
Just a normal Shit Blog

@mitchiepeas / mitchiepeas.tumblr.com

29, he/him, questioning why I'm still on here

fucking love saying "tough crowd" or "is this thing on" after telling a joke and not getting a response. or "i still need to workshop that one". you fools. even when you completely ignore my jokes you're only helping me set up more jokes. it's open mic night at the hotel california


my friend took in a stray and she’s the cutest kitty ever but he named her oil so whenever he sends a picture of her me and my other friends look like we’re roleplaying as the US military

in our defense this is oil


i would, can, and WILL die for sydnee mcelroy

For the record this is missing the post where he explains that she didnt go in specifically to harrass the worker. She went in there just to inform something along the lines of " i know you dont have control of this but the sign is misleading and I need to tell your manager" but then the worker started preaching the "true science" and girl had the green light to go to war from there


favorite hobby when I'm driving is to catch someone trying to climb up my back bumper while I'm going a completely reasonable speed and just slowly take my foot off the gas. you seem upset, brother. why don't we slow down and enjoy the view awhile

I'd like to add, just on the off chance that someone who tailgates reads this, that tailgating is not doing you any favors. The sheer degree of attention and reactivity and focus you have to maintain in order to tailgate without fucking hitting the person is so much. You're stressing yourself out. You're making your day worse. You're decreasing your lifespan (both statistically by increasing risk and literally by being stressed the hell out). You're fucking up your brakes. You're wasting gas. You aren't going any faster. If you do hit them, it's 100% legally your fault and you won't get away with it. And to cap it all off, the person ahead of you has a solid chance of just slowing down. Keep a comfortable buffer distance. When they pass something it should take at least two seconds before you pass it. More, if you can help it at higher speeds. The few seconds you might save by tailgating are absolutely not worth it.


Whenever someone tailgates me I start slowing down. Just slower and slower. Not only to piss them off, but also because if some idiot is going to fucking rear-end me, I'd rather it happen at 40mph than 60mph.

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