
my art grave


Adam | 26 | mainly One Piece, SVSSS, and other assorted fandoms

Hello! As a SVSSS fan, may I ask which version of the novel are you reading? I want to start the novel but there is just so many different english translations out there, I'm not sure which one is the most accurate...


I originally read a fan TL from BCNovels (?) But now I have copies of the official eng translation which is the "most" accurate


Hi there! I was wondering where I might might find the extras for svsss that have been translated into English? I have been seeing artwork of these extras and I am dying of curiosity


wow I forgot I had an inbox tbh

WELL hopefully you found yourself a copy of the SVSSS volume 4 with all the extras!! I'm still waiting for mine to come, enjoy your smutty and sad extras

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