
“↡That’s Gay↡”


Welcome! I’m Roman (They/Them) and I make fan fiction, art, incorrect quotes and just random thoughts that come to my brain!
Honestly I’m probably some sort of insane.
~|SafePlace For All Ships|~
~|Even RemRom|~

If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog! ♥


I love art. Reading my jam, and I'm big animal lover. 😊


I love weird-ass fusions of canon and fanon, I love elevator and hotel and hospital smells, don't ask why, and I tend to be a dick to people

I like cheese to much, I hate the sound of tapping and I’m coming out as non-binary! Surprise!


Some Sandersides FTM incorrect quotes because I myself, am a FTM idevidual.

How they would react to being asked what’s in their pants.

Janus: Danger, death and destruction. So my big Ds.

Roman: My perfectly mainicured S W O R D!

Remus: *Leans in uncomfortably close* Cathulu~

Virgil: Not my will to live, I know that.

Logan: Pōwehi.

Patton:*Slowly pulls a cookie out of pants.* Storage-


💐🌷🌹🌺♥️SEND THIS TO TEN OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL. KEEP THE GAME GOING! ♥️🌺🌹🌷💐 Only if you want to, I just wanted to make you smile!

OMG AHHHHHHHHHH- 🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️

Ew / nonono / maybe / ship it /aww / otp / MY HEaRt-

Omfg ever single rp and thing I’ve seen about this ship makes my heart clench, like the FEELS trip I get from this ship omg.

I mean just imagine, Romulus was planning on marrying Janus. Even had a ring. But then the split happened and neither Remus or Roman remember the would be marriage. And Janus finds out after someone comes up to him and gives him the ring and note. And-



send me a ship:

ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART

You should like, totally do this I’m bored-

Send me sander sides ships.


danny fenton: -wears a shirt to the water park -accidentally uses the womens restroom -“i would tell you to use the mens room but i dont think you qualify” -chest occasionally bulges in his ghost suit -is a trans boy

reblog this make cis people mad that im “ruining their childhood”


stable clone of him was a younger girl named danni

  • the series is literally about him keeping his identity a secret from his parents, believing that if they found out they’d stop loving him as their child and even kill him.
  • said identity is only known by his closest friends and others in the “community”.
  • After his college-age sister accidentally walks in on him altering his appearance and thereby learns his identity, she becomes clumsily obsessed with protecting him and being an ally.
  • Sam was able to disguise herself as him effortlessly.

👏🏼Danny 👏🏼 fenton 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 trans 👏🏼

Omg. Yes!

Omg yes

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