
Mcl Elda Bin~


Anon Signature is (~D ^-^) wot upppp

'Ashkore' (Masked Man) and 'The Oracle' Theory

NOTE: This is mostly based off of a theory I have seen and what I have presumably witnessed and information within the game and what I assume, this is merely assumption from myself and can’t necessarily be proven or disproven until canon evidence is given-

So lots of speculation of the Masked Man, and according to speculation, ‘Ashkore’. And it’s curious what exactly he wants, why he seems to want-or even need Gardienne and what his animosity against the guard is.

According so, ‘Ashkore’ was the name of one of the last dragons of Eldarya in which case furthers speculation. Perhaps in Eldarya Dragons may take a more humanoid form? If that is a possible case, or if 'Ashkore’ does have a relation to the dragons, his abilities, identity-even his age remains questionable. The reasoning I speak of age is because now I take into consideration of the Gardienne-Oracle Theory that floated around before.

From my memory, the Gardienne-Oracle theory suggested Gardienne’s possible relation to the oracle, the fact that the oracle appeared for her and the curious theories regarding the Gardienne’s strange eyes show possible connection between the two-Now I don’t remember exactly if this part was in the theory, but what if the gardienne was indeed destined to follow a destiny in place of the Oracle or the very case-replace the Oracle.

And I bring this up because if this *is* the case, then perhaps it’s possible that the Oracle suffered similar fate

Perhaps the Oracle *was* a person-an actual person and she followed a certain destiny?That led her to be the host of the Crystal-to be the embodiment of the heart of Eldarya?

Now back to age. The oracle has been in this state for who knows how long-more than likely past the lifetime of everyone currently in Eldarya and even further-perhaps hundreds of years even? Which then speculates to the Mysterious Man’s age and under speculation if he was given gift of 'immortality’ ((as dragons seem to have long life spans)), if the oracle was a 'person’ could they have resided from the same time period?

What if it was possible there was a connection between 'Ashkore’ and the 'Oracle’-Oracle if and when she was a person?

And if that is the case, what of the possibility that they knew each other, maybe even an intimate/platonically loving relationship.

And if 'Oracle’ was a person from a long while ago, maybe she too was someone who came from earth, who stumbled upon a faery circle when exploring and ended up in Eldarya in a very similar manner as Gardienne?

And what if the 'Oracle’ had to go through the same things-for her family to forget of her, to adapt to the world around her-and perhaps 'Ashkore’ was an individual in which she came to depend on. And vice versa.

However in time, Eldarya began to weaken, the land becoming disrupted and the heart of it was weakening-and if it was her duty, perhaps the 'Oracle’ chose to sacrifice herself-her body and her entire being for the sake of Eldarya. If this was the case-Ashkore may not have wanted this, he may have hated the idea of it.

But perhaps he was too late? Or there was nothing he could do to change the Oracle’s mind-

Now I’m not sure how long the Eel Guard has been around, but if it had founders or members at the beginning of it or of its original form who had convinced 'Oracle’ of her destiny, the Mysterious Man’s animosity to them would be interesting-and have possible actual reasoning-for these are the people who made him say goodbye to 'Oracle’.

And within the aftermath of it, he, the last dragon, disappeared. But maybe not of body, but of 'mind’, with the very use of the *potion.*

And all this time he’s been finding a way to set free or bring back the Oracle, the embodiment of the crystal. Considering the missing pieces, perhaps he needs the crystal back together entirely before his next possible plan.

In which Gardienne comes into picture alongside the theory-in which *she* is the key into replacing the oracle, in that *she* becomes the new embodiment-and the current oracle is set free.

Which may be why he seems to need the Gardienne. In why he wants her to believe that the Eel Guard cannot be trusted ((the oracle trusted them and believed in them and had lost her body in the process of it)) and may be reasoning for his animosity towards them.

So perhaps this is why the masked man, 'Ashkore’ has become more present-because of Gardienne-and because she could be the key to bring 'Oracle’-the person she once was-back.


And while I don’t personally believe that Leiftan is the Masked Man, *if* he was, perhaps that was the reason for his familiarity with the Gardienne, perhaps that’s why she felt the 'motherly’ connection towards him, perhaps that’s why he has the instant interest in her. Because the possible connection between Gardienne and the oracle has been realised by him-and he has found the new host


Alright so the Christmas illustration got spoiled for me… and seeing that at the end… wont have as much excitement now..

Please! Should you upload any content that is considered to be a spoiler, be considerate of others and hide the content under “Read more”.

I (personally) don’t mind spoilers at all. However, I do understand why some people find this remarkably frustrating. 


'Ashkore' (Masked Man) and 'The Oracle' Theory

NOTE: This is mostly based off of a theory I have seen and what I have presumably witnessed and information within the game and what I assume, this is merely assumption from myself and can’t necessarily be proven or disproven until canon evidence is given-

So lots of speculation of the Masked Man, and according to speculation, ‘Ashkore’. And it’s curious what exactly he wants, why he seems to want-or even need Gardienne and what his animosity against the guard is.

According so, ‘Ashkore’ was the name of one of the last dragons of Eldarya in which case furthers speculation. Perhaps in Eldarya Dragons may take a more humanoid form? If that is a possible case, or if ‘Ashkore’ does have a relation to the dragons, his abilities, identity-even his age remains questionable. The reasoning I speak of age is because now I take into consideration of the Gardienne-Oracle Theory that floated around before.

From my memory, the Gardienne-Oracle theory suggested Gardienne’s possible relation to the oracle, the fact that the oracle appeared for her and the curious theories regarding the Gardienne’s strange eyes show possible connection between the two-Now I don’t remember exactly if this part was in the theory, but what if the gardienne was indeed destined to follow a destiny in place of the Oracle or the very case-replace the Oracle.

And I bring this up because if this *is* the case, then perhaps it’s possible that the Oracle suffered similar fate

Perhaps the Oracle *was* a person-an actual person and she followed a certain destiny?That led her to be the host of the Crystal-to be the embodiment of the heart of Eldarya?

Now back to age. The oracle has been in this state for who knows how long-more than likely past the lifetime of everyone currently in Eldarya and even further-perhaps hundreds of years even? Which then speculates to the Mysterious Man’s age and under speculation if he was given gift of 'immortality’ ((as dragons seem to have long life spans)), if the oracle was a 'person’ could they have resided from the same time period?

What if it was possible there was a connection between 'Ashkore’ and the 'Oracle’-Oracle if and when she was a person?

And if that is the case, what of the possibility that they knew each other, maybe even an intimate/platonically loving relationship.

And if 'Oracle’ was a person from a long while ago, maybe she too was someone who came from earth, who stumbled upon a faery circle when exploring and ended up in Eldarya in a very similar manner as Gardienne?

And what if the 'Oracle’ had to go through the same things-for her family to forget of her, to adapt to the world around her-and perhaps 'Ashkore’ was an individual in which she came to depend on. And vice versa.

However in time, Eldarya began to weaken, the land becoming disrupted and the heart of it was weakening-and if it was her duty, perhaps the 'Oracle’ chose to sacrifice herself-her body and her entire being for the sake of Eldarya. If this was the case-Ashkore may not have wanted this, he may have hated the idea of it.

But perhaps he was too late? Or there was nothing he could do to change the Oracle’s mind-

Now I’m not sure how long the Eel Guard has been around, but if it had founders or members at the beginning of it or of its original form who had convinced 'Oracle’ of her destiny, the Mysterious Man’s animosity to them would be interesting-and have possible actual reasoning-for these are the people who made him say goodbye to 'Oracle’.

And within the aftermath of it, he, the last dragon, disappeared. But maybe not of body, but of 'mind’, with the very use of the *potion.*

And all this time he’s been finding a way to set free or bring back the Oracle, the embodiment of the crystal. Considering the missing pieces, perhaps he needs the crystal back together entirely before his next possible plan.

In which Gardienne comes into picture alongside the theory-in which *she* is the key into replacing the oracle, in that *she* becomes the new embodiment-and the current oracle is set free.

Which may be why he seems to need the Gardienne. In why he wants her to believe that the Eel Guard cannot be trusted ((the oracle trusted them and believed in them and had lost her body in the process of it)) and may be reasoning for his animosity towards them.

So perhaps this is why the masked man, 'Ashkore’ has become more present-because of Gardienne-and because she could be the key to bring 'Oracle’-the person she once was-back.


And while I don’t personally believe that Leiftan is the Masked Man, *if* he was, perhaps that was the reason for his familiarity with the Gardienne, perhaps that’s why she felt the 'motherly’ connection towards him, perhaps that’s why he has the instant interest in her. Because the possible connection between Gardienne and the oracle has been realised by him-and he has found the new host


Teoria sobre 'Ashkore’ (Mascarado) e 'O Oráculo’

NOTA: Isto é baseado em uma teoria que eu vi e no que provavelmente evidenciei nas informações fornecidaa pelo jogo, sendo meramente uma suposição minha e não podendo ser necessariamente provado ou desmentido até que uma evidência seja dada -

Há muitas especulações sobre o Mascarado, e de acordo com algumas, 'Ashkore’. E é curioso o que ele parece querer exatamente, porque ele parece querer - ou mesmo precisar - da Guardiã e da sua disposição para com a guarda.

De acordo com as teorias, 'Ashkore’ foi o nome de um dos últimos dragões de Eldarya, o que estimula a Teoria. Talvez em Eldarya dragões possam assumir uma forma mais humanóide? Se esse for o caso, ou se 'Ashkore’ tiver uma relação com os dragões, suas habilidades, identidade - e mesmo sua idade - continua a ser questionável. O raciocínio que falo sobre idade é porque agora comecei a considerar a Teoria da Guardiã-Oráculo que pairou por aí.

Pelo que eu lembro, a teoria da Guardiã-Oráculo sugeriu a possível relação da Guardiã com o Oráculo, a partir do fato de o Oráculo ter aparecido para ela e das curiosas teorias sobre os olhos de cor incomum da Guardiã, mostrando uma possível conexão entre as duas. Agora eu não lembro exatamente se essa parte estava na teoria, mas e se a Guardiã fosse realmente destinada a seguir um caminho no lugar do Oráculo ou, até mesmo, substituir o Oráculo?

E digo isso porque se este *for* o caso, então talvez seja possível que o Oráculo tenha passado por algo semelhante

Talvez o Oráculo *fosse* uma pessoa - uma pessoa real que seguisse um certo destino, quem sabe? - que acabou sendo levada a virar um hospdedeiro do Cristal - para se tornar a encarnação do coração de Eldarya, talvez?

Mas voltando à idade. O Oráculo tem estado nesse estado há deus sabe por quanto tempo - provável até que seja há mais tempo do que a vida de todos vivos atualmente em Eldarya, quem sabe até há centenas de anos. Pressupondo-se a idade do Mascarado, supondo que ele recebeu um presente de “imortalidade” ((como os dragões, que parecem ter uma longa vida)), se o Oráculo fosse uma “pessoa”, eles poderiam ter vivido no mesmo período?

E se isso tiver acontecido, haveria uma conexão entre 'Ashkore’ e 'Oráculo’-Oráculo, nesse caso, quando era uma pessoa?

Se for esse o caso, haveria a possibilidade de que eles se conhecessem, talvez até tivessem um relacionamento íntimo/platônico amoroso.

E se 'Oráculo’ fosse uma pessoa há muito tempo, talvez ela também fosse alguém que veio da Terra, que tropeçou em um círculo de cogumelos quando caminhava e acabou em Eldarya de uma maneira muito parecida com Guardiã?

E talvez o 'Oráculo’ tivesse que passar pelas mesmas coisas - sua família se esquecendo dela, se adaptando ao mundo que a rodeava - e talvez 'Ashkore’ fosse um indivíduo que a apoiasse. E vice versa.

No entanto, com o tempo, Eldarya começou a enfraquecer, a terra começando a se tornar perturbada e seu coração cada vez mais fraco - e por ser o seu dever, talvez o 'Oráculo’ preferiu se sacrificar - dando seu corpo e todo o seu ser por causa de Eldarya. Se este for o caso, Ashkore pode não ter apoiado isso, ele pode ter odiado a essa idéia.

Mas talvez ele não apareceu a tempo? Ou apenas não havia nada que ele pudesse fazer para mudar a mente do Oráculo -

Agora, não tenho certeza de quanto tempo a Guarda de Eel existe, mas se houveram fundadores ou membros no início, ou se mesmo a forma original do Cristal foram quem convenceram o “Oráculo” de seu destino, a aversão do Mascarado seria significativa - sendo um motivo racional e real - pois estas pessoas o fizeram dar adeus ao 'Oráculo’.

E, depois disso, ele, o último dragão, desapareceu. Mas talvez não de corpo, mas de “mente”, com o uso de uma *poção*.

E durante todo esse tempo, ele está procurando uma maneira de se libertar ou trazer de volta o Oráculo, a personificação do cristal. Considerando as peças que faltam, talvez ele precise ter o cristal de volta inteiramente antes de seu próximo plano.

É quando a Guardiã entra em cena na teoria - onde *ela* é a chave para substituir o Oráculo, onde *ela* se torna a nova personificação - e o Oráculo atual é liberado.

Por isso ele parece precisar da Guardiã. Por que ele quer que ela acredite que a Guarda Eel não é confiável ((o oráculo confiou e acreditou neles e perdeu seu corpo no processo)) e essa pode ser a razão de sua aversão em relação a eles.

Então talvez seja por isso que o Mascarado, 'Ashkore’, tornou-se mais presente - por causa de Guardiã - e porque ela poderia ser a chave para trazer 'Oráculo’ - a pessoa que ela era - de volta.


E embora eu não acredite que o Leiftan é o Mascarado, *se* ele fosse, talvez essa fosse a razão de sua familiaridade com o Guardiã, talvez por isso que ela sentiu a conexão “maternal” com ele, talvez por isso ele tem um interesse imediato por ela. Porque a possível conexão entre Guardiã e o oráculo foi realizada por ele - e ele encontrou um novo hospedeiro.


Episode 36 Armin Illustration

haha i’m not dying




The Velvet Club  - MCL’s retro/senior’s year AU  

Amber is the official president of the Velvet Club, also known as the “privileged-mean-girls club” by some students in the school. It is mainly composed by Li and Charlotte, the vice presidents and other “less important” members like Capucine. Rosalya and Melody were also part of the club, but for some (obvious) reasons they left. 

Since Nathaniel is the President of the student council and Amber’s brother, the Velvet Club is actually sponsored by the school itself and they are truly privileged in many ways. They organize social events, community projects and specially parties

Amber and the other velvets, treat students in a terrible way. They are harsh, mean and very judgemental. In this AU, Li runs a very famous fashion blog while Charlotte is a cheerleader. 

You can take part in this AU too! I reeeeaaaaallly like the idea of making mcl a retro (kinda in 80′s style) school story! I know that nobody’s gonna care about this, but I thought I could give it a try! >:^DD

Everything is accepted, to fanarts and outfits ideas. Creativity is the way!


'Ashkore' (Masked Man) and 'The Oracle' Theory

NOTE: This is mostly based off of a theory I have seen and what I have presumably witnessed and information within the game and what I assume, this is merely assumption from myself and can’t necessarily be proven or disproven until canon evidence is given-

So lots of speculation of the Masked Man, and according to speculation, ‘Ashkore’. And it’s curious what exactly he wants, why he seems to want-or even need Gardienne and what his animosity against the guard is.

According so, ‘Ashkore’ was the name of one of the last dragons of Eldarya in which case furthers speculation. Perhaps in Eldarya Dragons may take a more humanoid form? If that is a possible case, or if 'Ashkore’ does have a relation to the dragons, his abilities, identity-even his age remains questionable. The reasoning I speak of age is because now I take into consideration of the Gardienne-Oracle Theory that floated around before.

From my memory, the Gardienne-Oracle theory suggested Gardienne’s possible relation to the oracle, the fact that the oracle appeared for her and the curious theories regarding the Gardienne’s strange eyes show possible connection between the two-Now I don’t remember exactly if this part was in the theory, but what if the gardienne was indeed destined to follow a destiny in place of the Oracle or the very case-replace the Oracle.

And I bring this up because if this *is* the case, then perhaps it’s possible that the Oracle suffered similar fate

Perhaps the Oracle *was* a person-an actual person and she followed a certain destiny?That led her to be the host of the Crystal-to be the embodiment of the heart of Eldarya?

Now back to age. The oracle has been in this state for who knows how long-more than likely past the lifetime of everyone currently in Eldarya and even further-perhaps hundreds of years even? Which then speculates to the Mysterious Man’s age and under speculation if he was given gift of 'immortality’ ((as dragons seem to have long life spans)), if the oracle was a 'person’ could they have resided from the same time period?

What if it was possible there was a connection between 'Ashkore’ and the 'Oracle’-Oracle if and when she was a person?

And if that is the case, what of the possibility that they knew each other, maybe even an intimate/platonically loving relationship.

And if 'Oracle’ was a person from a long while ago, maybe she too was someone who came from earth, who stumbled upon a faery circle when exploring and ended up in Eldarya in a very similar manner as Gardienne?

And what if the 'Oracle’ had to go through the same things-for her family to forget of her, to adapt to the world around her-and perhaps 'Ashkore’ was an individual in which she came to depend on. And vice versa.

However in time, Eldarya began to weaken, the land becoming disrupted and the heart of it was weakening-and if it was her duty, perhaps the 'Oracle’ chose to sacrifice herself-her body and her entire being for the sake of Eldarya. If this was the case-Ashkore may not have wanted this, he may have hated the idea of it.

But perhaps he was too late? Or there was nothing he could do to change the Oracle’s mind-

Now I’m not sure how long the Eel Guard has been around, but if it had founders or members at the beginning of it or of its original form who had convinced 'Oracle’ of her destiny, the Mysterious Man’s animosity to them would be interesting-and have possible actual reasoning-for these are the people who made him say goodbye to 'Oracle’.

And within the aftermath of it, he, the last dragon, disappeared. But maybe not of body, but of 'mind’, with the very use of the *potion.*

And all this time he’s been finding a way to set free or bring back the Oracle, the embodiment of the crystal. Considering the missing pieces, perhaps he needs the crystal back together entirely before his next possible plan.

In which Gardienne comes into picture alongside the theory-in which *she* is the key into replacing the oracle, in that *she* becomes the new embodiment-and the current oracle is set free.

Which may be why he seems to need the Gardienne. In why he wants her to believe that the Eel Guard cannot be trusted ((the oracle trusted them and believed in them and had lost her body in the process of it)) and may be reasoning for his animosity towards them.

So perhaps this is why the masked man, 'Ashkore’ has become more present-because of Gardienne-and because she could be the key to bring 'Oracle’-the person she once was-back.


And while I don’t personally believe that Leiftan is the Masked Man, *if* he was, perhaps that was the reason for his familiarity with the Gardienne, perhaps that’s why she felt the 'motherly’ connection towards him, perhaps that’s why he has the instant interest in her. Because the possible connection between Gardienne and the oracle has been realised by him-and he has found the new host


look, i get that tumblr’s demographic is 85% teenagers and this is all baby’s first social justice experience for most of you, but you guys really need to learn how to differentiate between problematic behavior and irredeemable trash garbage who deserves death

people slip up, people fuck up, people say shit they shouldn’t

it sucks

but it’s human

it’s part of being raised into a patriarchal homophobic racist society and/or being part of a privileged group

and you do it too

stop thinking the world is black-or-white because it isn’t


Introducing my shy, sweet daughter, Oti~

Full Name: Otolissa ‘Oti’ Adillon

Oti is a calm and quiet young girl from a middle-class family. The ‘Sweet’ of this blog ((Iman being the Spice)). A little anxious at times, Oti is mostly in the company of herself, too shy to make the first approach.

She has a great love for astronomy and stargazing, and incredibly curious in the pursuit of outer space exploration. Oti is a dreamer and imaginative soul at heart, often curled up comfortably in her own little world

A bit of a romantic, she is easily roped in and mesmerised by the stories of the books she reads and in secret wonders for her own-


She is very friendly once comfortable, so do not be shy to approach approach her~!


Get to know mun

Tagged by @candysoupkitchen and possibly someone else I don't remember ((Why am I so shit at remembering to do this -u-;;)) Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better. Nicknames: Lila, Li, Lou Lou, Louis, Lois, Lou, Louie, Del, Kam Star sign: Gemini Height: 176cm Time right now: 9:09pm Last thing you googled: What is Down Syndrome Song stuck in my head: Swimming Around in a Vagine Last movie I watched: Saving Private Ryans Last TV show I watched: The Middle What I’m wearing right now: Army pattern t-shirt and my old high school track pants When I created this blog: August last year The kind of stuff I post: MCL and Eldarya related stuff Do I gets asks regularly?: Not, just requests sometimes Why did I choose my url: I'm uncreative :,3 Gender?: Female Favorite color: teal, lavender and black Average hours of sleep: 4-7 hours daily Lucky number: 12 Favorite characters: Gintoki, Reigan, Shigeo, Steven Universe, Amethyst, Opal, Priya Dream job: Comic Artist/ Game Developer Number of blankets I sleep with: one thick blanket :,> Taggy anyone who wants to, I'm half dead RN and can't be bothered looking for URLs again T u T


'Ashkore' (Masked Man) and 'The Oracle' Theory

NOTE: This is mostly based off of a theory I have seen and what I have presumably witnessed and information within the game and what I assume, this is merely assumption from myself and can’t necessarily be proven or disproven until canon evidence is given-

So lots of speculation of the Masked Man, and according to speculation, ‘Ashkore’. And it’s curious what exactly he wants, why he seems to want-or even need Gardienne and what his animosity against the guard is.

According so, ‘Ashkore’ was the name of one of the last dragons of Eldarya in which case furthers speculation. Perhaps in Eldarya Dragons may take a more humanoid form? If that is a possible case, or if 'Ashkore’ does have a relation to the dragons, his abilities, identity-even his age remains questionable. The reasoning I speak of age is because now I take into consideration of the Gardienne-Oracle Theory that floated around before.

From my memory, the Gardienne-Oracle theory suggested Gardienne’s possible relation to the oracle, the fact that the oracle appeared for her and the curious theories regarding the Gardienne’s strange eyes show possible connection between the two-Now I don’t remember exactly if this part was in the theory, but what if the gardienne was indeed destined to follow a destiny in place of the Oracle or the very case-replace the Oracle.

And I bring this up because if this *is* the case, then perhaps it’s possible that the Oracle suffered similar fate

Perhaps the Oracle *was* a person-an actual person and she followed a certain destiny?That led her to be the host of the Crystal-to be the embodiment of the heart of Eldarya?

Now back to age. The oracle has been in this state for who knows how long-more than likely past the lifetime of everyone currently in Eldarya and even further-perhaps hundreds of years even? Which then speculates to the Mysterious Man’s age and under speculation if he was given gift of 'immortality’ ((as dragons seem to have long life spans)), if the oracle was a 'person’ could they have resided from the same time period?

What if it was possible there was a connection between 'Ashkore’ and the 'Oracle’-Oracle if and when she was a person?

And if that is the case, what of the possibility that they knew each other, maybe even an intimate/platonically loving relationship.

And if 'Oracle’ was a person from a long while ago, maybe she too was someone who came from earth, who stumbled upon a faery circle when exploring and ended up in Eldarya in a very similar manner as Gardienne?

And what if the 'Oracle’ had to go through the same things-for her family to forget of her, to adapt to the world around her-and perhaps 'Ashkore’ was an individual in which she came to depend on. And vice versa.

However in time, Eldarya began to weaken, the land becoming disrupted and the heart of it was weakening-and if it was her duty, perhaps the 'Oracle’ chose to sacrifice herself-her body and her entire being for the sake of Eldarya. If this was the case-Ashkore may not have wanted this, he may have hated the idea of it.

But perhaps he was too late? Or there was nothing he could do to change the Oracle’s mind-

Now I’m not sure how long the Eel Guard has been around, but if it had founders or members at the beginning of it or of its original form who had convinced 'Oracle’ of her destiny, the Mysterious Man’s animosity to them would be interesting-and have possible actual reasoning-for these are the people who made him say goodbye to 'Oracle’.

And within the aftermath of it, he, the last dragon, disappeared. But maybe not of body, but of 'mind’, with the very use of the *potion.*

And all this time he’s been finding a way to set free or bring back the Oracle, the embodiment of the crystal. Considering the missing pieces, perhaps he needs the crystal back together entirely before his next possible plan.

In which Gardienne comes into picture alongside the theory-in which *she* is the key into replacing the oracle, in that *she* becomes the new embodiment-and the current oracle is set free.

Which may be why he seems to need the Gardienne. In why he wants her to believe that the Eel Guard cannot be trusted ((the oracle trusted them and believed in them and had lost her body in the process of it)) and may be reasoning for his animosity towards them.

So perhaps this is why the masked man, 'Ashkore’ has become more present-because of Gardienne-and because she could be the key to bring 'Oracle’-the person she once was-back.


And while I don’t personally believe that Leiftan is the Masked Man, *if* he was, perhaps that was the reason for his familiarity with the Gardienne, perhaps that’s why she felt the 'motherly’ connection towards him, perhaps that’s why he has the instant interest in her. Because the possible connection between Gardienne and the oracle has been realised by him-and he has found the new host


'Ashkore' (Masked Man) and 'The Oracle' Theory

NOTE: This is mostly based off of a theory I have seen and what I have presumably witnessed and information within the game and what I assume, this is merely assumption from myself and can’t necessarily be proven or disproven until canon evidence is given-

So lots of speculation of the Masked Man, and according to speculation, ‘Ashkore’. And it’s curious what exactly he wants, why he seems to want-or even need Gardienne and what his animosity against the guard is.

According so, 'Ashkore’ was the name of one of the last dragons of Eldarya in which case furthers speculation. Perhaps in Eldarya Dragons may take a more humanoid form? If that is a possible case, or if 'Ashkore’ does have a relation to the dragons, his abilities, identity-even his age remains questionable. The reasoning I speak of age is because now I take into consideration of the Gardienne-Oracle Theory that floated around before.

From my memory, the Gardienne-Oracle theory suggested Gardienne’s possible relation to the oracle, the fact that the oracle appeared for her and the curious theories regarding the Gardienne’s strange eyes show possible connection between the two-Now I don’t remember exactly if this part was in the theory, but what if the gardienne was indeed destined to follow a destiny in place of the Oracle or the very case-replace the Oracle.

And I bring this up because if this *is* the case, then perhaps it’s possible that the Oracle suffered similar fate

Perhaps the Oracle *was* a person-an actual person and she followed a certain destiny?That led her to be the host of the Crystal-to be the embodiment of the heart of Eldarya?

Now back to age. The oracle has been in this state for who knows how long-more than likely past the lifetime of everyone currently in Eldarya and even further-perhaps hundreds of years even? Which then speculates to the Mysterious Man’s age and under speculation if he was given gift of 'immortality’ ((as dragons seem to have long life spans)), if the oracle was a 'person’ could they have resided from the same time period?

What if it was possible there was a connection between 'Ashkore’ and the 'Oracle’-Oracle if and when she was a person?

And if that is the case, what of the possibility that they knew each other, maybe even an intimate/platonically loving relationship.

And if 'Oracle’ was a person from a long while ago, maybe she too was someone who came from earth, who stumbled upon a faery circle when exploring and ended up in Eldarya in a very similar manner as Gardienne?

And what if the 'Oracle’ had to go through the same things-for her family to forget of her, to adapt to the world around her-and perhaps 'Ashkore’ was an individual in which she came to depend on. And vice versa.

However in time, Eldarya began to weaken, the land becoming disrupted and the heart of it was weakening-and if it was her duty, perhaps the 'Oracle’ chose to sacrifice herself-her body and her entire being for the sake of Eldarya. If this was the case-Ashkore may not have wanted this, he may have hated the idea of it.

But perhaps he was too late? Or there was nothing he could do to change the Oracle’s mind-

Now I’m not sure how long the Eel Guard has been around, but if it had founders or members at the beginning of it or of its original form who had convinced 'Oracle’ of her destiny, the Mysterious Man’s animosity to them would be interesting-and have possible actual reasoning-for these are the people who made him say goodbye to 'Oracle’.

And within the aftermath of it, he, the last dragon, disappeared. But maybe not of body, but of 'mind’, with the very use of the *potion.*

And all this time he’s been finding a way to set free or bring back the Oracle, the embodiment of the crystal. Considering the missing pieces, perhaps he needs the crystal back together entirely before his next possible plan.

In which Gardienne comes into picture alongside the theory-in which *she* is the key into replacing the oracle, in that *she* becomes the new embodiment-and the current oracle is set free.

Which may be why he seems to need the Gardienne. In why he wants her to believe that the Eel Guard cannot be trusted ((the oracle trusted them and believed in them and had lost her body in the process of it)) and may be reasoning for his animosity towards them.

So perhaps this is why the masked man, 'Ashkore’ has become more present-because of Gardienne-and because she could be the key to bring 'Oracle’-the person she once was-back.


And while I don’t personally believe that Leiftan is the Masked Man, *if* he was, perhaps that was the reason for his familiarity with the Gardienne, perhaps that’s why she felt the 'motherly’ connection towards him, perhaps that’s why he has the instant interest in her. Because the possible connection between Gardienne and the oracle has been realised by him-and he has found the new host

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