
@the-dankfarrik / the-dankfarrik.tumblr.com

personal blog. Here for a good time. Have fun poking around. Might make a master list soon. Early-20s currently into yakuza and Elden ring

in my head the star wars equivalent of tswift is some human woman named tayā€™lor spiff or something and her stans are losing their minds over theories that sheā€™s secretly a jedi singing about the horrors of war, even though sheā€™s from a neutral system that hasnā€™t seen so much as a moral panic in 50 years

the theories get even more egregious during the imperial era, with people straight up thinking she joined the rebellion in secret and is loading her songs with subliminal rebel propaganda. their main piece of evidence for this is if you play a certain song backwards, it sounds like sheā€™s saying ā€œfreedomā€ in shyriiwook. the fans get really defensive if you point out sheā€™s performed at the yearly empire day celebration thrice now and her family historically owned ewok slaves

i regret to inform both you beautiful people that this isnā€™t going to go how you think it will

spiff fans (also known as ā€œspiffiesā€) insist that the two decommissioned venator-class destroyers spiff purchased, the bad blood and the reputation, are for diplomatic purposes that benefit the rebellion. jediā€™lors have concocted theories that she served on both ships during the clone wars and was respectful of every clone that served there, despite her courtship of a gravball player that thrice advocated against the clone veterans being granted natural citizenship


look i know the violence we saw from mine in y3 was largely caused by him losing daigo but i think it's way way funnier to imagine him doing regular tojo stuff with his beloved chairman and also being just an unfathomable and kind of unstable person only moments away from doing something drastic. like one good morning from rokudaime = one reset to mine's orphan-bulldozing doomsday clock


This is Thelockpickinglaywer and what I have for you today is something very interesting. As you can tell by the agonizing screams of the damned, I have recently left the mortal coil and, upon arriving at my destination, was informed that I did not qualify for residence. I was taken by an angel of the Lord to the mouth of Hell, and when the angel left, he closed this rather large red door and sealed it with a divine key. Although Iā€™ve never seen this particular model of lock before, Iā€™ve spent some time investigating the cylinder with this small shard of bone. By sticking it in the back of the keyway and slowly pulling it out, I can tell that this is a five-pin tumbler lock, that can easily be single-pin picked using this shed demon scale as a tensioner tool. Letā€™s try that right now. Alright, nothing on one. Nothing on two. Three is binding firmly, click out of that. Nothing on four. Five is binding, little click there, back to one. Once again, nothing. Two is binding, and weā€™ve dropped into a false set. Little click out of three. Nothing on four. Little click on one, counter-rotation on two, and we got this open. Okay folks, I think the main takeaway here is that no matter how much faith you place in a mechanism designed to ensure your safety, be it spiritual or physical, there is always a state in which it can fail. In any case, thank you for watching. Memento mori, and Iā€™ll see you next time.


I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook

I donā€™t even care if itā€™s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDNā€™T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldnā€™t fix them food or they couldnā€™t go out to eat.Ā 

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