
Books,Art and Video Games

@thedisc0panda / thedisc0panda.tumblr.com

Max | 23 | They/Them | I like a lot of things Enjoy this multi-fandom mess!
In the remote Arctic almost 30 years ago, a group of Inuit middle school students and their teacher invented the Western Hemisphere’s first new number system in more than a century. The “Kaktovik numerals,” named after the Alaskan village where they were created, looked utterly different from decimal system numerals and functioned differently, too. But they were uniquely suited for quick, visual arithmetic using the traditional Inuit oral counting system, and they swiftly spread throughout the region. Now, with support from Silicon Valley, they will soon be available on smartphones and computers—creating a bridge for the Kaktovik numerals to cross into the digital realm.
Today’s numerical world is dominated by the Hindu-Arabic decimal system. This system, adopted by almost every society, is what many people think of as “numbers”—values expressed in a written form using the digits 0 through 9. But meaningful alternatives exist, and they are as varied as the cultures they belong to.

i must not miss class. missing class is the mind-killer. missing class is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face my lecture. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the class has gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.


being a fucking casual is a skill that takes years of honing

you need to have the kind of soul usually reserved for monks to be able to hop on a game you have hundreds of hours on that you've been playing for years, suck ass at it, and not want to jump into the sun or get mad in chat at some 13 year old who downloaded the game last night and is already better than you . there are many others who live like me. join us


I think arts funding should be infinite and easily available to everyone. I think 13 year olds who only draw anime should receive funding to buy giant sets of copic markers and shitty local punk bands should receive funding for instruments and practice spaces and performance artists should receive funding for their weird and nonsensical projects

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