
kpop gg scenarios & fanfics :D

@2wice-in-a-million / 2wice-in-a-million.tumblr.com

evie | 15 | she/her | lesbian | ao3: twiceinamillion | mainblog: pikaperish | i write fanfics for kpop ggs! | my ask box is always open, send in a prompt+ship and i'll write it out for you!

evie’s writer intro !!

hi! i’m evie, my pronouns are she/her and i write fanfics for kpop girlgroups !! i’m mostly active on ao3 where my un is twiceinamillion, and i’ve written fanfics for loona, red velvet and twice but i’m open to writing for other groups :D

✧・゚: *✧・゚my self-intro ・゚✧*:・゚✧

♡ evie <3

♡ she/her, lesbian

♡ i stan twice, red velvet, loona, itzy, mamamoo and dreamcatcher

♡ i’m a minor so please don’t be a creep in my dms or anything, thanks!

✧・゚: *✧・゚DNI (do not interact)・゚✧*:・゚✧

♡ homophobes

♡ biphobes

♡ panphobes

♡ aphobes (aro/ace exclusionists)

♡ transphobes

♡ TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), transmeds, truscum

♡ MAPs (pedophiles)

♡ pro self-harm

♡ nsfw, k*nk, dd*g or fet*sh blogs (censored out because,,, i don’t want to even type those words)

✧・゚: *✧・゚groups i will write for ・゚✧*:・゚✧

♡ red velvet

♡ twice

♡ mamamoo

♡ loona

♡ blackpink (maybe. not too familiar with the ships, sorry!)

✧・゚: *✧・゚what i will write ・゚✧*:・゚✧

fluff (i love fluff!)

♡ sfw romance (wlw)

♡ angst

♡ hurt/comfort

♡ really just anything except the stuff below...

✧・゚: *✧・゚what i will not write ・゚✧*:・゚✧

♡ nsfw/18+ content 

♡ smut

♡ rape, dubcon or non-con

♡ underage

♡ gore (tho why would anyone want...??)

(for the first 4? i’m a minor, so uh... 1. no experience and 2. no thanks)

✧・゚: *✧・゚ my ships !! ・゚✧*:・゚✧

(i can write any ship, these are just the ones i prefer ^^)

twice: saida, michaeng, 2yeon, chaetzu, mimo

red velvet: wenrene, seulrene, wenjoy, joygi, joyri, wenseul, joyrene

mamamoo: literally any ship but mostly moonsun and wheesa

loona: 2jin, viseul, chuuves, lipsoul, hyewon, yeorry

blackpink: chaennie, chaelisa, jensoo, lisoo

✧・゚: *✧・゚ other stuff ・゚✧*:・゚✧

♡ feel free to send me asks and/or requests! (but please don’t request anything i’m not too comfortable with TTnTT)

♡ other than the groups i write for, i also stan itzy and dreamcatcher, but i’m not too sure of their relationships with each other so i won’t be writing for them for the time being :( sorry !!

♡ i also stan (read: am trying to stan) stray kids but i don’t really write mlm relationships :/ no practice, yknow?

♡ currently i’m trying to stan everglow, snsd and (g)i-dle! once i get to know them i might write for them too ^w^ so stay tuned!

♡ my main blog is pikaperish, my kpop sideblog (no fanfics there, just fangirling :P) is think-about-it-2wice, and my art blog where i draw kpop idols is girlgroupdoodles, so feel free to check them out!

yup, that should be about it! thanks for scrolling through all this :D i hope you’ll like my fanfiction! and if you want you can... slide into my dms ;) and we can scream about girl groups together ^^

evie out ! ♡

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Do you have any tips on making the scene emotional, I want to be able to move and touch my readers with my writing but it's really hard when I don't understand emotions and feeling and I'm usually a thinker but I really want to make my my reader feel sadness and grief with my character. So any tips for that? Or do I have to keep practicing? Hope you have a nice day! Thank you! Your blog helps me alot!

Hi :)

I’m a very empathetic person. I can get kinda cold if the emotions involve myself, but if it’s about other people or fictional characters, I soak those emotions up like a sponge. I can get really into all the emotional aspects of writing, so I’m not sure how to do it if you don’t understand the emotions that well, because it comes so natural to me. I will try to give a general overview of how to write emotional scenes, but if someone else can give some other advice, it’s greatly appreciated!

How to write emotional scenes

Focus on showing, not telling:

  • don’t just say the character is afraid or panicking
  • write the actions that would let an onlooker know
  • hands trembling, pulse and breathing picking up, frantic eye movement,...
  • if you describe it well enough, the reader will feel those things too


  • of course, dialogue is still important
  • but I would keep it shorter than in other scenes
  • don’t make it too emotional or it can appear sappy
  • exception: motivational speeches
  • think about the difference between showing and telling
  • are the characters trying to conceal how they really fell by saying something else?

Make the reader relate:

  • relating to a character makes the reader much more empathetic to them and it creates emotions in them
  • so try to get the reader to sympathize with your character by showing their journey and their goals
  • but if you want to have a rival in that scene, do the exact opposite
  • make the reader unsympathetic to that character to make them feel anger towards them or satisfaction if they get defeated

Heavy scenes:

  • there is a difference between an emotional scene and a truly traumatic experience
  • you don’t want the reader to feel the full range of human trauma
  • if the reader is getting too emotional, it could keep them wanting to continue reading
  • so in extremely emotional scenes try to show the overall picture
  • don’t go into specific feelings, but try to show how this affects your character as a whole
  • you can even try to make the scene feel more distant, almost numb and devoid of deep emotions if the reader already knows how traumatic this would be for the character
  • sometimes this could affect them even better than showing all the emotions because they can create their own emotions
always remember: you want to pull at your reader’s heartstrings - not break anything

Hope you have a nice day as well and good luck with your writing!

- Jana


a non-selective plan for the resurgence of fic commissions

Too many children in the comments like ‘I think authors should be able to share ko-fi links :) it’s just nice’ and ‘OP is just a cop.’ Homie, OP is trying to keep AO3 fully functional without interruption. I will report your ass, too, because I value fic artists and our freedom of expression and my audience and our shared history far more than I value the few bux you wanna make on a commission.

It is not hard to link to your Tumblr or Twitter with a vague message like, “If you’re looking for my other works or other ways of supporting me, go here: link.” I have had people buy me coffees after enjoying my fic and asking where to support me. I threw up a link to my Tumblr and people cared enough to follow it. They were fully understanding when I explained in the comments that they could not commission me and I could not link them directly to any donation platform, but they could go to xyz link to read more. And they did! Nobody has to put AO3 directly on the firing line.

Go ahead and commission independently. Just do it anywhere else except on AO3. And then don’t come crying to the community when you, personally, get a C&D from a massive corporation.

AO3 is our bullet shield. Tumblr will pull your shit down. Wattpad won’t fucking protect you. LJ and FF.net already sold our asses for one (1) corn chip. AO3 is trying to protect us, you goddamn lemmings.

If you cannot follow the rules that protect fanspaces, you do not belong in our fanspaces.

The only people who misunderstand this are doing so intentionally and maliciously. Do yourself a favor and block the infants who think this isn’t a big deal.

Actually, I’ll point out that not making money does not mean it’s fair use. It may weigh in favor of fair use but it doesn’t equal fair use.

Streaming Video Games = Copyright Violation

Fan Art = Copyright Violation

The reason that copyright holders haven’t consistently sued fanartists or streamers (oh wait they have) is because they choose not to, because it doesn’t take from their revenue and can be free advertising for their brand.

I think fan fiction gets shut down more often because it’s not seen as real art or real writing, but simply as stealing in a way that drawing fan art does not.

Do not violate TOS on websites, you can be banned. However, you should treat fan writers as artists. That includes being willing to comission and not demand free stories. That includes following them on social media and contributing to tip jars.

If a guy on the street can sing a copy righted song and get tips, a transformative writer can get tips.

But not on AO3 because they don’t want to fight to push the limits of fair use (Twitch is since they get revenue from streamers streaming copyrighted games) and want to instead, be very careful, to avoid liability because of fanfic is in a gray area it’s not outright illegal.


Do you have any tips on how to write fight scenes? I’m okay with most other types of writing, but for some reason I really struggle to describe action. Thank you! :)


I don’t write a lot of fight scenes, but I do write a lot of sex scenes and they’re very similar in a lot of ways. I’ll give you a few tips that work for me, and then hand it off to the blog to give more suggestions!

- remember that you don’t need your readers to have the same picture in your head that you do. They need to know the general contours of the fight, but when it comes down to details like right versus left hand and things like that, you only need to include them if they’re relevant. Does it matter which hand is doing the punching? No? Then skip it. 

- use verbs that include movement in them. Running and jumping are obvious, but you can mix it up with other words too. Just like up above, if you don’t have to explain how someone got from point A to B in detail, just say they moved and get back to the fight.

- you also don’t need to describe each individual hit or shot etc. Which ones lead to a change in who’s winning? Which ones lead to an injury or a loss of balance or something else that could tip the fight one way or the other. Those are the ones to focus on.

My writing style tends to skip the details in order to keep things moving, so these suggestions might not work for you, but if you check the notes I’m sure you’ll see more.


Short sentences! Keep the action moving! Don’t slow the flow! Leave behind unnecessary descriptors!

Though ymmv on what is a ‘necessary descriptor’ and what is not. What color the curtains are in the room the fight is taking place is probably not. What another character looks like when they’re punched in the face probably is.

But in the midst of high emotions, the human brain also has a habit of noticing and latching onto odd, incongruous things. There’s this one fight scene I wrote in which, at one point, a character is pinned against a glass candy counter. While his face is smushed against it and he knows he’s losing the fight, he notices the varieties of candy inside. It’s a detail that adds a discordant note of realism to the scene in that it reminds the reader that this isn’t happening in a place where violence normally happens and also foreshadows that, like the candy, he’s about to get consumed.

But the golden rule with fight scene descriptors - I think - is “is it something the character would notice in the midst of the action?” If so, keep going with the flow.

On the topic of short sentences: I think fight scenes are most effective when the violence is sudden and jarring and the style used to write it is markedly different from that used in the rest of the story. Sometimes I even go so far as to warp the rules of grammar during a fight scene. A sentence is cut off by a too-swift-to-react-to hit. The action becomes disjointed and divided by the blinks of a character’s eyes as he tries to blink away the irritants the other combatant just threw in his face, while still going on with the fight in spite of everything. A character’s entire sense of reality is warped as he beats the tar out of another character and sees, not the person he’s literally beating, but every single other person (including himself) that he’s actually mad at. 

I used to write free form poetry and weirdly, that’s the practice that’s helped me the most in writing fight scenes. It’s a style of writing that requires the crystallization of intense emotions within just a few sentences and really, that’s the core of what a fight scene’s all about. 

On a more down-to-earth note: Know the abilities and limits of the human body! I absolutely cannot recommend @scriptmedic enough for that. The philosophy of her book Maim your Characters has had a huge, huge, cannot-be-overstated impact on how I write fight scenes and violence in general. 

Watching fight scenes and then describing what happened in them to yourself or another person is also really good practice. Kind of acting them out yourself while you’re writing also helps. Bonus points if you’ve got another person willing to play-fight with you.

Imma push back a bit. To me, short sentences slow things down because you stop at every period. Which reads faster: “He ducked. He popped back up and threw a punch. His enemy’s head snapped backwards.” or: “He ducked, then popped back up and threw a punch, snapping his enemy’s head backwards.” To me, commas are your friend in fight scenes! To be fair, you want some fights to feel desperate and choppy. This is where I’ll use more periods. But if my combatants are skilled and experienced, I’ll opt for commas not only because I think it makes the pace feel faster but also because it makes the fight feel smoother and gives the sense that your point-of-view character is keeping track of more things at once.

I would say reading fight scenes would help too. Don’t just consume visual media to immerse yourself in a fight but take a gander at the way others have described fight scenes in written format to find inspiration. This has helped with all the fan fiction I write on the side, and a little with the minor scenes of violence featured in my original works.


hello nanowriters, fanfic authors, and anyone else! if you’re a new scrivener user, you may be interested in the scrivener ao3 template that i made! it’s much simpler than most scrivener default templates and fixes some common formatting issues that happen when you post to ao3.


Fanfic Readers: Wow! Look at this well written plot and detailing the author put in! All these little subliminal messages they put in to hint at [insert theory here]! They’re a genius!

Fanfic author: I’m sorry, I did what?


Fanfic writer: *plans out intricate plot and incorporates different theories and characterizations to drop those subliminal messages*

Fanfic reader: aw cute!

Fanfic writer: …

Fanfic writer: BUT DID YOU NOTICE–

I am both of these


@sevdrag i am Looking at you



you’re not wrong

Anonymous asked:

(1/2) hey! so im working on a fic rn, a nice little fic to be wrapped up in 3 chapters. ive posted 2 chapters so far and the response i got was great, the fandom was really welcoming, i frequently get asks for its update. so like everything is nice, but now im facing problem writing the 3rd one n idk why that is? bc im REALLY excited about this since its my 1st time writing. and also bc theres a huge twist in the end n it'll make prev chapters hit diff! (in a good way) so im v pumped to drop it!

2/2 yet i cant write it. theres no issue with its plot either. its all planned. is it just writer's block? i made moodboards, i discuss it with my friend/beta as well, i binged others' works. i did everything but no luck. im scared theres actually no block n it just wont come to me again bc im no writer. but then i see all the comments praising my writing style n idk what to think anymore. i reread prev chs n feel like it was a one time thing. but then why would it happen at all? im confused. :(


It’s hard to say why it’s happening, but I’ll give you an example from my own life that might be it?

I was big into Doctor Who for a good long while, and my fave Doctor was David Tennant. I was sad that he was going to be leaving the show, but I was interested in seeing the new direction. When it came right down to it, though, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye when his last episodes aired. So I didn’t watch them. I sat on them for a full year before I finally watched because for me, as long as I hadn’t seen them his tenure wasn’t over. 

It might be that you don’t want to finish the fic because you’re enjoying the process so much. It’s hard to say goodbye to something we love, and that can be as true for a creative project as it can be for anything else. 

Take your time. Enjoy this moment. Savour it. And when you’re ready, write. 


imo, it might be a bit too much pressure + a fear of failure? 

twists are hard to pull off well and from what you said it does seem like there’s q a bunch of expectations that’ve been placed for this last chapter. and tbh? big mood. sometimes the fear of not meeting those expectations is buried in your subconscious, so you might not even know it yourself, which leads to unintentional writer’s block (and really just sucks). or maybe i’m just self projecting. oops. idk sorry

ok but if you genuinely feel that, my advice (if you want it) would probably be to just ! write down whatever pops up in your mind, however ‘bad’ you think it might be, because who knows - you might just be able to connect some (or most!!) of those sentences or phrases to make a good fic!! you seem to have a good plot and from what i can see you look like you’re gonna do the twist real well, so just go for it !! 

good luck :DDD and i hope- no, i’m sure it’ll turn out well!!


wrong chat

rated: T (for swearing)

fandoms: ♡ twice ♡ red velvet ♡ mamamoo

genre: ♡ crack ♡ fluff

ships: ♡ (main) wenrene other background ships:  ♡ joyri ♡ saida ♡ michaeng ♡ wheesa the rest are important to the plot so i won’t be mentioning them here!

AUs: ♡ group chat AU (chatfic)

warnings: none !!


todayis_wendy: seul, i’m not kidding she is so UNBELIEVABLY hot, she could slap me and i’d thank her wait FUCK

(todayis_wendy has deleted 3 messages.)


yerimiese: SAW THAT screenshotted it too! [yourenotgettingaway.jpg]

or: where wendy gay panics in the wrong discord chat, and chaos ensues. (twice & mamamoo appear as side-ish characters! though there are some characters who play a kind-of-central role in the fic :o) updates every sunday !!


link in reblog!

chapter 10 of wrong chat, titled “guys did i sleep too late last night? am i dreaming?” is out! you can find it here!

Anonymous asked:

Ive been researching motivation and turns out there's decades worth of research saying extrinsic motivation (work for rewards) doesnt work in the long term and actively murders your intrinsic motivation (work enjoyable bc u like it) in a task, and that for creative tasks it's got a specially bad effect so like... now i get what people mean on the write for yourself front, setting yourself doable challenges and enjoying the task itself seems to be what builds up long lasting motivation

That’s exactly what it’s all about. 

The problem with the phrase “write for yourself” is that it’s shorthand for so much more than that. 

  • write to amuse yourself, because you are your own best audience
  • write to soothe yourself by giving a character the chance to do or experience something that you’re missing in your own life
  • write to excite yourself - have a thrilling adventure or kinky sex. Be a hero. be a villain. All from the safety of your home. 
  • write to express yourself, slowly and with the ability to think about which are the right words
  • write to improve yourself by experimenting with genres or learning new techniques - or just getting better at grammar or spelling or upping your typing speed
  • write to indulge yourself in exactly the kind of story you wish existed in the world, with all of your favourite characters doing all of your favourite things
  • write to challenge yourself with a new word count or by writing every day or by finishing a story with 30+ chapters

Write because you love to write and keep writing, even if no one else cares. Because you care, and you’re the most important person you know. 


Dialogue that always makes me big sad

- “Please look at me” -”Is it really too much to ask?” -”Why didn’t you tell me before” -”Don’t leave me” -”I’m scared” -”Don’t you trust me?” -”Don’t let go” -”Go away already” -”Don’t you care anymore?” -”Get the hell away from me” -”Don’t touch them” -”Take me instead” -”We’re better off alone”


so it’s raining rn and i’m supposed to be studying for exams but i suddenly got the urge to write a rainy fluff fic where they dw to get up and they just cuddle and,,,,,,,,,,, evie,, evie no,,,,, evie,,,, n-no wait YOU HAVE TO STUDY NO STOP

………….okay maybe i’ll write it later…  let’s see how this goes, shall we?

an hour has passed. the vibe is gone. i Regret


so it’s raining rn and i’m supposed to be studying for exams but i suddenly got the urge to write a rainy fluff fic where they dw to get up and they just cuddle and,,,,,,,,,,, evie,, evie no,,,,, evie,,,, n-no wait YOU HAVE TO STUDY NO STOP

.............okay maybe i’ll write it later...  let’s see how this goes, shall we?


I love seeing people’s picrew art styles because you can just look at them and be like

“You read homestuck and it was a big part of your life for a few years, you’re not into steven universe but you did watch it, and you had an intense black butler phase in middle school and doodled their eyes over and over again in your spiral notebooks”

Art is the biggest snitch ever man like have you ever read a fanfic and been like “Oh the author is working through some trauma here”

Or when people rec songs/shows/fics and you suddenly know everything you need to know about who they are as a person?

Like I know art is inherently an attempt to make others understand what is going on inside our lonely little heads but sometimes the mortifying ordeal of being known just slips in there while you’re not looking


new ask game: tell me what u think u know about me based on my fics/art/etc

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