
Short of a few marbles

@pressedinthepages / pressedinthepages.tumblr.com

Erica. She/Her. Bi. Same username on AO3 and twitter. 18+. Fic requests open! icon by @mondfuchs

Flying Fuckery

So...been a while. XD been a bit crazy lately. thought i’d nudge back in with something soft to try and get the ball back rolling. <3

Rating: T

Relationship: Eskel/Lambert

Content Tags: fluff, modern au, writer’s block, established relationship, soft-time bois. mental overstimulation

Summary: Lambert’s trying to work on a project and gets stuck. Good thing Eskel knows just what to do.


If you can’t think of anything to say about a fic, writers also like to know:

- what time it is

- how long you’ve been reading

- how many chapters you’ve covered in the last 24 hours

- what you were late for because you were reading

- the woeful few hours you have left to sleep

- the emotional outbreaks you’re experiencing

- the inappropriate place you’re having said outbreak

- the general public’s reaction to your outbreak

- how much phone battery you have left


I’ve had the joy of quite a few of these comments! I love them!


wish we saw more of eskel being a fighter

[id: a halfbody of eskel from the witcher. he is shirtless, and wielding a sword high over his head, partially obscuring his face. he is looking off to his attacker with an intense expression. he is covered in scars, including top surgery scars. /end id]


Girls will have a 3 hour long psychotic episode then go back on their phones and be like everythings fine now. handheld lobotomy


Windfall (Chapter 1 of 2)

Thank you so so much as always to @sometimesiwrite for being the best bouncing board a person could have, and to @eyesofshinigami for being such a wonderful beta <3

Here is the reference image used for the art!

Rating: M

Relationship: Eskel/Jaskier

Content Tags: fluff, modern au, meetcute, painting, body paint, discussion of therapy, flirting, background Essi/Aiden

Summary: While attending a painting class, Eskel finds a stroke of inspiration.


on the topic of representation in star wars I have a list I would like to share

female led star wars properties

  • the clone wars (co-lead, appears in half of eps)
  • rogue one (every other major character is male)
  • sequel trilogy (lead is universally hated and her arc is sidelined to focus on her relationship with a man)
  • battlefront II story mode
  • upcoming ahsoka series
  • upcoming acolyte series

male led star wars properties

  • original trilogy
  • prequel trilogy
  • rebels
  • solo
  • resistance
  • the mandalorian
  • jedi: fallen order
  • the bad batch
  • the book of boba fett
  • upcoming kenobi series
  • upcoming andor series

at this point the book of boba fett can’t even pass the bechdel test, neither do most of the movies and mandalorian episodes. 

when women and girls are represented in star wars they receive heavy criticism that goes unaddressed among fans, and when women of colour are included it compounds to the point where kelly marie tran deleted her entire social media presence because of the bullying due to combined misogyny and racism she received. 

female star wars fans deserve more and we deserve better.


my mom, dead in the middle of a conversation, slams on the breaks in the middle of a country road so she can pull over and take a picture of all these cows running for cover from the rain and adsfkjlfkdjg and thi dskfjfgj

rthis is the only picutre she took sfdkjlfgddfs MOM this almost literally could not be worse fdkjfjkdf i love you so much

she also took a pictuer of a bluejay 

and believe it or not, a squirrel

mom vs the focus on her expensive camera vs her bad eyesight

ok i swear this is the last one but please look at this bluejay

These photos are artistically bad.

Like, the arrangement is nice and the composition pleasing to look at, which is just, so fucking funny because what is ostensibly the subject if each is so poorly framed.

OP, are you entirely sure your mother is just bad at photography and is not, in fact, actually a fucking comedic and photographical genius?

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