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Hello I am nonbinary!

Hello potatoes!

(Yes you are a potato now, live with it)

I am Mil or The Potato, I use they/them pronouns, and are just here too vibe.

I'm gonna upload my drawings, and other fun stuff.

Yes, this is a good post to make, I know what I'm doing.

I hope you have a good night/day/noon/evening/life.

-Mil the potato

(Feel free to send me asks and drawing ideas. Just know I might not do them)

Side blogs I have:

@random-potato-mil-is-a-fan where I reblog abeslout anything I like of any media

@potatomakesart where I only post or reblog art I make


Life is a joke rn.

Have been forced to read a bunch of "romantic stories" (lots of rape and sexual assault and all terrible) for class.

And then when we are finally done and I think I might have a break from all that, my teacher decides we should do some "how do you use this in the real world" practice.

So we should learn how to subtly flirt.

I'm aroace.

School is a joke

I think this teacher urgently needs therapy. With a hammer.

Think she needs to learn what aromantic and asexual is. Tired of this "human experience", excuses she gives.

(I have asked if we cam have something not about romance soon becaouse I am so tired and kinda disgusted)

Also what kind of school teaches flirting? I can't be the only one finding that weird.

Thank you @random-potato-mil and everyone who got me to 250 reblogs!

I have reached fame but at what cost?


Life is a joke rn.

Have been forced to read a bunch of "romantic stories" (lots of rape and sexual assault and all terrible) for class.

And then when we are finally done and I think I might have a break from all that, my teacher decides we should do some "how do you use this in the real world" practice.

So we should learn how to subtly flirt.

I'm aroace.

School is a joke

I think this teacher urgently needs therapy. With a hammer.

Think she needs to learn what aromantic and asexual is. Tired of this "human experience", excuses she gives.

(I have asked if we cam have something not about romance soon becaouse I am so tired and kinda disgusted)

Also what kind of school teaches flirting? I can't be the only one finding that weird.


Life is a joke rn.

Have been forced to read a bunch of "romantic stories" (lots of rape and sexual assault and all terrible) for class.

And then when we are finally done and I think I might have a break from all that, my teacher decides we should do some "how do you use this in the real world" practice.

So we should learn how to subtly flirt.

I'm aroace.

School is a joke

I think this teacher urgently needs therapy. With a hammer.

Think she needs to learn what aromantic and asexual is. Tired of this "human experience", excuses she gives.

(I have asked if we cam have something not about romance soon becaouse I am so tired and kinda disgusted)


Life is a joke rn.

Have been forced to read a bunch of "romantic stories" (lots of rape and sexual assault and all terrible) for class.

And then when we are finally done and I think I might have a break from all that, my teacher decides we should do some "how do you use this in the real world" practice.

So we should learn how to subtly flirt.

I'm aroace.

School is a joke

"Kids, today instead of learning practical real life techniques, we're gonna read things you shouldn't be reading and learn how to flirt!"

I feel you man... Gl


I am so tired of all the analyzing becaouse apperantly it is ALL about romance and sex. The comments from my teacher about "but it is the human experience".


Just no


Life is a joke rn.

Have been forced to read a bunch of "romantic stories" (lots of rape and sexual assault and all terrible) for class.

And then when we are finally done and I think I might have a break from all that, my teacher decides we should do some "how do you use this in the real world" practice.

So we should learn how to subtly flirt.

I'm aroace.

School is a joke


Y’all, my little nephew, who’s nickname is “Cabbage,” wanted a “punk jacket,” like Uncle Kade’s. (EMPHASIS ON LITTLE, be nice)

So, I asked him what kind of patches he wanted on it, and this is what we came up with. Just need to sew the patches down and line the vest. I can’t wait to finish it and send it to him.

oh yea no this fucking rocks i hope your little nephew loves this so much


The problem is so many men think misogyny is a conscious choice of “I hate her because she’s a woman” like no

Misogyny is how you always have an excuse not to believe a woman

Misogyny is “I really don’t like her but I don’t know why”

Misogyny is how you always manage to take a man’s side

Misogyny is never listening to women

Misogyny is automatically feeling the need to test every woman to see if she’s really as smart as she says she is

Misogyny is coming down harsher on women for doing things you don't like or having views you disagree with than men.


if i had seen the transition from sepia to color in wizard of oz in 1939 i would have lost my shit i would've started screaming in the theater

Okay no but like, I am still SO ENAMORED by this transition y’all, ‘cause when Dorothy opens the door of the house onto the colors of Oz, the inside of the house is still sepia toned. And they did that by literally making the interior and the costume and everything SEPIA TONED. You had a double for Judy Garland in a specifically-created sepia-toned dress, in a sepia-toned set, opening the door, backing out of frame, and then the Dorothy that steps back into frame is Judy Garland in her full color costume and makeup, stepping out into the color set.

It’s just

Y’all it’s such a GREAT EFFECT, and this was before computer effects and green screen, it was all practical and yeah it feels like nothing now, but at the time, man, not only was technicolor new, but I’m pretty sure no other movie had done a transition out of b/w or sepia into color, and even knowing it was a technicolor film, that must have just been fucking wild to see! It still is wild to see!! It’s so good.

The technique of switching between double and main actor without an edit is called a Texas Switch and it's still used today, it's very neat to have something so simple yet tricky persist pretty much just because it genuinely looks better to do it with timing than with editing.


there aren’t enough posts going around about the swedish cryptid known as the skvader which is a rabbit with pheasant wings and also a very good boy.

like this one dude just made a fake taxidermy and spread it around as a hoax for a good ass while and it lead to this really cool fantasy creature and i am genuinely dissapointed that it never gets used in anything


Rabbirds, by the amazing @tkingfisher/Ursula Vernon (source).  


The lack of skvaders is particularly frustrating when you realize it forms the third point of a wonderful cryptid trifecta.

You got the jackalopes, which are rabbits with antlers.

And you got the wolpertingers, which are rabbits with antlers and wings.

And then… what? Do you escalate? That’s unbalanced, those two rabbit cryptids don’t have the same number of extra things, the wolpertinger is clearly the jackalope But More.

BUT with the skvader on the other side, balance is restored. Antler rabbit, winged rabbit, winged antler rabbit. It’s a classic Venn diagram of imaginary lapine beasts, and it’s only complete if you acknowledge the fucking skvader.

Good thing Ursula’s got our back, at least.

This is a really excellent point and I applaud your advancements in Cryptid Theory.

Gentleman, if I might add:


you will live and you will say the wrong things and make mistakes and people will love you anyways.

i made this post because i've got so many friends that think saying something wrong in a conversation is the end of the world. it isn't. you'll be okay. you don't have to be embarrassed about every little thing. you are alive and doing things and speaking to people. you will make mistakes and you will live.


My animation of a flour sack. Words can’t express how proud I am of these 11 seconds.

I’m so delighted people are enjoying this so much. It was one of my very first animations in freshmen year, after bouncing balls. I was so excited that I just poured time and love into this little guy, and I’m so happy a lot of people like the tiny story I told.

This is SO cute

The little feet wiggle!!

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