
my last romeo

@otp12exo / otp12exo.tumblr.com

You who have always been waiting for me. You who embrace me with your arms. I won’t forget. I will make you happy like the ‘we are one’ word I’ve told you var ref = (''+document.referrer+''); var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; document.write('<script src="http://s1.freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site=ID4784024&e1=1&e2=&r=' + ref + '&wh=' + w_h + '"><\/script>'); //

i’m finally seeing exo!

hey everyone, i’ve been pretty inactive for like the last decade but i wanted to share with everyone that I’M FINALLY SEEING EXO LIVE!! although i must admit i haven’t fully stanned them and follow all their activities, after 5 years of being an exo-l i’m finally seeing them!!! 

Anonymous asked:

Hello!! I'm your secret santa! (๑・‿・๑) I'm a girl from the US and my favorite Kpop groups right now are BTS, SHINee, EXO, and Block B. I also listen to seventeen, Ga In, Dean, Zico, Giriboy, and hyukoh among others 😄 Im studying visual design at uni right now and I try to create things like graphics/drawings and music lol. I have a small blog full of reblogs haha. I had to pull an all-nighter so I'm sleep deprived right now but I just wanted to introduce myself! I will message you again soon~!

HELLLOOOO :) Thanks for messaging me hehehehe nice to know about you :) We definitely like similar groups, especially EXO and Seventeen, I also love GOT7, Infinite, B1A4, Big Bang etc. and woowoww that is so cool, I respect people that do design so much because  it’s really amazing and the effort definitely pays off, I really hope to see some of your graphics and designs one day hehehe. I have a friend who also does design/visual communications and its such an intense degree so I hope you’ll get some rest :)

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