight and i have to say its getting pretty close to that

Ai could never


Oh come on lady, you can't deny a man his gaycation

You must surrender yourself mind, body and soul to the gaycation or be destroyed

Someone on reddit already suggested a sapphibbatical

Someone on reddit

already suggested a


Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

how could you leave out the best partβ€”the aquarium bit

"become a fish" (gay)

men will jump through an entire circus' worth of hoops rather than admitting they're bi

The level of mental hoops that guy had to jump through to say to his wife, "No, honey! Of course I wouldn't be cheating on you! Sex during gaycations doesn't count!"

Holy fucking shit! It gets trippier!

I mean, I feel horrible for the OP and her SIL...but "surrender to the gaycation" made me laugh way more than I should have.

this is an insane story

β€œSome men never return”

Helpppppp 😭

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