
Tack’s And Friends


Buy me fried pickle chips and let me sleep
Jack: I'm Shitty Knight's emergency contact.
Campus Security: So you're here to pick him up?
Jack: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.

Saw this on Pinterest and didn’t want to risk it especially now that’s my grandpa’s in the hospital


I’m giving it a shot, it appeared in my feed at random, I need some financial help.


how to design a family where each member looks unique yet still similar enough to be related

how to not

and if anyone wants to complain because “ITS A DIFFERENT KIND OF ANIMATION!!!”

don’t wanna talk pixar?


  Ok but these three all look the same so what now

they are. triplets. they are. identical.




What I Read This Week


(Sorry for the late posting!) I read some amazing fics this week, and I can’t wait to share them with you!

Open At The Touch by kiaronna, Teen, 6.5k Maybe Nishigori got ahold of a lock of Viktor’s hair, and some Polyjuice potion. Maybe it’s all an elaborate prank. With this as his only reasonable explanation, he steps forward, snags Viktor by his robes and tugs him in. There has to be an explanation, mystical and magical or medical, for the best Seeker in the Quidditch world showing up at his door; something besides his portrait, which won’t stop talking to Yuuri anyway.

I LOOOOOOOVED this HP AU! So cute and funny, and also angsty??? One of my favourite HP AUs yet!

The Roommate Trap by impolitecanadian, Mature, 2k (WIP) Victor doesn’t believe in marriage. So when Chris, his best friend and roommate of 6 years, tells him he’s going to have to move out so he can get married, Victor is reasonably upset. Good thing Victor’s upstairs neighbour is looking for a roommate and maybe a little (okay, a lot) more.

I saw this recommended to me on fan rec friday’s and I thought I would give it a shot! Already entertaining so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next! I also love how it’s set in Canada, that’s pretty cool haha!

28 Tuxes by vodkawrites, Teen, 32k While planning his 28th wedding, Yuuri begins to wonder if he can ever find love for himself.

I. AM. SOBBING. I LOVED THIS FIC SO MUCH!! The ending had me shook, laughing, crying, screaming!! I loved it!

What Now? by shereadsthestars, Mature, 15k (WIP) Viktor Nikiforov, Niki to his closest friends- well, closest friend, singular, prefers to keep his nose clean.He’s not the type to hold a strong presence in the room, or even dominate the conversation. He’s quiet, and mindful. And would really just like to finish out the rest of his college career in peace. So it’s no question that his unwavering, slightly over-the-top infatuation with one Yuuri Katsuki is a bit of a problem.

So you all know I’m the biggest fan of college/university AUs, so I had to read this when I saw it on FRF! I love how it’s a reverse AU, I am so obsessed with shy/studious Victor!! (The long hair is also a big bonus haha) Thumbs up!

Much To Do About Everything by DiAnna44, Teen, 5.4k (WIP) Victor and Yuuri don’t like each other. Which is, of course, perfectly acceptable. Except they never shut up about it, and Phichit and Chris, who are both tired of hearing about it and tasked with the duty of being the wonderful best friends that they are, decide to finally do something about it. Starfleet Academy/Star Trek AU.

GIVE ME ALL THE STAR TREK AUs!!! I love this fic already, the rivals aspect is giving me LIFE! I cannot wait to see where the story goes!

Jackpot by Ashida, Explicit, 5.6k ”Did you think you could get away with it again, Yuuri? Or are you getting greedy?“ Victor drawled low, taunting, trying to bring that person he knew out so they could keep playing.There was no point in Katsuki Yuuri denying it though, they’d played this game for years now. "Maybe I just wanted your attention?” Yuuri looked up and smirked something mischievous, something sinister. That guise melted into the wicked thing that Yuuri was, and Victor knew he was the one who’d been caught.

*fans self* Oh my lord this is SUCH a good one-shot! Gambler extraordinaire!Yuuri??? Married to a rich casino owner Victor??? This. Is. Everything.

the rough with the smooth by sixpences, Explicit, 5.9k Yuuri grows a beard. Victor loses his mind. So does the internet.

So this is the second beard fic I’ve read and I am obsessed!!!!!!!!! Seriously obsessed. I didn’t know I needed Yuuri with facial hair until now. How did I live my life before this?

You were too much (then all at once you were just enough) by BoredMoose, Teen, 8.3k You Barged Into My Dorm Room At 4 AM Drunk Off Your Ass And Begged Me To Sleep On The Floor Because You Couldn’t Remember Where Is Your Room!AU 

This was such a fun and entertaining fic! Light and easy read, you have to check this out!

Falling For Your Charms by Reiya, Teen, 12k (WIP) Professor Katsuki’s crush on Professor Nikiforov is supposed to be a great secret. So naturally, the whole school knows.

I was really feeling the Harry Potter AUs this week, apparently, and I’m so glad I was! This is SUCH an amazing fic by one of my favourite authors, and made me fall in love with this AU all over again. Must read!

‘cause i know you’re worth it by missmichellebelle, Gen, 2.3k Victor has imagined this moment a million times. He never imagined it being so very spectacularly terrifying.

The sequel/part 2 of the post-it note office AU that everyone fell in love with! This was so cute and a lil angsty! It wrapped up very nice and sweet, though. Love!

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Here’s to another week of great fic reading! Be sure to give the authors some love!


Some Viktuuri!

Since I don’t have much time these days to draw (maybe I do but I get home reaaallly tired everyday), I wanted to self indulge myself a little. Also, doing some JaeheeMC and a request for JuminMC3 thanks to an anon..


people who can graciously hide that they don’t like people are so terrifying. last year while working on tech for a play i asked my friend how he became friends with another guy on the crew and he got quiet, looked straight into my soul and said “he’s not my friend. i fucking hate him.” i lost 5 years of my life

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