

@savebyandersen / savebyandersen.tumblr.com

No under-18 follows, please. Formerly on-my-own-little-planet, ryannuggethopkins, and leafscaptainmitchmarner. Also, hi. I'm Alison. I'll try not to scare you off.

Dear god please let housing become affordable here and please make this force the thousands of sitting-duck properties re-enter the market at drastically reduced prices for native families to be able to purchase and then live in their homeland 😭 kū kia‘i ‘āina


the next time you hesitate to leave a comment on a fic remember that I go back and read all the comments I get on my fic whenever I'm feeling down and it makes me feel so much better

if you leave nice comments on ao3 i love you


“This” is now a political ideology for some people.

I just want to say, kids, that there was a time when spelling errors were enough to destroy a politician’s career. And I miss those times now.


I... what... why?

I'm almost afraid to ask what sparked this.

It was revealed that Donald Trump wears diapers and his MAGA cult went and started to paint it as like... a machismo thing:

So now it's like. A war cry. Where they're also saying "diapers over Dems"

And wearing diapers to rallies and such. It's a very bizarre movement of taking a morally neutral thing like wearing diapers and turning it into a masculinity thing.

... sure.


It'd be cool if people didn't belittle those who have to wear incontinence aids and if it didn't come with stigma, yes. Incontinence aids are worn at all ages because incontinence isn't an only-babies-and-old-people thing.

This is the closest to a progressive stance these people will ever take on anything, but they've still managed to fuck it up by combining it with a toxic focus on 'real men' (which has never helped anyone regardless of what the phrase is attached to unless the phrase is 'are diverse and unique and have differing experiences to each other and honestly there is no one way to be a real man') and then connected all of that with a political stance in favour of the worst political candidate running.

That's... well, it's definitely not activism intended for destigmatising incontinence aids, that's for sure. Probably put us further back on the path to destigmatisation honestly.

Yeah. Basically. I woke up from a nap to these notes and I'm just like... yeah.


90% of the problems in bbc merlin are caused bc that fuckass dragon was a committed merthur shipper but only in the sense that he had a crippling addiction to tragic yaoi


Im gonna shill for Marie Kondo again but this is why I find her books (yes, books, the TV show is fun but ultimately misses a lot of the core ideas) so good.

A lot of home org advice fully misses this aspect. Kondo not only acknowledges it, but leans into it. And ultimately this helps motivste me to keep my space tidy - it's really hard to me to keep on the nebulous goal of self-care, but much easier to get up and put things away if I envision my salt and pepper grinders as like, retail workers who are now standing in an empty shop (my dining table) and just wanna go home (the spice rack where they live).

Normie tidying process: that heater should be put away for summer! I mean, I'm not gonna need it

Me: well it's just chilling and also I can't be arsed.

Kondo: that heater has done a good job keeping you warm over winter and now it should get to go have a rest in the cupboard

Me: !! Sabbatical for my heater!! Thank you for your service sir and have a very nice break!


just saw a tiktok or something where the person was saying they did this and they were on a hike and they were like "i managed to get myself to go on this hike because i promised my boots we would go" and its like. OH YEAH. THAT.


me and the five other people that didn’t see the northern lights are throwing a party and you’re not invited btw


wanting to talk to people is so fucking embarrassing. literally hi it's me again I wanted to have a conversation with you because I think you're fun to talk to. oh god you can just fucking kill me if you want sorry


Leftist goyim misunderstanding (often purposefully) the concept of Jews as a "chosen people" in order to further perpetuate their antisemitism is making me want to bang my head against a wall.

For my non Jewish followers;

Jews being the "chosen people" is not a supremacist ideology.

Here's what we believe ourselves to have been chosen for; following extra religious rules/obligations that the rest of the human race doesn't have to.

That's literally it.

there's often a Jewish undertone of "we were dumb enough to agree to all these rules (we still love the rules yes we do) but that is the LAST time we sign an agreement with G-d without debating them." and then we have several law books where we do just that.

Like the whole thing goes that G-d offered this "stellar" bargain to everybody and only the Jews took them up on it. Rabbis today beat the "this is the way for our people but we respect and love all people, this in no way shape or form makes us better just because we have different customs and culture. If we even catch you implying that....we will scream" into us.

I've literally had so many Jews that the second they realize that I converted being like "that's wild...that's insanely wild....do you know-and you signed up after you knew....go you." Lotta love for my people and religion and all, but chosen people is not what goyim thinks it means.

Really, it's that line from Fiddler on the Roof:

I know we're the chosen people, but once in a while, couldn't you choose someone else?

Which Tevye says right after learning about an imminent pogrom

It's projection. In the Christian framework, and especially the USAmerican evangelical nationalist framework, being the "chosen people" means you ARE superior to others and thus legitimate in imposing your way of being on them. It's less pronounced in other branches of Christianity (but still present, especially among fanatics), but it is central to the evangelical way of being. In their eyes, the "chosen people" IS superior, annointed by God to lead and dominate the rest of Humanity until they conform to His Norms, which just so happen to be those of the particular cult the believer belongs to. This marries wonderfully with USAmerican nationalism, btw. And since there are substantially more Evangelicals than Jews, and they have a significantly more powerful impact on the general USAmerican culture and how it impacts the world, well their take on the "chosen people" becomes the assumed default. The fact Jews have a (generally) completely different understanding of "chosen people" and how it interacts with G-d is eclipsed, because noisy USAmerican Christian nationalists are speaking very very loudly.


During my first staff lunch at the library, everyone got pickle spears with their sandwiches. One of the children’s librarians didn’t want hers, so I took it. And then someone else said “I don’t want mine either” and I said “gimme.” I ended up eating the equivalent of three whole pickles that day and every staff lunch after that, everyone saved me their pickles.

I am pickle queen.


What I love about this is that the results are almost 50/50. The pickle takers (of which I am also one) are matched by the pickle givers. A truly balanced social dynamic.


I don't know what that person was interviewing for but I hope they got it, because bullseye.

You actually need HEALTH to "eat healthy". Ill or disabled people are not famously great at preparing three flawlessly nutritionally-curated meals a day. I haven't cooked anything more complicated than rice or an egg in...several years.

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