
Ten points to Gryffindor

@pnsieve / pnsieve.tumblr.com

“There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.”

Instead of the Weasleys' going 'Harry don't break Ginny's heart if you do we will break you' in a threatening tone it's the Weasleys going 'Ginny we like this boy more than we like you so please dont hurt him we know your badass but he deserves a rest. ' in a desperate tone and i think that's beautiful.


Lily and Fleamont would always exchange a good laugh, even before officially becoming family.


“The charm that boy has… I have no idea where it comes from.” “He says you taught him all the moves.” “Ha! Enjoy the dinner, Miss Evans.”


people always talk about how james had to mature and grow in order to be good for lily but she really had to change for him too like yea james was an idiot but she was too she spent years denying that snape was hurting the people she loved


let’s stop writing snape and peter as aroace please, it feels kinda demonising since they both aren’t the best people.. although idrm if you headcanon peter as long as you do it rlly well and actually make him more than a 2 dimensional character.

Sincerely, an AA battery who just wants decent rep


I honestly can’t whenever someone is talking about the bad stuff snape did and holding him accountable for the bad stuff he did (as they should) then a snape stan come with the “JaMeS & SiRiUs DiD ThIs” or “JaMeS & SiRiuS DiD ThAt” and I’m like ok and? We are talking about the bad stuff Snape did we literally aren’t even talking about James or Sirius so maybe if we were talking about James & Sirius you would maybe have a valid argument but we’re talking about the horrible stuff Snape did.


ron weasley and james potter: branded by some of the fandom as selfish bullies but are really just the over loving mom friends.

Harry: Therapy is expensive but cuddling with Ron is for free
Ron: aw come here
Harry: :)
Ron: :)
Hermione: WAIT WHAT?

Harry’s “questionable” name choices.

Idk why this pisses me off so much, but it sort of does, and I’d like to get it off my chest.

So the running joke in the HP fandom is that Harry was shit at naming his kids. I never agreed with this, for a number of reasons.

First of all, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the names James Sirius and Lily Luna. I know most people aren’t referring to these two when talking about Harry’s naming choices, but since these are two out of three kids that Harry supposedly named, already that shows that his naming skills are perfectly average. For starters, James and Lily are perfectly normal names, whether they were his parent’s names or not. And no one’s surprised that he named his kids after his parents, because why wouldn’t he? Nor is anyone surprised that he named one of his kids after his godfather.

Luna may be argued to be rather out of place, because yes, Luna was amazing, but why did Harry name his kid after her?

Well, I am absolutely convinced that Luna was Ginny’s idea. I’m not even going to back this up with any sort of evidence or headcanons, I just believe that Ginny decided to immortalise Luna’s name, which makes more sense in my opinion.

So don’t tell me that Ginny had no say in the naming.

But James and Lily aren’t what I’m talking about here.

I’m talking about Albus Severus.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that there were a number of other people that Harry could, and should, have named his son after. But no one seems to be thinking about it from Harry’s perspective. I don’t like when people say that Harry was “being cruel” or “making a joke” when he named Albus. People saying “poor Albus. Imagine being named after a man who manipulated his father and a guy who just wanted to bang his grandmother.”

I don’t know how to tell y’all this, but Harry didn’t read his own books.

He didn’t see Dumbledore and Snape from an outsider’s perspective like we did, he saw them from his perspective. And from his perspective, Dumbledore literally manipulated him without him realising, so Harry genuinely believed that Dumbledore was a great man who only had his interests at heart. He never saw beyond that and was never able to see beyond that, and that is not 👏 Harry’s👏fault👏. This blog does not condone victim shaming.

As for Snape, Harry only saw “the real Snape” from Snape’s own memories, which, naturally, were biased. He didn’t see a guy who wanted to have sex with his mum, he saw a guy pleading with Dumbledore to keep his mother safe. He didn’t see Snape hanging out with future Death Eaters, he saw Snape being hung upside down by his father.

And yes, we saw those memories too, and were able to realise that, actually, Snape acted much more selfishly than Harry realised, but that’s the point. Harry didn’t realise. His feelings were incredibly conflicted, to the point where he couldn’t properly rationalise what he had seen. He saw Snape as a good guy. 

And since they both died he wasn’t able to think back and realise Dumbledore’s manipulation, or Snape’s selfishness, because in his mind, they had both died heroes.

It’s like when a parent leaves, a father or a mother. How often is it that a child views the absent parent with rose-tinted glasses? How often is the child unable to think about the negative underside to why the parent left, and instead places them on a pedestal because they only remember the good times with them, and idolise them beyond what the parent deserves?

That’s exactly what happened with Harry. Dumbledore and Snape died heroes, which consequently caused Harry to place them on pedestals and idolise them.

You may call him immature, therefore, sticking with the metaphor of the child with the rose-tinted glasses, since usually when the child grows up and is able to see things from an adult perspective, they realise that their previous notions were wrong.

But this is only the case when they realise that the parent who left has actually done something wrong (and sometimes the case is that the parent hasn’t done anything wrong, but that’s not part of the metaphor). Because, as I reiterate, Harry didn’t think that Dumbledore or Snape had done anything wrong, so add that to him placing them on a pedestal after they had died, there’s really no surprise that Harry named his child after them.

This isn’t because he “hated Albus”, but entirely the opposite. He loved Albus and he wanted to name his son after people that he believed were great.

Don’t feel bad for Albus. Feel bad for Harry, because he grew up not knowing that the people he idolised were manipulating him and keeping him alive for selfish reasons.


This has apparently been in my drafts for like a year. Thought I’d post it.

I completely agree.

It’s kind of like people calling him an idiot for forgetting the mirror. Harry is living the books and doesn’t have the ability to rewind and reread what happened to get clarity. He can’t remember everything that’s happened to him in vivid detail, he can’t go back and double check to say “oh yeah that’s what happened”. He’s just going off of what he knows and his perception.

Dumbledore manipulated him from the moment he dropped him on that doorstep and condemned him to “ten dark and difficult years” but when he admitted that Harry was in an emotional state and probably couldn’t remember most of what happened in that office.


On occasion I become unreasonably angry because there are people who get annoyed with a 15 year old boy suffering from post traumatic stress, and his inadequate support system.


Hell yes! Harry deserves so much better than to be complained about given the shit he was put through!


i really do not understand fics where harry is like putting his job over his family and where he’s like constantly at the office and he is even missing his kid’s birthdays or forgetting about his and ginny’s anniversary and he’s like so distant towards them because all he can focus on is some case he is working on LIKE WTF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HARRY AT ALL. yeah being an auror is a demanding job and yeah harry would take it seriously BUT HIS FAMILY ALWAYS CAME BEFORE IT and if his career was hurting his family life he would 100% stop. like this kid absolutely never had a family before he would not be someone who would take his wife and kids for granted AND IT IS CANON THAT BEING SELFLESS IS ONE OF HIS BIGGEST TRAITS SO BASICALLY GTFO WITH YOUR CHARACTER ASSASSINATION.


Exactly! Harry would never do that! He is too selfless and cherishes family because his family sucked so bad!


friendly reminder that harry james potter lost his parents at the age of 1 and was abused by his aunt and uncle for 11 years of his life only to be sent into a life where the greatest dark wizard in the world was trying to kill him and through all this he still came out ok fuck if harry isn’t the most underrated character in the whole series 





Things the Harry Potter Fandom tends to forget

Feel free to add onto this list with more:

1) James and Snape had a rivalry, and it was two-sided. It wasn’t James relentlessly hexing poor, innocent Snape.

2) Harry prefers spending time with Ron over spending time with Hermione.

3) Remus had a son named after him- Teddy Remus Lupin.

4) There is no canonical evidence that James repeatedly pestered Lily for dates- That’s just fanon. We see him ask her out once.

5) Snape went down to the Whomping Willow of his own free will; No one forced him, and he supposedly knew what was down there and that the school knew about it.

6) Snape died because Voldemort thought he was the true wand owner. So, he didn’t really die for love.

7) James and Sirius are described as two of the brightest in their year.

8) Ron is strategically intelligent

9) Harry is good at noticing small details

10) Hermione is not the greatest under pressure


James apologist conveniently forgetting that

1) both Lily and Remus say James hexed EVERYONE just because he could.

So more than hexing poor, innocent Snape, he hexed poor, innocent everyone.

2) James and Snape’s animosity started because James and Sirius mocked Snape and Lily after meddling into their private conversation, before even learning each other’s names.

Snape apologist forgetting:

1) They said he hexed people. They never said “EVERYONE”. And even so, Snape and his friends performed Dark Magic on other students and called it “a laugh”. Oh and “Snape never missed an opportunity to curse James.”

2) James and Sirius were then talking to each other, and Snape essentially called Gryffindors (and James’ father) dumb.


So if it wasn’t absolutely everyone it is okay to attack some people? It certainly wasn’t just Snape.

James’ entertainment>other people’s diginity lol

It’s stated absolutely nowhere that Snape cursed anyone besides the marauders during his schoolyears. Lily complains about his friends, never about Snape himself. Even Sirius never says that Snape cursed people in general, it was only them marauders. 1 against four (although I presume Remus didn’t participate and I’m not sure about Peter, so 1 against 2.5 if you will), who hexed him too. Putting it in your words, Snape wasn’t curisng poor, innocent marauders.


“James and Sirius were ta-“No, James interrupted a private conversation and deliberately made himself heard by Snape (and insulted Sirius in the process), you can’t just selectively read around that.

It’s obvious that both boys got prejudices against each other house from their families before even knowing much about them. Still, James could have maybe whispered his indoctrinated house hatred to Sirius, or much better yet, MIND HIS OWN BUSSINESS, nobody had asked his opinion.

How funny you remember that Snape insulted gryffindors but omit that James insulted all slytherins first. Or that Snape only spoke after James asked him.

When James says out loud that being sorted into slytherin is worse than skipping hogwarts altoguether, is okay because he didn’t directly call Snape (again, he did want everyone in the compartment to hear him!), but Snape making a “small, disparaging noise” is enough to put James on edge.

1) Where exactly did I say that James never hexed anyone for fun? Point it out to me, because I honestly didn’t say anything of that sort. I merely pointed out that it is incorrect of you to state that he hexed “EVERYONE”

2) I find it funny how you focus on James hexing some people because he was a bit of a toerag (which I never denied), but completely ignore this:

Snape doing Dark Magic on other students? Way worse than hexing? Or, at the very least laughing as his friends do it? Curious how that is ignored. Lily may not have called him out on it then, but she certainly later called him out on the fact that she’s been making excuses for him for years. She also points out that he calls everyone else of her birth a slur.

2) Never did I say that James wasn’t an idiot with prejudices who interrupted the conversation. He did, so I’m not selectively reading anything. I just pointed out that James and Sirius, at the point in which Snape interjected, were talking to each other when Snape called Gryffindors “brawny rather than brainy.” Given that James had just mentioned his father being Gryffindor, Snape’s statement can be taken as a rather underhanded insult towards James’ father.

Stop putting words in my mouth, and just admit Snape was just as much of an idiotic teenager as James (Likely even more).

You are the one putting words in my keyboard.

Snape minimized what his friends did, which I don’t excuse, but he didn’t participate, it’s never EVER said that Snape practiced Dark Arts in other students, only that he called other kids “mudblood”.

And when James continued talking to Sirius, after having interrupted Snape, ALL Snape did was making a noise, James asked him to explain himself. Maybe don’t ask if you don’t want an answer. I take it as prejudice against gryffindor; Snape didn’t scorn at James’ dad, he [non verbally] scorned at the house of gryffindor, it was James who wanted him to elaborate.

And my point, of it all starting with James meddling in their cinversation, stands.

About your tags, I’m not arguing what each did as an adult. I’m talking about TEENJames being a bully and TEENSnape just defending himself. But when a victim doesn’t just turn the other cheek, then it’s a “two-sided rivalry”.

It’s never said he didn’t curse other students, but either way it doesn’t excuse the fact that he found it funny. He was at best a bystander who enjoyed the show.

Considering that James just mentioned his father, it could definitely be taken as an indirect insult. As well, James “asking” and Snape “answering” doesn’t change that Snape was no better than James in this situation. A “small disparaging noise” to me sounds like a clear intention to argue. If someone scoffed at something I said, l would definitely take it as them having something to say.

I don’t know how you can go from “Snape never missed an opportunity to curse James” to “Snape only ever responded in self defense!” Dumbledore literally says that it was a rivalry. Taking any chance to curse someone that you can doesn’t sound like self-defense to me.

Well, maybe not self-defense but revenge, in the same way the protagonists of the karate kid movies attack their bullies when they see the chance.

I don’t think learning karate to defend yourself from bullies and win in a tournament is necessarily the same as someone hexing you and you taking every chance to curse them.

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