
A Fractured Mind

@t3sselated / t3sselated.tumblr.com

If I’m following you and it doesn’t seem right, it’s probably cause I reblog your stuff to a side blog

Honestly I wish people with neurological disorders and mental illness talking to themselves was more normalized so here’s to people with autism who narrate things! people with adhd who talk out loud to remember stuff! people with tourette’s and tic disorders with verbal tics! people with psychosis who talk to their voices! people with DID who talk to their alters!

If you talk to yourself for any reason you are wonderful and not bad or weird. And if you see someone talking to yourself and think it’s weird? Maybe mind your own business!

Anonymous asked:

Can you possibly take down a previous post? This one: post/77232482420

Can do! Feel free to let me know if its still up for some reason though! thanks a ton for sending me the specific post 😊 I hope you have a lovely weekend


no such thing as wasting your 20s your 20s are for recovering from whatever the fuck happened to you as a kid so that youre ready to get weird with it in your 30s


as I am approaching 30.. I feel this.. I’m excited for my 30’s


i love crossing the street in front of cars where i can see the driver is visibly annoyed because like. are you mad at me? am i making you mad? are you upset? are you gonna kill me about it? gonna vehicular manslaughter me? gonna split my head open like a watermelon with that big strong manly truck? are you mad at me?


I will hit you with my car.

Then I’ll stop, get out and offer to take you to the hospital, visibly upset.

It’s just an act of course. I’m not actually upset lol.

Then I’ll take you home and dispose of your stupid ugly fucking body and no one will ever fucking find you.

Do not fucking test me.

I am not a good person lol

(Yes the police will question me when you’re reported missing, but they won’t have enough evidence to build a case against me, and without a body, it can’t be considered murder. You’ll always be considered a missing person)

are you mad at me?

this post is doing numbers in the second-degree murder fandom


Jesse Singer, There Are No Accidents (2022)


What the fuck is this post, who are all these people getting this rabid about having to wait for pedestrians.


I just… A lot of people can’t afford cars? And in places that have poor infrastructure for public transportation, this means you’re fucked if you need to get to and from a job (which you need so you can afford a car anyway)? I’ve known folks who have had to walk upwards of two miles to work, and then back to reach their place of employment, which is often a minimum wage job (which doesn’t seem like it’s very far, but to be doing so at least 2 times a day, in many places that DON’T have sidewalks, or sometimes even crosswalks, and sometimes in extreme heat or cold… Just sounds dangerous, and down right terrifying to be a pedestrian with the kind of people who will willingly entertain the thought of running people over)…

So um, I’m the type of “asshole” driver who stops for pedestrians and slows down traffic so they can cross safely (now, I don’t do this if it would seriously cause danger to myself or other drivers around me!) because idk, yeah I have places to be, but I’m really not about to contemplate killing someone over it…

Also, yeah, it does piss me off of someone is acting in a mocking way (pedestrian OR driver), and I think it’s dumb as FUCK to just WALK into traffic without looking when you’re a pedestrian, however I’m still gonna stop for you and let you by safely…

This doesn’t just extend to pedestrians either btw? If someone is driving and needs into the lane Im in, I slow down to let them over, I let people out of driveways, or side streets or parking lots… Again, I pay attention to my surroundings and make sure that it’s safe to do so!

any way, I have a lot of thoughts about driving and these kinds of things…


“select your gender” except the options are uquiz aesthetics

less of this

more of this

this is what im talking about. that’s gender

Most inclusive option:

[uploads DOOM as my gender]


So fun fact that won't surprise anyone who knows me: I've done this. My job had a inclusivity survey that pissed me off (they included "transgender" and "cis gender" as possible responses for "what's your gender?", alongside "male" and "female"!) but I noticed they didn't put a length limit on the gender field if you selected "other". So...

They didn't accept binary files (which is fine, my gender isn't binary) so I had to base64 encode doom, but even though it froze chrome for nearly 8 hours, I was able to paste a full copy of the Doom install disks into the form.

as a side project while waiting on chrome to unfreeze, I developed a way to encode Doom into PNG files that could safely be posted on Twitter without them being corrupted into JPEGs, as Twitter loves to do.

Anyway, the thread is here, but really all you need is this one screenshot.

Oh my god they ran doom on their gender


forgot I could reboot things, but @sparo-love if you got my message feel free to ignore this tag, just thought this post might make ya smile


I just wanted to say shout out to recovering alcoholics who don't drink at all anymore and constantly hear about it in a negative way from their friends and partners. I see you and I love you. You're doing great.


I recently received this message and I hope the person who sent it sees this post. I’m really sorry that I didn’t reach out via email like you asked, I just don’t feel comfortable emailing someone who left an anonymous message, there’s no offense intended. I would be more than happy to take down the gofundme post and anything to do with it, I’d just feel more comfortable doing any messaging through tumblr since emailing you would be the same as giving out my personal email. I hope you understand and that we can work something out, thank you 😊

Alien: Dude that food just fell on the floor, isn’t bacteria harmful to your species too?
Human, mouth already full: if they can survive my stomach acid, the microscopic bastards can take what they want
Alien: if they survive your fucking what
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