
Just vibing!!!

@taku-mune / taku-mune.tumblr.com


going to be posting random stuff until i get in the tags again. I'm getting annoyed my posts doesn't show up anymore


family history

[image description: 6 gifs from 911 paralleling the apartment building fire from season 2 episode 16 and the dispatch fire from season 5 episode 16. gif 1: from season 2, Bobby screams for Bobby jr and Brooke at their apartment door. The hallway in engulfed in flames. The text reads, "Bobby? Brooke?" gif 2: from season 5, Bobby his helmet on, and calls out to May. The hallway is engulfed in flames. The text reads, "May? Can you hear me?" gif 3: from season 2, Bobby kicks down the apartment door. gif 4: from season 5, Bobby sledgehammers the wall to get to May. gif 5: from season 2, two firefighters drag Bobby from the hallway. gif 6: from season 5, the 118 supports Bobby as they make their way off the dispatch floor. CAPTION: Eddie's line of dialogue from season 5, "Family history." /end ID]


No anon here. So do we all agree Buck was pretty much crying over Bobby's well being when watching Hen checking on him? (His eyes are so red and teary). Honestly that moment made me so soft. We got to watch Bobby and May father-daughter dynamic (and we got served so well damn, I'm still processing that) but JCC gave us also a bit of Bobby clearly being the father figure to Buck here with this scene. I'm just so emotional over it.


Hello!!! Oh yes definitely you could just tell how it was affecting Buck so horribly. That’s his dad stuck under the pile of rubble. He was shaken up and so freakin broken. Him screaming for Bobby will haunt me for awhile. But I also thought it was very telling how I’m the midst of him hurting and freaking out trying to get to Bobby, he was screaming for Eddie. He has his team around him but immediately called out for Eddie because he knew Eddie would help ground him in that very moment. This episode was phenomenal and JCC killed it like I knew he would. Just showing the team being a family again, the Buck Begins & Eddie Begins parallels, Bobby being a dad to everyone like I’m so emotional over all of this! This was truly one of the best episodes ever!!!!


So true, honestly we deserved JCC as co showrunner instead of Kristen asdgf. Man know how to writer the characters greatly. He did bring everything good this show has in a single episode.

Anonymous asked:

I cannot get upset over journalists asking cast members about Buddie? There is a simple solution to end these questions. They should finally make Buddie canon, then the journalists would stop asking everyone questions about them 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe go think about what you've just sent to me because you clearly do not get it and I think you might need to go touch some grass. You are entitled to your opinion but don't come into my inbox on anon and make such immature statements - if that is your true opinion then I feel sorry for you an I can only hope you grow up soon.

Corrine has no part in Buddie, she is a young female up and coming actress who deserves to talk about her acting, her character, her storylines. and that is the stuff I want to read.

As a feminist I am upset for her. As someone who wants to see better representation in media I am upset for her. As a member of the Queer community, I am embarrassed that she had to answer that question.

Its long form storytelling - you don't just 'make Buddie canon' as you put it, it defeats the purpose and does disservice to what the writers of 911 are doing here.

In fact constantly asking about it to actors who are nothing to do with the ship (in fact don't even ask the ones who are) means they will be less likely to do interviews and promo at all, and I've seen it happen where its actually lead to the writers lashing back and not making a ship go canon when they had intended to

and if and when Buddie does go canon do you really think they will stop asking - you clearly have no idea - its all the journos are going to ask about so that arguement makes zero sense.


What is there to not be upset about that question done to Corinne?

  • That she, as an young black actress, had to answer a question over something that does not compete her acting experiences, plotlines or character in an interview about her own character and experiences.
  • That instead of being done a question about her character, the interviewer decided to do a clear clickbait question, what is just insulting because it implies that to people read her interview there was a need of a "hot topic"
  • That the interviewer had to stick a question about a relationship, like Oliver doesn't give us plenty of info about said relationship in his many interviews
  • That even after many times the cast proves they have no control over what the writers are doing some people keep making them questions unrelated to their own storylines.

Everything is wrong with that embarassing question, and such immature declaration like "the solution is make buddie canon" is just so clueless and annoying to be said.

Anonymous asked:

Tbh, as a buddie stan I think it was a bit of unnecessary for them to make that question to Corinne. Don't get me wrong. It's great to know the cast would be all on board if buddie happens, but that interview? Was about Corinne and her character, so it felt displaced as a question because in no way buddie interactions were related to Corinne and her character. It felt a "this will bring most people to read" type of question, and i'm not sure I like that feeling.

No I totally agree bc when I saw it I too was confused as to why they would ask her about Buck and Eddie. She doesn’t even share screen time with the both of them so it really was unnecessary and out of the blue. Don’t further your Buddie agenda by asking everyone about it. Focus on the actress and her character!!

Anonymous asked:

It hits me so hard once I think how Bobby even being part of the family still did set a line in his role for the kids (more for himself) with thoughts of how he was just "the best buddy" figure and how he didn't take more attitude due his fear of the kids reminding him he is not their father, because he considers himself "nobody's father". But once they got put in danger he forgot this line himself put (1/2)

Hey Nonnie

Thanks for making me feel all emotional!!

But its so true - seeing where Bobby has come from in season 1 to where he's at now is such an amazing and heartwarming thing, and it's been such a quiet and understated transition that I think many people haven't really appreciated it. I know that I am only really getting to really understand his journey as I've been rewatching this week - the Bobby of season 1 and 2 is a million miles away from the Bobby we have now and as you put it - its a beautiful progression - especially as he built it - he built both of his families.

People are quite rightly talking about 5 being the season of Eddie, but it's also been the season of Bobby - we have seen him quietly do his thing - showing us how far he has come. Supporting Athena, and having her back at all times, being there to protect his family through the Jeffery and black out arc, especially the way they showed him parenting Harry when he got suspended from school - which was incredibly done and spoke volumes about the family dynamic the Grant Nash family have created. Supporting Michael and David through defend in place and then as they headed off to Haiti again all quiet and stoic but beautiful. Now we're getting to see the really interesting and wonderful relationship he's built with May come to the fore in Mayday - a relationship that, from Bobbys side, has so much more weight and meaning behind because of the way the show has chosen to focus on his relationship to Brooke - a focus that we're going to see the pay off for tonight!

Then there is the firefam - the most important family in the show - the dynamic we've been missing most of the season, but are starting to get back. This has actually been the most interesting thing to look at when i've rewatched season 5 - especially in 5b - Bobby being there for Eddie - as he has been from day 1, but also being able to see that he learnt from season 3 and put into practice (even if it happened off screen) the things he learnt from both the lawsuit arc with Buck and Eddies fight club arc, the way his relationships with both Eddie and Buck have changed and grown.

The most recent and intriguing development for me is the way his trust of Buck has grown and changed in 5 - since the crane climb, Bobby seems to have decided to change tack a bit with Buck - its like a lightbulb went off and its fascinating to watch Bobby giving more responsibility to Buck - the 'power tsar' and clipboard Buck during the black out, seemingly giving him free reign to train Ravi all the way through to handing over a scene to Buck in 5x14 - I can't wait to see if this continues and how it develops. It s actually one of the reasons I think Bobby might know about the will - because this shift times with Buck finding out about the will and it would explain why Bobby has been so accommodating to Buck's reluctance to accept that Eddie wasn't coming back post Christmas and why he didn't so much as raise and eyebrow post Eddies breakdown - when Buck was parenting Chris and looking after Eddie like they were in a relationship and not just friends.

Honestly I am fascinated by this whole dynamic and I will be going over it with a fine tooth comb in hiatus because I feel deeply that its something we're going to see play an important role in season 6 both in terms of the development of Bobby, Buck and Eddie independently, but also in Buddie going canon.

the Grant Nash family and the firefam dynamic are all so closely intertwined through Bobby and its been very engrossing to see it all fall apart around Bobby while he as remained largely 'unaffected' - standing steadfast and true at the centre - it feels very much like we're going to see Bobby break in some way - and then we'll get to see his combined families return the favour!

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