
Rosebuds Has Many Talents

@rosebuds-painted-my-cats / rosebuds-painted-my-cats.tumblr.com

Hello and welcome!
It is I, The Goob
Just hanging around, reblogging things, etcetera
Anonymous asked:

I am CHEWING on your time-travelling baby gods comics. I love them so much. Just the image of bby!Nari basically having his entire foundations ripped to pieces because 1) apparently he's gonna marry a mortal and 2) said mortal's own past self just said he was nice.

Poor baby is gonna go through it.

(Also the potential that bby!Lamb is just sweetly oblivious the whole time is hilarious to me. I like to think they'd follow Lamb around since they are another sheep or Narinder since clearly the other lamb trusts them a lot and bby!Nari gets sooo fricking jealous cause that one is his ok! You've got your own one!)


Bby Narinder has an ego but it's extremely small compared to his unwaving curiosity, wich means his subtle interest is like a golden elephant in the middle of the room


firefox just started doing this too so remember kids if you want to stream things like netflix or hulu over discord without the video being blacked out you just have to disable hardware acceleration in your browser settings!

for the people saying this might be too difficult: idk about chrome but in firefox it just goes

> open settings

> search “hardware acceleration” and there should only be one result

> uncheck use recommended performance settings

> uncheck use hardware acceleration


Since I’m looking at the comments and seeing a lot of people asking what hardware acceleration is and getting wildly incorrect answers, here you go. This is what hardware acceleration is. It’s not DRM, and it’s not placing a limit on memory usage (unless you have weird definitions for both “memory” and “placing a limit”).

This is what hardware acceleration is:

“Do you just have a graphic for this on hand at all times?”

Yes. For this precise reason.

hey just to let anyone using firefox know! searching “hardware acceleration” in firefox settings doesnt do anything! you wont get anything whatsoever! you have to scroll down on the main general settings page to “Performance” and uncheck “Use recommended performance settings” to be able to uncheck “Use hardware acceleration when available”! signed someone who was extremely confused when trying to follow OP’s instructions only for there to be no results


yall see “love” and immediately go to “romantic love” if you translate “love is the whole point” to “romantic love is the whole point” you need to rethink everything because love is found in everything. in community, in friendships, in family, in food, in nature so actually love is the whole point and u can die mad about it. hope this helps <3

To love is to will the good of another - it's not just for romance!!

To love is to will

the good of another - it’s

not just for romance!!

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


It’s more of a pussy out kind of year


sick of how the old prophecies always leave out key details tbh. they’re like Yea Þere Will Come Þe Yeare Of Pusseye Outte but never add (Because Ye Shall Nevere Leave Yon Abode For Feare Of Þe Ravaging Plague) it’s such bullshit.


"don't go grocery shopping when hungry" doesn't work for me because Not Hungry Me cannot conceive of a universe in which food is needed so she buys like a cup of pomegranate seeds and some fancy cheese and thinks that'll get us through the week.

FUN FACT the scientist who said that made it the fuck up! he's also the same dude who said that if kids made eye contact with the character on food boxes they wanted it more. so now all the cereal mascots/kids mascots look downwards to a child height. but THEY MADE IT UP and it's allllllll bullshit and bad science to the point cornell deleted the fuckin cereal eyes study from the face of the earth and modern research is saying you SHOULD shop when ur hungry because it makes you put more value on food that would give you more nutrition and actually sharpens your ability to feed yourself well

So I think the cereal box guy was Brian Wansink and honestly that tracks. If Wansink thinks we should be grocery shopping when full then we should definitely be doing it when hungry. Bruh is an absolute joke.



imagine being so bad at science that your university forces you to stop

things he also came up with that are BULLSHIT:

  • eating around fat people makes you eat more junk food??? (wtf?)
  • portion sizes affecting how hungry you feel
  • "if you are served second portions you are more likely to take seconds"
  • the entire concept of mini and fun-sized portion sizes (based in fatphobia btw!)
  • the idea of boredom eating and stress eating being bad for you and not normal
  • the idea of eating in front of a screen being terrible for your digestion
  • that julia child's cooking was trying to make you fat (based on 18 of 4500 recipes...)
  • the idea of western food being unhealthy
  • the cereal eyes thing
  • the shopping while hungry thing
  • and much much more!

also he committed kickstarter fraud in 2018 and is a massive fatphobe who thinks fat people recruit others to become fat by just existing. fuck him lmao

Look at all the overlap in that list with pro-ed pro-ana rhetoric.

And the "wellness" communities and pro-wld community just ran with it.

This guy needs his tires slashed every day for the rest of his life.

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