
what happens, happens and then we’re gone.

@fourthapprentice / fourthapprentice.tumblr.com

fern | they/fae/bug/it | 25
genderqueer lesbian | autistic

hi i'm fern ( they / fae/ bug / it ) ! : D

i'm 25 and i’m a self-taught illustrator and granitic designer! my biggest interests are drawing, animal sim games, critters, indie games, psychology & sociology, and animated media! my personal post tag is #go away fern and i try to tag all my vent posts with #negative in case people don't want that on their feeds

you can find my art acc over at @indesomniac -- i try to post there sometimes but i'm most active on instagram @/indesomniacs !

please don’t follow me if you’re a TERF / racist / transphobe / homophobe / NFT-bro / neoliberal / you support incest/pedophilia/“pro-paraphilia*” / “anti-anti” / “anti-recovery” / etc ; i find you personally exhausting and not conductive to my own recovery


This is like literally just Delusional. This is beyond Hilary Clinton’s fuck up campaign in strategy, like. I can’t even begin to fully articulate how delusional this is.


Do you actually care about transmascs or do you just like slapping top scars on fictional twinks and talking about boy pussy

Do you actually care about transfems or do you just like talking about girl cock and throwing around performative 'yass queen's and call people 'mommy' on their transition timelines

Do you actually care about nonbinary people or do you just like talking about 'they/them pussy' and drawing skinny white fem-leaning androgynous people and calling them 'nonbinary'

Before this gets much farther: this isn't a post aimed at cis folk only. being transgender does not prevent you from being transphobic.

people reblogging without this last addition are cowards btw


everyone has to stop making posts like "the world's loneliest ant has died in secret" its making me sad


the worlds happiest ant has found large strawberry crumb


here's another ant-mimicking jumping spider that I encountered in Singapore: Myrmaplata plataleoides, the weaver ant mimic.

while females look a great deal like their ant models, males (like this one) have massive, exaggerated fangs used in territorial and mating displays, which complicate the disguise. however, ants routinely carry their dead away from the nest, so it's thought that a male M. plataleoides mimics a worker holding another ant—his jaws even have false "eyes" on the ends!

his mimicry was clearly good enough to fool the ants; none of them seemed to take notice even as he repeatedly doubled back to guard his territory instead of heading further up the tree. although mimicry like this is often sensationalized as something insidious or spooky, Myrmaplata has no intention to eat the ants. rather, the spider hides among them for protection: weavers won't eat nestmates, and other predators know that weaver ants bite, spray acid, and attack in hordes. running with the ants might be risky, but he's always alert, watching their every move with his big eyes. what a life that must be, always living on the margins of a colony of hunters that would devour him, yet also keep him alive without ever knowing it

here's some extra info about this species!

the male in this video doesn't actually have venom ducts in those huge chelicerae, and can't subdue his prey with venom like a female would. instead, he's got to just skewer things alive and work with that—that's sexual selection for ya (cited in below)

also, some jumping spiders do eat ants, which means Myrmaplata here might be at risk. to get around this, when they recognize they're being stalked by another spider, Myrmaplata stretch their legs and display in a way no ant ever would, essentially saying "Hey, I'm a spider too!"

this is such a wonderful bit of evolutionary storytelling. sexual selection for huge venomless jaws, mimicry, even "compound" mimicry of an ant carrying her sister's corpse, and a way to drop the disguise when threatened... I wish I could be a Myrmaplata for a while, the things that these creatures must think about!


Pictures like this are so important! I wish I would have seen more of this when I was younger. I’d have been more receptive to my body’s need for mobility aids if I had seen it in a positive light like this.


Weaponized incompetence my ass just weaponize it back. Once my dad tries to pull the “but I don’t know how to clean the counters as well as you” on my mom and she said “ok honey I’ll show you” and she made him stand in the kitchen and watch her clean the counters. Then she pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup and proceeded to spray the entire kitchen in chocolate, hand him the sponge and said “okay now it’s your turn”


Weaponized Pettiness is an appropriate response to Weaponized Incompetence.


like black people are present in every single fucking genre and scene and popularized and straight up created several but people are so fucking hell bent on finding every possible excuse to not engage with their music because its easier than trying to confront their own racism. like okay well if its truly just a disinterest in most rap music then surely you listen to black artists in other genres right? who am i fucking kidding. of course you dont.

anyways. you will listen.

this was initially just gonna be me force feeding all of you like black alt music but actually here. music from black artists with vibes all across the spectrum because what a fucking shocker black talent exists everywhere and if youre gonna be pulling the bullshit excuse of truly just not liking rap you need to learn to shut your fucking mouth and go back to tswift or broaden your fucking horizons.


a couple more

actually yeah everyone PLEASE feel free to drop some of your favourite black artists (whether thats solo artists, groups, duos, etc.) in the reblogs or replies, share 🤲



(special interest is a punk band with multiple members but their singer is black)

*Cracks knuckles in goth*


a playlist i've been adding to for a few years of black music -- specifically one shifting focus away from men, who are only present as features

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