
Beelieve in Yourself

@whimsicalbumblebee / whimsicalbumblebee.tumblr.com

Hi! I love you all so much! You can call me Bee! They/Them 24


This will be updated overtime but here here is the Masterpost for everything related to the AU!

I don't write it in order but I will probably try to make it as cohesive as possible!

General gist of the Story (Intro post to the AU)

The Characters + Designs:


The Accident:

The Accident and aftermath (+ art of The Accident)

Basil's reaction (also general comments + Mari and Sunny's beta designs)

Post Accident Adventure:


yknow i'd always had a headcanon that sora was a lot more proficient with magic than riku, but playing Re:CoM really solidified that for me with the difference between their playstyles.

when you play as sora, you have this massive variety of different sleights and spells and summons you can use, which from an in-world perspective, could read as him just... modifying the spells for his own use. I think it would be super funny if he talks to like. Aqua for example and she's like "wait how did you do that. thats not supposed to happen, that's not how magic works-?" but anyway! the point is that Sora's gameplay has a lot of variety and magic woven into it

whereas with riku, not only can he not edit his deck, but almost all of his sleights are locked behind Darkness-Murder Mode™️. So a lot of Riku's gameplay is just "hit things until they die" (also i feel like there's something to be said about the difference between Holy Spiral and Inverse Spiral, which are basically the same attack except HS is when Riku's not in Dark Mode and IS is when he is, something about HS lasting much less time than IS because riku's light magic isn't as powerful perhaps?)

ANYWAYS. i just think it's neat :)


no multi option, agonize and choose, no results option, pick one to find out or scroll onward

the number of y'all in the notes mentioning how good the choices are/how hard it is to choose got me preening like "i am going to get a good grade in neurodivergent/disabled, a thing that is both normal to want and possible to achieve 😌"


people misunderstand what ‘gifted kid’ actually means but it’s ok it’s fine it’s cool it’s good

it’s not about actually being gifted, it’s about an initial higher scoring on standardized testing that means little to nothing or being good at learning in the way elementary and middle school wants you to, so you get marked as ‘advanced’. in reality, maybe you had faster development in certain areas, but the issue with being a gifted kid isn’t that “everyone told me I was so cool and special for reading and then I actually wasn’t :(” it’s “I wasn’t properly taught to handle things not coming easily to me, but the adults around me were counting on me not being a ‘difficult’ child in school.”

people who use it as some weird bragging method or interpret it that way are ignoring the way a lot of school systems force certain roles on students to simplify the learning process. If your kid doesn’t need to take notes to understand a science concept bc they get it naturally, well that’s good, but now you’re not teaching them how to take notes and they’re not learning that important soft skill. but because ‘gifted’ kids are easy and don’t show that they’re falling behind in learning in other categories that are harder to quantify, they eventually fall behind after that catches up to them. It’s about the failures of a one size fits all school system trying to compensate in the worst way possible.

And also the thing where ‘gifted’ kids are super likely to also be neuroatypical, which they don’t get screened for because they appear to be doing well in school. Or “You can’t be ADHD/autistic/etc, because you’re doing so well in school!”. Or being shamed for developing mental health issues/generally not being able to keep up with school work later, because you USED TO BE able to do it just fine.

Or the assumption that just because you can read well or you like math class, you’re somehow more EMOTIONALLY mature than your little kid brain is actually capable of being.

Or gifted kids whose parents and teachers put immense pressure on them to Do Great Things and Save The World and you’re like. “I’m 10 and I have no idea how to do that, but everyone is saying that’s my job?”.


This is the best “gifted kid” post out there. I never took notes until college because I didn’t have to, snd when it got challenging I had to literally teach myself note taking at age 18. It also fucks with your perception of asking for help - you’re advanced, you’re competent, you should be able to understand every topic easily. Asking for help/going to office hours/asking for a tutor feels like failing when you were praised in your early years for not needing to do that.

oh so I got in for literally a day because I’d figured out that they were giving us literally the same test over and over again! got it!


This is for all the very straight hommies, those very not romantic relationships in Square Enix’s games, where one sacrificed years of his life looking for his “““best friend”””, while the other was sacrificing his safety and sanity protecting him from all harm from the shadows


“he would not fucking say that!” then put him in a situation that makes him say it, we wanna see him squirm

It's good old fashioned characterization practice when confronted with "he would not fucking say that" to go "under what circumstances WOULD he say that?" And then go "and how would he get into those circumstances?" And boom. You have a MUCH more solid character.

It's also a fun magic trick as a writer to write a guy so well you get people foaming at the mouth on the comments going "HE WOULD NOT SAY THAT BUT HE *DOES* AND IT *MAKES SENSE* FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!"


you know i used to think it was weird how sora and roxas have such different personalities for supposedly being 'the same person' but after playing a few games i sort of realized that they do have similar personalities, because roxas acts how sora does when he's under extreme stress.

compare roxas to sora in, say, kh1. that's where a lot of peoples idea of sora's personality comes from. sora is generally very upbeat and optimistic in that game. not very similar to roxas, right?

but let's switch the game and talk about a game where sora is ABSOLUTELY GOING THROUGH IT. chain of memories.

sora's resting state is melancholy in com. he only ever cheers up in short bursts, usually when he's joking around with friends. just like roxas.

he's quick to anger, and tends to lash out at the organization members. best example of this is when larxene makes him 'remember' namine, and he swings at her repeatedly, even after she's gone. he only stops when jiminy is able to snap him out of it.

you know what scene that resembles?

sora, while a bit more on the angry side and less sad, continues to act like this in kh2 when he's in stressful situations. (he also has a tendancy to insult people which, while it's not very related to the point, is very funny and sora saying 'gonna cry?' to xigbar is great.) i cant comment any further than that about kh2 off the top of my head.

so, roxas acts like sora does when he's stressed, right? but why is roxas always acting like that? to which i say, he isnt!

he only ever acts like that when he's also in fucked up and stressful situations, which happens to be a CONSTANT in his life. but when he's hanging out with axel and xion, a decidedly NOT stressful situation, he's a lot more like sora. he's teasing his friends and insulting his coworkers and joking around and acting like a normal kid. not really important, but unless i misremembered some sora lines which is VERY possible, both roxas and sora respond to friendly insults with "oh thanks!" a lot. just a funny little detail that felt relevant.

the biggest differences between roxas and sora boil down to environment and... i dont know how to put it besides volume? roxas is very quiet and tends to keep most of his thoughts to himself, while sora is very loud and expressive in comparison.

there is one other huge difference i noticed, which is less character based and more story. sora wanted to get off destiny islands and explore with his friends, but roxas just wanted routine. sora wants adventure, and roxas wants things to stay the same, for days where he gets off work and eats ice cream with his friends to last forever, to keep having conversations about nothing and watching the sunset. roxas wants normalcy, sora wants excitement. it's just interesting seeing their contrast.

not sure if this is very well said or anything i just wanted to talk about my boys


andrômeda: a slide-out menu theme.

preview + install (theme garden) | preview (static) // code


  • support for npf posts. [new]
  • custom font and font size.
  • right sidebar option.
  • three custom post sizes: 450px, 500px and 540px. [new]
  • custom sidebar description.
  • personal information space.
  • slide-out menu with up to six custom links + unlimited pages.
  • responsive.


  • you can use any font from google fonts. just enter the site, copy the name of the font you want and paste in the appropriate field.
  • if you don’t want to show the links, leave the titles fields empty; same to personal information fields.

full credits here

the update has been released. you can install it either through pastebin or through the theme garden. the code has been updated on github too


artificial light; preview  — code

simple theme designed for a clean, contemporary aesthetic.


  • minimal sidebar with title and (optional + concealable) description and a search bar
  • up to five links
  • customizable post widths
  • custom font sizes
  • lots of color options!
  • dark mode (which responds to browser settings)
  • semi-responsive layout for mobile use
  • (optional) infinite scroll
  • jump to top button

full credits in the code! please like or reblog if you plan on using!

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