
Cryptid: The Musical

@cryptidthemusical-blog / cryptidthemusical-blog.tumblr.com

"Cryptid" is a work in progress featuring all your favorite monsters--though, we try to avoid using that particular term. You'll find that cryptids are terribly misunderstood, whether you're a skeptic or a believer. Currently, the show is nothing but a load of drafts, so any support/exposure is appreciated! For now, expect snippets of dialogue, hideous writer's block, the occasional pun, confusing banter, and concepts. Enjoy the ride!

at a party

mothman: chill out, everyone. not heralding impending doom rn. i swear no infrastructure is gonna start crumbling. speaking of crumbs, bigfoot said he was gonna bring vegan cookies and i need my sugar fix
mothman: *at the snack table* stop screaming, grant, jeez. who invited you anyway? oh, look! guacamole
mothman: *dancing alone in corner* please no one die please no one die just one fucking time can i go somewhere without ruining everything

Nessie: We aren’t as rare as we seem; lake monsters are a common theme! You’ll see us all over the scene--take my cousin Ogopogo in B.C.. 

Bigfoot: Whoa there, Nessie, keep your language clean! Don’t call yourself a monster, now that’s just mean. 

Nessie: Come on, Squatch, don’t be a puss! We’ll reclaim the slur and give it a push. 

Mothman: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m a little lost. If I’m not a monster... am I a man or a moth??? 

(oren’s note: this is a super rough first draft. like, i don’t even know where it’s going to fit but i played with a line in the group chat and the crew liked it so this happened. if it makes it to the final cut it’s probs not gonna sound like this... i kinda just make everything jazzy when im under pressure)

Anonymous asked:

Hey! I think this is absolutely an amazing idea, and I just wanted to ask: What's the basic plot for this musical? And also who are the characters? Thanks! :D

Thank you a bunch!!!The basic plot is that Mothman works in a menial job in a kafka-esque workplace, and he's gradually losing his belief in himself as a person/cryptid.So he decides to travel to meet Bigfoot and hopefully find himself, and during his adventure he meets several other cryptids, like Nessie and the Fresno Nightcrawler, until he is captured by Area 51 and eventually escapes and learns to believe in himself.That's the majority of the main cast members 😊

Anonymous asked:

I think you guys should definitely tag more things for publicity! Like 'cryptids '[name of x cryptid character]' 'musical theatre' 'musicals' 'writers on tumblr' 'musicians on tumblr' and such!! It could really help you guys out!!

We do a couple of those but yeah that's a great idea!!

Anonymous asked:

This sounds so awesome!!! I would totally help if I had anything to offer x) with the publicizing though, I noticed you don't use many tags, and maybe you could use a Tumblr theme to help grab people's attention? Oh is there anywhere we could hear at least a bit of that Mothman's Lament demo? You guys seem really rad and this is a really cool idea!

Thank you for the input!! These all sound like wonderful ideas 😊 So far we've been using #"ctm" and #"Cryptid: The Musical" for our main tags, but we'll be sure to tag more so it reaches a bigger audience! As for themes, I know html so once I'm not on mobile I'll design one for the page!The recording can be uploaded but we're thinking about re-recording it. However, now that we have the sheet music for it almost finalized, it would be super helpful and amazing if people wanted to do a cover of their own!( @grinleysspa )


(Un)official Soundtrack as of 4/10/17

Act One 1) Eberhart's Classifications of a Cryptid*^ 2) Intro* 3) Believe* 4) Terminal B 5) L.A. 6) Mothman's Lament*^ 7) Big Friends (and Feet)* 8) Trees* 9) Looking Up Act Two 10) Nessie*^ 11) The Ballad of Babadook° 12) Trees (Reprise 1)* 13) Nessie (Reprise) 14) Cryptid 15) Area 51*^ 16) Trees (Reprise 2)* 17) Break Free* 18) Believe (Reprise)* 19)Finale* *= A song with '*' next to it means that it is almost certainly a final song and will not be cut or omitted °= The Ballad of Babadook is subject to change due to recent creative developments ^= Songs with '^' next to them are songs which already have a considerable amount of progress completed on them

Anonymous asked:

Hihihi just wondering, do you need any kind of help currently [such as new members]? Bc I wanna help but I'm too shy to come off anon until I know I can help :'^}} ((srry if this is annoying btww))

We would love help! Have you heard of an app called Band? our current team works (and chats and procrastinates) on there and you can join on in!

If you’re interested message this account and we can chat 😊


Hey y'all!

Ryan here! We have a lot of progress so far actually on this musical! We have a whole new song about halfway done, called Mothman's Lament, and progress on Nessie, The Ballad of Babadook, Big Friends and Big Feet, and Area 51 is going well!! Don't be a stranger, send us asks and messages and tag us in cryptid posts! We're always welcome to people interacting =) Also, we now have a group on this app called Band, where you can see our posts as we work! They're certainly out of context, but you can get to know us a bit better through there =D [Also if you're interested in joining the team message us and we'll talk about spot availability / what expertise you can offer! There's only 4 of us right now, and if you are passionate about Cryptids and/or musicals, hit us up on the offer of a lifetime! ((If the musical ever becomes really famous you'll be able to say you helped create stuff for it!)) ]


i can't believe ive never used this for awkward ice breaker introductions before, but I have a web between my second and third toes on my right foot. I think im part duck


Well, that's definitely interesting! My second toes are almost longer than my big toes. Runs in my family. If you are part duck, I'm hella jelly. Like. Hella. -Courtney xx


Hi I'm here to support this musical ((mainly for my boi Mothman)) but good luck on ur adventures👌👌


Thank you so much! I can't believe this musical already has a bunch of people interested, and I assure you the group is hard at work arranging songs and scripts =)(When we aren't sending mothman memes and talking about how gay we are)

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