


Insta art: @oders0y

I am so excited for season 2, my obsession is slowly coming back lol

I’m also done with school work for a while so I can finally start posting on my instagram again

Looking forward to everything <3



“Not all men are like that!”

You’re right.

Gomez Addams would fucking never.


Since you have many xNTPs in your life, can you make some INTP x INFJ headcanons?


I found this hard because there's so much debating to simplify 😂 (Most of these are real btw, not even head canons).


Infj and intp *debate for 2 hours*

Infj: We need to stop, I'm getting a headache!

Intp (spasming): So am I, but we can't stop, we're just getting started, I'm on fire!

Infj: I should walk away...

Intp: Wait, I need to explain it to you!

Infj: I'm walking away (takes a step back)

Intp: We should give free funding to all school students!

Infj (comes back): Now you're just being ridiculous, and let me tell you why! (intp smirks).


Infj *after seeing intp is very good at a skill, creates a careful plan to befriend intp*: Hey, intp, I saw you doing that, and I don't know how to. Can you teach me?

Intp: Sure, it'll take a few weeks though. (infj evil grin)


Infj: What are you talking about? Eugenics is BAD! Did you hear what the nazis did?

Intp (excitedly): Yes, and that was very bad, but I can do it right!


Infj (hands intp paper): Can you sign this saying you pardon me of all crimes so when you become dictator I'll survive? Make sure its personal so it's definitely mine.

Intp: *writes about how much fun they've had together talking*


Intp: I love you, infj

Infj: That seems stupid.

Intp: Well, you're obviously not considering these points... *rants about how wonderful infj is*


Intp and infj *stare at each other with wide eyes every time they pass*

Hours pass

Intp and infj *stare at each other with wide eyes - are we friends? Or have I finally annoyed you?*

Several more hours pass.

Intp and infj *finally stop to talk to each other, exchange pleasantries*

Infj: So anyway, I was thinking about that thing you said, and it's wrong.

Intp *shy smile*: Well you've got to consider... (rant ensues)


Intp (sits down, eyes unusually wide).

Infj: Why are you crying?

Intp (quickly): I'm not crying.

Infj: I can tell you're lying - what's wrong?

Intp (struggles): ..... My cat died.

Infj: Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? (intp nods). Can I do anything to help? (intp shakes head). Can I hug you? (intp nods and cries).


Everyone: Intp is so argumentative, they never shut up, UGH

Infj: Have you tried telling intp to be quiet?

Everyone: OH my goodness, that wouldn't work, they're so pushy, I just KNOW their speech is going to last for hours.

Infj: What? Not a chance!

Intp *gets up the front for a speech*: .......... (whispers)

Everyone: What?

Intp: ........ (whispers) Thank you. *sits back down*

Infj (mutters): Told you.


Infj: Don't forget to be nice. No one will listen to you if you're not nice.

Intp: Of course I'll be nice, but I like to think people will listen to me because I'm right.

Infj: No. People are idiots.

Intp: (surprised)


Infj (crying): My cat died.

Intp: oh no (sad face. Long pause). So... Do you believe in cat heaven?

Infj: No, I'm not an idiot.

Intp: Well, I actually read some interesting articles suggesting cats might go to heaven, and there's certainly enough scientific evidence to suggest there's an afterlife.

Infj sniffs and looks up: do you really think he's in cat heaven?

Intp: ...... (long pause)

I consider it to be scientifically possible, yes.


Infj: Intp, why are you wearing a suit to the footy?

Intp: I don't pay $80 to show up in a hoodie.


Intp (timidly): Infj... Am I... (quietly) annoying?

Infj (shrugs): not to me. I love you (taps intps nose).

Intp (smiles): Yeah? Why?

Infj (pulls an essay out of their notebook): I thought you'd never ask.


Good Omens S2 doesn’t need a plot. I just want to see David Tenant and Michael Sheen being chaotic for as long as possible. 


I wasn’t going to make anything but that doodle related to today’s season 2 announcement but you know what? It needs a wakey comic.



art by @jjulia_28 on instagram


" The distance between us has gotten smaller. It's the first time i've ever gotten this close to someone before.

To be honest, i was terrified of doing away with boarders.

You know... i never knew i had this many faces, that there were so many emotions inside of me. You probably didn't know either. The fear, the anxiety of showing who i am, you made it all disappear .

I wonder if I managed to do anything for you?

I wonder of i managed to make you happy?

You are so much stronger than i could ever imagine and you are so much more fragile And weak, and easy to break that I could ever tell.

It is thanks to you being who you are, that each day is so bright. I didn't really know anyone beside myself , I didn't know all this was out there.

Thanks for shattering my world

Thanks for wanting a future with me

I wonder if.. i wonder if there is anything i can do for you?

I wish i just could take the entire sky and give it to you, wouldn't that be something?

Rather than that, i have a feeling what you'd really love, is a cake topped with lots of whipped cream. "


Identifying INTPs

- seem popular when you first look at them, probably attractive (it’s that pouty lip lifestyle)

- then you realize that they don’t talk to people

- then you realize that when they do talk, they talk really loudly

- then you realize, when they talk to their close friends, they won’t shut up

- except for when they’re silent for three months at a time

- then you get slapped w/ the fact that they’re A NERD (and proud of it)

- OR you never find out they’re a nerd and think everyone else is delusional for treating them like they’re the most intelligent person on the planet when clearly, this person is a big dumbass

- probably waiting for someone to do or say something interesting

- might be surrounded by people but always on the outside of the circle or latched onto one person 

- EYE CONTACT. Hands down, the easiest way to know assuming they have already acknowledged your existence. I personally don’t know what to do with my eyes during a conversation so I don’t really look away. Only look at you if they’re interested. 

- “No, oh wait, maybe…” is their go-to response (a conversation btwn INTPs is like so: “no, for this reason-” “no, you’re wrong because-” “no, because-” “no, I’m correct”)

- often really bored by whatever is happening outside of their head so they either won’t engage or will try to start a game or something

- always known as the funny friend

- easily annoyed, famous for glares, sometimes it’s meant as a joke

- in class, they wait for someone else to answer the teacher’s questions first before deciding they’ll take initiative when no one else does  — > applies to most things

- cuddly but in a particular way, likely want to be the one to initiate all forms of bodily contact once they’re close to you

- might not even like cats but 100% of people will read them as a cat-person

- intelligent but forgets a lot of shit because they just don’t care enough or haven’t had to remember that piece of knowledge in 3 yrs. 

- when they’re passionate, they’re all in, the edge of the multiverse is the limit / when they’re not, they’re gonna sleep for the next 100 yrs. and will growl at you if you wake them

- may wake up early but won’t do anything until 7:00PM-4:00 AM because it’s peak performance hour

- great at finding other people’s stuff, great at losing their own

- respond to your questions like a CIA agent, you’re on a need to know basis 

- but also will randomly spill all their secrets at 3 AM

- when someone says they’re friends w/ them they respond either like 1) “we’re friends?” *confusion* or 2) “we’ve been in love since we met” 

- their good friends know who their crush is before they know

- text you immediately but often forget you exist if you don’t constantly remind them (it’s okay, they forget they exist)

- love you lots but are also trying not to be too attached

- kinda nice but also analyzing your every move and storing it in their mental bank 

- they will remember really specific things about you and will either use this to tell when you’re lying or to get you great birthday presents

- don’t trust you but supposedly they should give people the benefit of the doubt

- if you insult them, they will look at you blankly because they’re trying to figure out if you meant that as an insult, if they care about you, and if they care at all

- competitive but unmotivated at the same time

- play hard, play hard some more, continue to play, work non-stop for 22 hrs.  until something is perfect, never work again

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