

@psygull / psygull.tumblr.com

🏚 Roz πŸ•΄ 26 πŸ•΄ she/her πŸ•΄ sanguine 🏚 TOYNBEE IDEA IN MOVIE 2001 RESURRECT DEAD ON PLANET JUPITER


This blog is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!


  • Through the Red Door - horror story set in the 1970s about architecture that leads into another world, and the man who's trying to reach it
  • Radio Ghost - fake 80s slasher franchise about an abandoned radio station and trying to bring your loved one back from beyond
  • Jim Carrey Horror Movie - uh this one's tough to explain. based on a dream i had
  • Monolith - no story to this one as of yet, but it's a world i enjoy thinking about. massive concrete structures of unknown origin, nuclear semiotics, and the concept of whale falls

i've also got a bunch of tags collecting various things. feel free to poke around and find stuff that's what they're there for


During one semester of PE in high school I got put in a section called Team Sports. This was significantly better than a regular unit because the athletic kids were able to play and I largely got to sit and watch.

Months were devoted to what they called Pickle Ball but I’ve since learned was basically ping pong with larger than average paddles. The paddles had been through the absolute wringer, all padding had been rubbed and torn off by a relentless stream of bored adolescents like myself.

This presented me with a unique opportunity. I had a pencil, nominally used to keep score. I had a blank wooden panel. And I had large stretches of time sitting on the sidelines.

Every day I’d pick a blank paddle. I’d doodle little animals, bizarre monstrosities, and a bunch that were just a huge eye in the middle with the words β€œBig Brother is Watching”. What can I say; I was reading 1984 at the time.

When we finally finished with the paddles and moved on to badminton I completely forgot my dozens of illustrations.

It wasn’t until several years later that it got brought up again. I was hanging out with a friend and their younger sibling. We were listening to them lament their high school experience of the day. β€œBut I won the Pegasus paddle, so that was cool.”

β€œWait- what?”

β€œYeah, most of them are just Big Brother, so they’re not exciting, but there’s only one Pegasus so we fight over it. Last week I had an elephant I really liked though.”

β€œYou guys fight over the paddles with art on them…?”


My friend turned to me and asked, β€œDidn’t you make all those drawings?”

Their sibling lit up, β€œYou made them?!”

I sat in silence as the complexity of the world and the waves we leave behind as we move through it washed over me. I contemplated how intertwined I was with the rest of existence to create such a beautiful moment.

I had made art on a whim out of boredom and it had an effect on someone else’s day, someone who through random happenstance years later was telling me about it all unknowing.

Their sibling was delighted when I drew them another pegasus on the spot and announced that they’d be the talk of PE now that they’d uncovered the mystery artist.


tbh anyone can transubstantiate themselves into some sort of eucharist jesus isn't that special. you just have to pick other foods, like stupid little wafers and wine are already taken. i picked corn on the cob and root beer.

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