

@people-like-anime / people-like-anime.tumblr.com

i mostly post anime and memes . Talk to me anytime, I am your honorary big brother. Also November 23rd is my b day if anyone cares. We can be trash together!

There’s so much to unpack here:

  • Pack of Beakers
  • Goth Beaker
  • The Beaker snitching and pointing out the photographer
  • The Beaker that’s about to unload on the photographer
  • The terminator strut before the ass whooping and you know he’s moving at speed because of the blur
  • The ominous feeling that you know this is 3 in the morning

anyone else feel like youtube is getting too fucking comfy w/ the multiple ads before every fuckin video?? 


Got premium so no idea what y'all are talking about.



The Minneapolis police are back to publicly being terrorists now that George Floyd’s death is out of the media cycle.

Directly from the article:

Bayle Adod Gelle was deep in sleep late Wednesday night at his home in Eden Prairie when he heard loud banging on the door.

The intensity of the sound at 2:15 a.m. left Bayle confused. He trudged down the stairs from his second-floor bedroom. As soon as he reached the living room, he found his wife there—surrounded by more than a dozen officers from the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office. The officers allegedly pointed their guns at him and his wife, Bayle said, and then tied their hands tightly with a cord.

Awakened by the bangs and commotion, three children—ages 4, 7, and 9— joined their parents in the living room. Officers allegedly pointed guns at them, too, Bayle said.

“I felt very scared,” Bayle said in an interview with Sahan Journal at his home Thursday evening, some 14 hours after the police raid. “I thought they were going to kill us.”

The police search felt like it took forever—maybe two hours, he said. Bayle kept asking the officers who they were and why they’d come to his house. (In the end, the police appear to have found nothing, and took no evidence with them, Bayle said.)

They told him “shut up,” he recalled.

Bayle said the officers ransacked the house and never showed him a search warrant— until the end. That’s when they told him his son had been killed.

Bayle said that until that moment, he had no idea that nearly 8 hours earlier Minneapolis Police officers had fatally shot his 23-year-old son, Dolal Bayle Idd, in an altercation at a Holiday gas station in south Minneapolis. It was the first police killing in Minneapolis since Officer Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd about a dozen blocks away.

they had to move out of their house on new year’s eve to a nearby mosque.

please share, I haven’t seen anyone talking about this

Call the fucking Minneapolis PD. Flood their lines. this shit is fucking astounding

612 673 5705

Call the state representatives, let’s get everyone involved in this under investigation.


Tails is the best friend in the world.

think again

What the fuck I never wanted to know that

Sonic is into Watersports AND Vore?!?!?

If I had to read this plot twist with my own two eyeballs… So. The fuck. Do y'all.

this is literally the worst thing

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