
I know I'm like 80 years late to the meme but I finally remembered I wanted to draw this kjsdf


I miss when sci fi was allowed to be goofy and weird and long running, with a lot of daily life plots and silly costumes and fun real sets.

nowadays it's trying so hard to be prestige television, and intelligent, without realizing that the best sci fi could be that AND ridiculous. it's all CGI and brooding and people being sad on sad looking gray planets.

I also dislike how modern sci fi is dystopian this, dystopian that.

you know, farscape is technically a dystopia, but it still let itself be a fun one.

maybe your dystopian sci fi needs puppets.


Richie seems like the type who would give you a pat on the head as a comforting gesture but leaves cigarette ashes in his wake.


the bear is like if a baseball movie was a tv show. and if the small town underdog team was a beef restaurant and the mean big shot team from the big city is grief. and the small town is chicago. if this post doesn’t make sense that’s on you not me


sometimes i think about how james t kirk ( the best captain in starfleet ) canonically has a reputation for being

a ) problematic

b ) a Whore

and this is consistent in every single interpretation of him


wow i really love spock. hes so cool. sometimes i forget just how fucking cool and awesome he is but. damn i love spock. spock appreciation post everyone


post kodos episode kirk sits up in bed half asleep and asks if there's blood on his face and spock's like no there's no blood and he's convinced that there is and trying to rub it off so spock's like jim look at me and pretends to wipe it off with his sleeve and tells him it's gone


this one image is so funny to me. why are we so tall? why are they standing so close together to look up at us? and their stupid little shoes poking out. i love this image


I think TOS kirk would actually try really hard to do meditation practices with Spock, but I feel like he would ultimately fall asleep each time because he’s like an exhausted parent who’s finally getting a chance to close their eyes for a few seconds.


saw a TOS tiktok that claimed that jim wouldn’t be invited to girls night on the ship and i don’t think i’ve ever vehemently disagreed with such a harmless statement cause like???? ….what?!?!nyota is literally his best friend what are you even talking about? did you not know he has coffee with christine every morning while they talk shit about bones. not only is this man invited to girls night. he is chairing girls night. he is MC-ing girls night. jim loves girls night so much. he is probably concerningly into girls night, to the point where nyota and christine are like jim babes…. calm tf down.

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