
and farewell, king

@lovesjustachemical / lovesjustachemical.tumblr.com

Possibly too old to have a coherent aesthetic. Shakespeare and other odds and ends.

Communists and anarchists will spend all day talking about abstract concepts and structures like capitalism and the state, but willfully ignore the very real, tangible curse placed upon me by the foul necromancer

You people are victim blaming me when I'm literally shrouded in a miasma of unholy pestilence


Reblogging this manually. Op doesn't want credit for fear of being terminated.

[Image ID: the progress pride flag, but the chevron has been replaced with the text "this content has been removed for violating Tumblr's Community Guidelines." /end ID]

Really a little too on the nose to get this sexual ad (for the 100th time) directly after seeing this post.

Trans women are violating Tumblr guidelines with their "sexual" face pics or the most oblique reference to sexuality but these ads about whether you like kinky sex are fine!

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