
@colorfulcandycat / colorfulcandycat.tumblr.com

Hi :} I'm Quin. I'm Asexual/Aromantic and my pronouns are They/Them or It/Its :} Just as fair warning, I am an adult and I do ship and reblog some stuff that most might consider problematic or upsetting, so if there's anything that squicks you, maybe make sure you're making good use of the blacklisting feature.

this is the most sophisticated phishing e-mail I have ever received and if they had sized the logo correctly and actually proofread the fucking thing I probably would’ve clicked that button

actually please reblog this because someone else got it too. do not click on the links in this e-mail if you get one like it, just forward it to spoof@paypal.com and delete it


stopppppp im going to pass away just thinking abt this

When I got my first tattoo I told my rather beautiful tattoo artist that I refused to be a wuss and she said “Oh dont worry, if you squirm I will pin you down.”

And that lives in my head rent free.

“What is it with queer people and tattoos?”

Something something intricate rituals


So to further out myself as a Fandom Old ™

I’m browsing ao3, as one does, and this one image struck me to the core and I just stared at the screen for like a solid 20 seconds

Oh how the world has changed

holy shit WHAT

I know this gave me anxiety

Isn’t AO3 marvelous?


Someone suggested I move my old VC fic there and the idea gave me such anxiety I had to double check the category really did exist

Finding it is a real how-far-we’ve-come moment…I might have gotten a bit teary


Reminder that, as far as I’ve been able to track down (and I’ve been looking), there has never been a lawsuit over free fanfiction.

There’ve been a lot of C&D orders, plus the Chelsea Quinn Yarbro legal settlement (which didn’t involve going to court; the lawyer demanded stuff and the fans caved because they didn’t think they could fight it). There are takedown notices. There are a lot of archive website, and web host platforms, that decline to host content that an author/publisher claims is infringing.

But none of that has been found guilty of copyright infringement in court. Nobody’s sued a fanfic writer for copyright infringement. Not even Disney. 

And the OTW knows that. Knows exactly what legal stance they’re taking when they refuse to disallow fic because an author doesn’t like it. Knows what the copyright cases for profit-based works have been - Suntrust v. Houghton MifflinCampbell v. Acuff-Rose, others… they know that, when you combine the concept of parody (the legal term, not the casual meaning of “funny mockery”) and the utter lack of profit, a copyright holder’s case would be very thin indeed.

A Harry/Draco story runs solidly into the legal issues of Suntrust: this is a story the original author would never write, appealing to readers who aren’t reading it instead of Rowling’s works (because if you don’t know Rowling’s works, you may not understand the characters), with fictional elements that comment on the gaps and world structure of the original. RPF is even more protected - Hustler v. Fallwell had a SCOTUS ruling that incest porn about Fallwell was protected speech since Falwell was a public figure and the parody could not have been reasonably considered believable. 

“Next episode in the series” fanfic might be infringing; “Avengers Orgy Tower OT8″ is better protected. “My date with the lead singer” might be infringing (on publicity rights, not copyright) but “the band is actually werewolves and I’m the alpha female who bonded with all of them” is implausible enough to be free speech.

Rice (and the other takedown authors) managed to stifle fic about their works through bullying intimidation tactics, not a solid legal foundation. They counted on fic authors and website hosts not being copyright law experts, AND not having the money to challenge a suit if one is filed, even if there’s no way it could win against any kind of defense.

Part of why the OTW was created, was to end those tactics. To say to authors, publishers, production companies: If you think fanfic is actually illegal, bring on your lawyers and let’s get a court to actually make a ruling.

10+ years, and not a damn one of them has made a move. 

You think Disney doesn’t know Star Wars fic exists? You think Warner Brothers is happy with Snarry novels? Think Viacom hasn’t noticed Star Trek fanzines? Think Diana Gabaldon, George RR Martin, and Orson Scott Card are unaware that AO3 hosts fic based on their works? 

And yet. No lawsuits. 

Disney’s done takedown notices over the Baby Yoda gifs… but nothing about the fanfic at AO3. 

D’you think Abrams is happy with all the FinnPoe fic and memes? That he wouldn’t shut it down if he had any legal way to make it stop?

We’re on solid ground at AO3. We just needed a host that wouldn’t cave to the pressure of “[author] doesn’t approve of fanfic; remove it or else.” 

OTW says: Or else what? 

THIS. This is why I will always be a flag waving supporter of with AO3. I never want to wake up to a casually devestating message like THIS again

Screenshots from fanfiction.net with a highlighted message: 

Anne Rice: Vampire Chronicles, the category, has been removed at Anne Rice’s request.


I would like to have your attention at the end of this.

The OTW is actually currently helping take on the draft of the “Digital Copyright Act.” From the EFF’s (Re:Create Coalition) letter to congress:

This draft mandates that if a takedown notice goes uncontested, the platform should have to filter and block any future uploads of the same allegedly infringing content. This would require the services we depend on—YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, etc.—to monitor our uploads and prevent us from sharing anything that resembled something that was taken down.


If you would like to speak out with the OTW and EFF against this legislation, PLEASE click through and add your name to the letter to congress.

If you want to read more directly on AO3′s involvement: https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/18123

You only have until Friday 3/5/21 to sign and/or voice your opinion, so please don’t put it off.


I’m not seeing anything about this on social media. Certainly I don’t expect to see it covered by the mass media. This is truly something we need to fight back against. Even if you don’t have Comcast\Xfinity, please let your voice be heard.

Amidst a pandemic when we’re all trapped at home, when we’re working from home, schooling from home, and our only entertainment outlets are online, this is cruel and unacceptable. 1.2 terabytes might not be bad for an individual, but if you’re a household of 3 or more, this will be terrible for you.

Make some noise about this please!


This is why we need net neutrality and also why internet needs to be considered a utility, like water and power.


As of February 19, 2021 this plan is delayed until 2022, but THIS IS STILL BAD NEWS !

its also worth noting that even if they delayed it this cap already exists in some states its specifically new england where they're trying to expand it to


This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!

This goes for assholes, too, guys. I know a couple who went tubing once, and they had to re-air their tubes, but the guy thought it would be funny to stick the tip of the air compressor up to her bikini trunks, the air ruptured something inside her and she died within thirty minutes.



The thing about this? It’s in every pregnancy book I’ve read.


Why is it in pregnancy books but not sex ed books?

Because the men in charge only care about the health and safety of women in so far as it enables them to have babies.


so when trump decides to cancel the election altogether what are you liberal heauxes gonna do??? vote to turn it back on????


Instead of guilting young people into community action and making voting seem almost useless, how bout we share some resources about how to vote and overwhelmingly encourage doing so as soon as possible, hm?

If you're not sure where to start with voting this year - either bc it's your first time or bc you usually vote on E-Day in person and now that may be an option, or bc you're intimidated by structural barriers - here's a good place to start:


A bit sus how a bunch of posts have been popping up lately targeted towards young liberal people about how voting is useless 😳

A trend I’ve been seeing among non-voters is that “direct action” is more important than voting, but more often than not, the people who make these claims don’t even partake in any form of direct action.

If you do nothing but spew anarchist bullshit, then you’re not helping anyone. If you actually care about the state of our country, should AT THE VERY LEAST vote. It’s common sense.


Whenever someone starts talking about voting resources, I always like to boost Vote411! Run by the venerable non-partisan nonprofit League of Women Voters, you can register to vote, check your registration status, and also research your entire ballot and compare candidates, down to local races and ballot measures. Then you can email your choices to yourself (or print it out, if your state doesn’t allow phones in the polling place). The pre-research makes the physical voting process go very fast, which is ideal in this time of pandemic but also great in normal times.

If you’re new to voting and want to plan, or are just wondering things like “WTF is a Texas Railroad Commissioner and why do I care?” (answer: actually super important and in charge of oil/gas/mineral rights) or “there are 14 local judges to vote for, who??? are these people and where do they stand on important justice issues?” then this is the site for you.


Promoting men’s body positivity. We all don’t have chiseled abs.

I appreciate this post. For many reasons.

been waiting for a post like this!


Body positivity for everyone is important! Please don’t change the pictures and turn this into a joke.

thank you! im tired of people saying that only women and girls need more body positivity

Yes promoting male body positivity!

they all look amazing!!! 


If you receive this you make someone's heart burst with love and appreciation for you. Send this to 5 people you think might need a boost of confidence or just a bit of uplifting affection. Someone who makes you feel happy to be on tumblr and see their posts on your dash.


Thank yooooooou!!! 😭 you definitely make me so happy to be here tooooo! I appreciate you so much! You are such an amazing friend! @a-boy-named-mike !


Holy shit…. Never Again Action (the group who started #JewsAgainstICE) had an ICE detention truck drive through them while they were shutting down Wayne Detention Center in Rhode Island this evening (August 14th).

Like they were holding the line across the entry gate and refusing to let night shift guards in and a massive truck just, fucking, drove up to them then slowed as the protestors got up from where they were sitting, alarmed, then the truck accelerated into people.

It doesn’t seem like there are any serious injuries. The people who were around the truck after it stopped accelerating into people were pepper sprayed.

The truck was driven by an ICE guard.

As this information is publicly available, the law in the US does not consider this doxxing, which is why it was on twitter on the first place. Here’s the guy.

Its the same people. If you can stomach working for ICE its because you’re a right-wing fascist. Same tactics, different day.

Fun fact, y’all!! Jewish protesters have been surrounding and shutting down ICE detention centers for weeks now, and we’re getting absolutely NO media coverage. None. In the slightest. And by jewish protesters I mean THOUSANDS OF US HAVE BEEN PROTESTING FOR NIGHTS ON END AND OVER 250 HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AT THIS POINT AND WE ARE GETTING ZERO COVERAGE. This is probably the biggest protest movement in american jewish history and it’s getting no coverage. We got hit with a truck DRIVEN BY A DETENTION CENTER GUARD and pepper sprayed and many people ended up in the hospital - one man in his sixties has a broken leg and a potentially broken back because of it. PLEASE REBLOG THIS. THOUSANDS OF YOUR JEWISH SIBLINGS ARE TRYING TO SHUT DOWN THE CENTERS AND WE’RE GETTING ZERO COVERAGE. PLEASE PLEASE SPREAD THIS AROUND.

Never Again Action has been protesting ICE the entire time. Recently they launched a virtual protest against ICE’s vigilante justice program in Chicago. If you want to read more about this program, this is a link to an NPR article (dated 7/10/2020) and a Chicago news article (dated 7/10/2020)

Here is the Google Docs with info on this campaign. Basically, the idea is to flood the application website with thoughts, opinions, etc. 

Please participate in this protest if you can and spread this information to others. 


Yo Biden just announced an infrastructure devolopment/clean energy/environmental justice plan and it's honesty pretty fucking amazing and much more ambitious than I ever would have expected from him, goddamn. He's trying to Eisenhower/New Deal our way out of the economic collapse.

Some notable points addressed by this plan:

  • Expanding American railway systems
  • Fixing the crumbling roads, bridges, dams, etc. that haven't been kept up
  • Capping abandoned oil wells
  • Undoing Trump's financial bailout policies for unclean energy companies
  • Reinvesting in American-made automotive companies
  • Getting America to 100% clean energy by 2035
  • Fixing air, water, and ground pollution issues that disproportionately affect poc
  • Getting justice for victims of environmental racism
  • Reinstating a bunch of environmental and medical jobs Trump had cut
  • Getting the US back on the Paris Agreement/Climate Accord


For those who were wondering what the point of voting for a leftist candidate was, if the leftist didn’t win—this is it.  Biden is trending leftward.  That’s what we want him to do.  He wouldn’t be doing it if the left hadn’t shown itself to be a real force.

I know that the work is never done and all that, but I think we can count this one as a win.

please god vote. register ASAP. check to make sure you’re still registered because they’re kicking people off. look into your states mail in ballot laws

I don’t like the guy, and I doubt if most of this would actually get done, but please, it’s better than the guy actively dismantling anything good we have and pushing us backwards

even if you’re in a state that swings dem and you think your vote doesn’t matter, it does. the popular vote tally means something even if the system is broken. Hillary got millions more votes and that was the voice of the people. vote even just to add to the tally of people against Trump because you know the numbers will hurt his vanity

And for all the “lesser of two evils” people out there who think a Biden victory means rewarding the Democratic party’s ongoing rejection of the left wing of the party, reminder that the alternative, GREATER of two evils, is THIS:

A new policy change to prevent trans women from accessing homeless shelters is teaching people how to police gender presentation and physical features just so the country can legalize a new way to get away with killing us.

This is the shit we would have four more years of if Biden loses.

Shelter workers may use “factors such as height, the presence (but not the absence) of facial hair, the presence of an Adam’s apple, and other physical characteristics which, when considered together, are indicative of a person’s biological sex,” the rule says.
If a homeless person appears too transgender for a homeless shelter, the shelter is allowed to ask them for proof of “biological sex.”

Biden wasn’t even my fifth choice in the primaries.  But we have to focus on the general now.  There are only two possible outcomes this November.  We’ve seen how one of them turned out for us, and we all know damn well it’s only getting worse, and getting worse faster.  Do not forget that the other outcome is not just about Biden; there’s an entire Democratic platform that comes in with him, along with a complete 180 in White House staff, federal appointments, judicial confirmations, etc.  And the judicial confirmations ALONE are a huge deal.  If you are somehow NOT convinced that Biden would be better for us than Trump, I need you to understand the existential threat of these words:

Losing Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat to another Brett Kavanaugh.

Do NOT let your ideological purity put us through THAT.

Anything lesser than the evil we have now is a rejection of how far right the Overton Window has been dragged the last few years.  Don’t forget how much we stand to lose if we don’t live to fight another day.


here are some things I just heard:

  • a door slamming
  • someone exclaim “oh, you sneaky bastard”
  • the sound of a bell jingling down the hallway
  • someone at the end of the hallway gasping “hello beautiful!!” in that very special I’m-talking-to-an-unexpected-cat voice

some things I heard myself:

  • a light thud
  • someone exclaiming “listen here, one of us can see in the dark and it’s not me, so we’re gonna have to figure this out”
  • a meow

literally every minor sound from the street carries up to us since it’s so narrow, last year this happened:

  • a deep voice going “HEY”
  • me immediately concerned, it is dark, what is happening
  • same deep voice: “WHAT DO YOU HAVE”
  • the playful jingling of dog tags
  • jingle jingle jingle
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